Daily Inspiration: October 12. Freeing The Present From The Past And Future – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


The ego has trained us to believe that being judgmental, anxious and fearful are natural and normal responses, expressions and behaviors. What the ego does not tell us is that what it has actually trained us to do is to extend these past learned behaviors, patterns and programs onto the now. When we behave in this manner, the ego is making us think we’re experiencing the present, but in actuality, we are just reliving the past. When we extend the past onto the present, we live it over and over again. Then we wonder why we keep repeating unhealthy patterns that don’t serve us. When we extend our past, like a blanket, onto our present, we never get to truly see and experience what is really going on. To truly be present within the now as it was created by God for us to experience and enjoy, we must first free it and ourself from our past programming and future imagination.

Today, practice letting go of the past and future, and return your awareness to the now by doing the following five things: First, no longer judge yourself for the way you grow. Second, recall that you have co-created your journey with Perfection. Thus every moment is here to serve your growth, healing and awakening process. Third, use two of Love’s tools to help let the past and future go. One is forgiveness — forgive the past. The other is trust — place the future fully in God’s hands. Fourth, be grateful, not judgmental, of everyone who is involved in your awakening process. Through forgiveness and trust, they are helping you practice aligning your mind with the mind of God. Fifth, understand that the more you practice aligning your mind with the mind of God, the more worthy you will realize that you are of God’s eternal gift to you — the present moment.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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