Daily Inspiration: November 18. The End of War Begins Within Us – Condensed Version

We have been programmed by the ego to believe that we are separate from other people. The belief in this false concept is one of the reasons that war and other human conflicts are possible. According to the ego, if we are separate from other people, then what we do to them will not affect us. Yet how many times have we become angry, judged and condemned another without encountering the lingering stench of guilt and regret? How many times have we convicted people as guilty and yet found ourself imprisoned within our own negative thinking? How many times have we attacked another, be it through thoughts, words or actions, and not felt the heavy burden of the consequences of our deeds? Everything we offer another must first flow through us. We heal or poison ourself with every thought we think, word we share and action we take.

Peace is an expression of the Love that created us. It is our true essence and nature. Any thought or emotion that tries to place itself in opposition to peace is a seed of conflict. Some seeds of conflict are judgment, frustration, anger, anxiousness, fear, resentment, hate, guilt, shame and revenge. When we attack another, be it through thoughts, words or actions, being all One, we are attacking ourself. We cannot attack ourself and also be at peace. We have free will and thus can deny the ego’s demands for conflict. When we decline to align with and support non-loving thoughts, then we can end conflicts. Today, let us align our mind with peace and as we do, watch conflict dissolve before our eyes. Today, when you choose peace over conflict, you will see that a peaceful life and world is indeed within reach.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

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Comments (2)

This is such a great reminder right now! Right now when our country feels divided and the ego wants to jump on board and fuel those thoughts. We are all in this together and must remember that.

Thank you Geoff for being open to the message.

When the ego tries jumping in with its judgment-centric thinking and pollute the mind, simply use such moments to practice denying the ego. Deny the ego and its tools of your time, focus and energy. Do so and watch the ego’s efforts slowly dissolve and fade away before your clarity, light and understanding.

The more you get to practice denying the ego and thus consciously choosing and aligning with the light within, the less power the ego and its delusions and deception will have over you. The less power the ego has over you the more you will be joyful and at peace, which then will help you become a beacon of joy and peace for others.

Peace. JBC

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