Daily Inspiration: October 30. Forgiving the Past and Setting Ourselves Free – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, with the help of forgiveness, let us practice smiling at everyone from our past. Today, our smiles become symbols of our victory over the ego’s judgment-centric, fear-based programming. Our smiles will help remind others that the gates of Heaven, even here on Earth, are open to us all in every moment. Today, let us ask ourself: What would the present feel like without the weight of the judgment, anger, guilt and shame that we are holding onto from the past? Today, no one from our past remains without the gift of freedom and peace that forgiveness offers. As we set others free from our judgments and anger, we liberate ourself from having to live with and carry these heavy burdens. Today, if you think of someone from your past and judgmental thoughts pop up, know that you are unconsciously lugging around these unnecessary heavy burdens. When such moments occur, no longer put yourself or others down for it. Instead, learn to see it as an invitation from the universe to set yourself free from a past you were never meant to carry. Then rejoice knowing that, thanks to forgiveness, you are now on your path to freedom and peace.

Today, if the ego insists that you judge someone from your past, calmly decline its delusional demand. Then do the opposite of what it demands, and forgive. Note that as you forgive, you heal. As you heal, you feel a sense of inner freedom and peace. Today, note that the same exact people the ego had you judge and condemn are the ones who, through forgiveness, are helping you heal and find freedom and peace. Imagine no longer having to use or carry the ego’s heavy burdens, its judgment, anger, resentment, hate, revenge, guilt, shame and regret. It is through our own judgment-centric thoughts that we became imprisoned. It is also through our own forgiving thoughts that we will set ourself free. Today, forgive and hand over to God all of your judgments, pain and suffering. As you do so, feel them lifting off you and dissolving in His loving light. When you do, you will experience the freedom and peace that, as God’s children and creations, we are all and always forever worthy of.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

i find it hardest to be kind to myself. To accept myself. To love myself. I come down hard upon myself over events. I wish that I could forgive myself and love myself. Thank you for your inspirations.

Thank you Pam for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

When the thought that it is hard to be kind to yourself comes up, remember, that Love is the Energy of the Universe, and so that thought is coming up for you because The Universe / God Loves you and desires you to know that His Love for you is true.

In essence, you are bringing your illusions, your false thoughts about yourself, to the surface, to The Light, so that they, your misperceptions, can be healed.

When those false thoughts come up, simply recall that you are Love’s creation, and as such are always worthy of kindness, acceptance, love, forgiveness and joy.

Now, every time those false thoughts pop up, simply take it as an opportunity that The Universe is offering you to heal, and practice over and over again offering yourself what God is and desires you to be, have and share.

Practice making the conscious decision to accept all of God’s gifts, until you begin to realize that you are God’s gift.

Peace. JBC

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