Daily Inspiration: March 27. Merging into Oneness – Condensed Version

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James reading with commentary
Inspiring Audio Message to Help People in their Awakening Process


Unconscious as it may be, you have made a spiritual commitment to everyone you are now in contact with, and they have to you. You have chosen to work together in order to help each other let go of the ego’s false concepts of judgment, fear and separation, and merge back into Oneness. It is aligned with and sharing the loving energy of Oneness where we all belong. Therefore, when interacting with others, do not see their true interests as apart from yours. Being all One, the honest expression and example of your divine, loving nature will help awaken them to theirs. What else but gratitude would you have for people who are part of a process that is helping you recall and awaken to your divine nature, to Oneness?

Today, let us practice consciously choosing and aligning with the truth in us, our Oneness. God is All, and thus we are a part of that All. God is Love, and thus only the love in us is true. The more we practice choosing Oneness, the more natural and normal it will be for love to become our foundation. As we make love our foundation by choosing its expressions, the judgment-centric, fear-based symbols of the ego’s mindset begin to dissipate and dissolve away. We represent Oneness, God on Earth, when we choose love over fear, forgiveness over judgment, compassion over condemnation, hope over hopelessness, and trust in the Divine over the ego’s worries and anxieties. Love, forgiveness, compassion, hope and trust are all natural expressions of Oneness, of our eternal essence and nature. When we choose them, we unite with the mind of God, and by doing so, help lead others back into alignment with the truth in them, the truth in all of us.

May your day be filled with Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: March 27, Condensed Version: Merging into Oneness


Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.    daily inspiration video Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.     James reading with commentary


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Comments (2)

Thanks for the reminder. Perfect timing!!

Thank you Sandra for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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