Daily Inspiration: November 5. Honoring Your Past, Present and Future Self – Condensed Version

Today, let us honor our past self for helping us become who we are today. Let us honor everything our past self went through, took on and overcame to help us become the stronger, more compassionate and wiser being that we are today. Knowing this, today let’s envision our present self traveling back in time to encourage our past self to keep going and remain strong. With a gentle and kind smile, our present self shares with our past self that all will be alright. Our present self will say that what our past self is going through can and will be gotten through. If our present self is fearful and struggling, know that an even stronger and wiser version of our present self, our future self, is always available to us. Our future self is always available to aid, help lift us up and encourage us to keep growing.

Today, let us appreciate everything that we have gone through, accomplished and overcome to become who we now are. Let our present self honor and be grateful to our past self for all that our past self went through and overcame. Our past self has helped us become the wiser and more compassionate being we are today. Our future self honors and is grateful to our present self for what we are going through and overcoming now. Our present self is helping our future self become a more self-aware human being. Our past self overcame and grew, thanks to our challenges. So too will our present and future self overcome our challenges. With this in mind, let us return to the state of peace. Now, from this place of wisdom and peace, let us continue contently, confidently and gracefully on our way Home.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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