Daily Inspiration: November 29. Mercy – Condensed Version

Judgment, anger, resentment, hate and revenge can help us realize that the ego’s mindset and tools are not in alignment with our loving nature. After we experience them enough times, they can help us understand that there is another way, a better and more compassionate way of interacting with each other. They have the potential to teach us about the everlasting availability of the mercy of God. They can help remind us, as the creations and children of an all-loving God, that through the gift of free will, we can make better choices. In any moment and interaction, we are capable of shining the light of mercy, even into the darkest crevasses of our heart and mind. Today, let us shine the light of mercy onto our judgments of self and others. Let us continue to do so until we realize that mercy resides and is in alignment with our true eternal nature.

Today, if judgment of self or another tries to pollute your mind, see it as an opportunity to deny the ego, and instead align with and choose God’s mercy. Offer mercy when the ego’s world demands judgment and see and feel what a life without the burden of guilt and shame could look like. Love is your Creator and mercy is one of God’s many treasures. You are your Father’s treasure. Mercy and grace are your energetic brother and sister, your true and eternal companions. Today, stop traveling the ego’s judgment-centered, dead-end roads. They have never led you to the peace and joy that is your true destination. The ego is the father of judgment, fear, chaos and confusion. The ego is their father, not yours. Today, accept your true Father’s inheritance. Follow God’s lead, drape yourself with mercy’s cape and become the hero of your journey.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

Thank you.. just what I needed to read this morning 🙏🏻💜I’ve already said this before as I read you daily and on many days it is what I needed to read😊

Thank you Shirley for being open to the message.

May you continue to fulfill your function each day as the light of the world.

Peace. JBC

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