Daily Inspiration: May 31. Freeing Ourselves From The Burden of Judgment – Condensed Version

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Your soul has asked for help in creating a less judgmental experience and world, regardless of how conscious you are about it. Thus you have brought into your life individuals, situations and opportunities that, through your acts of forgiveness, are here to teach you freedom from the burden of judgment. Yes — every time your ego tries to convince you to judge yourself or others, what is really happening is that the Universe is bringing into your life opportunities to free yourself from a mindset that chains you to the ego’s world. It accomplishes this by manifesting your thoughts and feelings into physical forms. This way, it becomes easier for you to see the false concepts that are hidden within you that are separating you from the states of peace and joy.

Today, if the ego demands that we judge ourself or others, let us recall that we have free will, and then confidently and calmly refuse the ego’s demands. Now, knowing that the ego’s judgment-centered roads do not lead us to the states of peace and joy, let us look for a wiser and more loving Advisor. Whereas the ego’s judgment-centered programs lead us to confusion and chaos, God’s loving expression of forgiveness leads us to clarity and peace. Aligned with Love, we can now thank the ego for being a part of a sacred process that returns our awareness to the Divine. Aligned with Love, we can forgive all those who we were once programmed by the ego to judge. Now, we can see them as a sacred part of our awakening process. Now, our past judgments of them can turn to gratitude, which cultivates a state of peace and joy.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: May 31. Freeing Ourselves From The Burden of Judgment – Condensed Version.


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Comments (2)

Thank you. I really needed to read this today. Opportunities for forgiveness and to practice non-judgement r everywhere. I need help in understanding that others journey r as sacred to them as mine is to me. Peace.

Thank you Sandra for being open to the message.

Let us no longer judge ourselves for being judgmental, instead let us thank the Universe, for bringing into our awareness, the opportunities to practice forgiveness, release judgment, and thus to achieve a more conscious and continuous peaceful and compassionate nature. Then let us thank our brothers and sisters for bringing to us such opportunities for growth, healing and awakening, into our experience.

Peace. JBC

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