Daily Inspiration: November 21. Feel Free to Feel Your Feelings – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


The end of self-judgment begins with the understanding that where you are, in this very moment, is a perfect and sacred place for you to be. Knowing this, today allow yourself to bring up and out whatever you think you need to feel to reach a more peaceful place within your heart and mind. If you are feeling sorrow, shame, anger, insecurity and/or guilt, do not despair. Instead, offer them all to the Source of peace and behold them dissolving before God’s light, love, mercy and grace. The state of peace is still and will always be your true Home and destination. You will always reach your destination at your sacred pace and time. Do not doubt this, for to do so is to doubt your sacred co-creation with God. God forever loves you because you are His child and creation. Love desires you to be joyful and at peace. In order to do so, choose to no longer hide what you are honestly thinking and feeling. Do not deny your feelings, for when you do, you are denying healing to parts of yourself.

Today, if you are doubtful about feeling your feelings, recall that you have co-designed your journey with the Divine. Having done so, all that you desire to think, feel and say is a sacred part of your growth, healing and awakening process. There is no more need to hide parts of yourself. There is no more need to think of yourself as less than, bad or not spiritual enough for feeling what you are feeling. Go ahead, bring your feelings to the surface and allow the light of truth to shine on them. This enables you to process your emotions, forgive yourself and others, and with gratitude, develop a greater trust in your Divine plan. As you heal your heart and align your mind with the mind of God, you will help lead others out of their own darkness and back into alignment with the loving light within.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Really needed these thoughts today – thank u.

Thank you Louisa for being open to the message. Peace. JBC

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