Daily Inspiration: September 12. Gossip and Sarcasm – Condensed Version

The ego has programmed us to believe that gossip and sarcasm are proper, entertaining and humorous ways of communicating with each other. But as we realign with our eternal loving essence and nature, we will start to notice how inappropriate and hurtful these ways of thinking and communicating truly are. Being all One, putting others down in any way, shape or form will not lift us up. There is a reason why we have been placed in these types of situations and conversations. When people are putting others down in front of us, they are secretly asking and inviting us to lift them, and those around them, up. Just as rivers naturally flow toward the sea, so too does our level of consciousness naturally want to rise toward Love, our Source. Today, let us no longer serve a mindset that does not serve us or those around us.

Let us raise our level of consciousness by decreasing the amount of gossip and sarcasm we use. If we find ourself using gossip or sarcasm, let us not judge ourself. Instead, let us simply catch ourself doing so as quickly as we can. Then let us stop this line of thinking and forgive ourself. Let us see these instances as opportunities to practice consciously aligning our thoughts with our loving nature. The more we practice this shift, the more natural and normal it will feel to deny the ego’s urges to use gossip and sarcasm. Today, let us shift from gossip and sarcasm to the energy of love, that of being kind, encouraging and understanding. The more we practice this shift in consciousness, the sooner we will find that love is our true language and Home.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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