Daily Inspiration: October 28. Six Steps That Assist Us In Releasing Judgment and Feeling Peace – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, if the ego knocks on your mind’s door and demands that you judge yourself or others, consider trying the following instead:

1 – Before every interaction, remind yourself of your goal for the day: To let go of judgment and thus become a reflection and representative of the states of non-judgment and peace.

2 – Instead of judging others, as the ego has trained you to do, offer them gratitude, silently or not, for being part of your healing and awakening process. This process is helping you recall that it is you, not the ego’s past programming, who should be in control of your thinking and thus of your mind and life.

3 – Practice offering the opposite of what the ego demands. If the ego demands judgment, offer forgiveness. If it insists on condemnation, offer compassion. If it demands that you curse others, then silently pray for their healing, health, peace and joy.

4 – Acknowledge to yourself that no matter how unpleasant the ego says that the situation is, the choices of forgiveness over judgment, compassion over condemnation, and thus experiencing peace over pain are always available to you in each moment and interaction.

5 – Throughout the day, continue to remind yourself to align with your goal of non-judgment and peace. Consciously make non-judgment and peace your constant companions.

6 – When you find yourself in the ego’s grip, judging self or others, do not despair or punish yourself or others. Instead, recognize that the ego is in control of your mind. Stop supporting its mindset and way of thinking with your time, focus and energy. Then take back control of your mind by aligning your thoughts with the expression of love that best fits the moment or interaction.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

Hi. Always find your daily inspirations inspirational. I do have a question about #4. Should it read compassion over condemnation?

Thank you Roland for being open to the message.

Message corrected.

Thank you.

Peace. JBC

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