Daily Inspiration: September 11. You are Not Alone – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


You may sometimes feel lonely, but you are never alone. For how could a child of All That Is ever be alone? For example, notice how when you share an idea, it extends out from you, and touches and stays with others. Yet at the same time, that idea never leaves you, its source. The idea expands through the individuals who hear it. This may bring you a sense of accomplishment and joy when others learn from it. The more you get to share it, the better you understand it, and the more precisely you are able to communicate it. If an idea can grow by sharing it, and at the same time that idea does not leave its source, then you can understand how you can expand and grow without ever having left your Source, God. Because you have never left your Source, you have in truth never been alone.

Today, let us no longer despair when we feel alone. Instead, let us rejoice that we have never in truth been left alone. When we do, we align with the state of joy, which is an aspect and reflection of Love, who is our Creator. When we do so, we align with the mind of God. We are not alone when we are, consciously or unconsciously, at one with the mind of God. Joy, just as with all of love’s expressions, unites us with God. Today, through joy, we allow the Divine to flow through us, fill us and overflow. Today, let us offer this overflowing sensation of joy and love to everyone we think of and meet. By allowing joy and love to unite us with others, we see that loneliness is just a dream we believe while we are temporarily asleep to our true nature. We have all slept long enough. It is now time for us to awaken, rise and shine. Today, let us accept our oneness, our unity with everyone and All, and by doing so finally close the book on the ego’s fairy tale of loneliness.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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