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The ego is not evil, nor is it your enemy. To define the ego as evil or the enemy is to give the ego a power it does not have. The ego is simply a limited and illusionary belief system within the mind. The ego expands or contracts depending on the time, focus and energy we give to it. The ego supports thoughts that are in seeming opposition to Love, God, All. Yet because God is All, in truth, there could never be an opposition to All. Thus in essence, the ego is nothing, not real or true. Whatever the ego supports as natural, normal and proper expressions of who we are — are really just false concepts. They are delusional programs that we have been taught are true. Whatever the ego supports as true is false. Whatever it supports as reality is illusionary in nature. When we are aligned with the ego, we are not being who we were created by God to be.
Today, when you do not feel at peace, do not get frustrated. Instead, recognize that you feel this way because you are allowing the ego to think for you. All you need to do is to correct your thinking and realign your mind with the loving mind of God. Because in truth you are already love, aligning with the loving mind of God is an effortless accomplishment. Love is your natural state of mind. Peace is one of Love’s numerous expressions. Thus peace is also your natural state of mind. God, being Love, can and will use all for good. He can even use the ego’s tools and mindset to help you recall who you are not, and thus to help you heal and awaken. As you heal and awaken, the ego begins to fade away into the nothingness from which it came. As you heal and awaken, you can see that all people and situations are in your life to help lift you to a higher level of consciousness. When you awaken and see all others through Love’s lens, the need for the ego’s judgment-centric, fear-based mindset will dissolve before your light and understanding.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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James~Love this! Even after 25 years of ACIM, these words help me define the relationship with EGO. Also, love these daily reminders.
Thank you Cynthia for being a member of our community.
Only the love that God is could we ever be, and so today let us simply be who the Creator of the Universe created us to be. By doing so we help guide others back into alignment with their eternal loving light filled essence and nature.
Peace. JBC
Not all thoughts are loving. Sometimes our ego gets in the way. We have to back up our thinking, in a loving way. The gift of discernment can help us to know, what is from God and what is not. Thank you for all your input.
Thank you Margie for being open to the message.
When unloving thoughts try to enter our mind’s kingdom, let us recall we have free will, stop supporting the thoughts that are not supporting us, align with our loving nature, and then offers all others only the love that we are.
Peace. JBC