Daily Inspiration: September 17. You Will Never Be Judged By Anyone’s Truth – Condensed Version

God is Love and All. Thus judgment is not a real aspect of the truth in us. Anything that is in opposition to Love does not represent the truth in us. Anything in opposition to All, in truth is nothing, not real. It is only when we buy into the ego’s mindset, programs and fairy tales as real that the false concept of judgment seems rational and right. Wisdom is not judgment. Wisdom involves relinquishing judgment, letting go of what was never real or true. Our truth, the love within us, can never judge. Equally so, the truth in others can never judge us. If the truth in others cannot judge us, then there is no need to defend ourself against other people’s judgments.

Today, if others judge us, let us recall that because God is Love and All, the truth in them can only love us. Their judgments of us can therefore not be real or true. Let us feel grateful to them for offering us the opportunity to practice no longer investing in the false as true. Now awake, we no longer need to defend ourself against an imaginary thought or dream that someone else is having of us. Today, if others seem to be doing anything other than loving us, let us remember that they are simply dreaming. Let us not join them in their dreaming, for in dreams, the false can appear to be real. Only if we ourself are sleeping and buying into their dreams as real will we condemn them and judge them back. Today, all we need to do to be at peace is to see nothing as nothing, and thus overlook what was never true.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

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Comments (4)

Thank you James, just the message I needed to hear. Far better than believing others are projecting their illusions at us therefore causing judgement.
Today I’ll work on changing my perception.

Thank you Cynthia for being open to the message.

Today, before any interaction, simply remind yourself that as Love’s creation you are here to be, represent and share only the love that you are. Then listen to the moment and to those who are in it. Listen to what aspect and expression of Love they are asking you to be, then be that for them. That expression of Love could be forgiveness, compassion, non-judgment, peace, hope, joy or any number of others.

Do so and you will be fulfilling your function as the light of the world. Do so and help lead others from darkness and despair back into alignment with the loving light within.

Peace. JBC

Your message for today was Perfect and in sync with life and it’s judgments. Was feeling pain , and so much better now

Thank you Vanessa for being open to the message.

Today, when judgment comes calling, recall where it has taken you before, nowhere you desire to go. Then use forgiveness to free you from judgment and by doing so return to the state of peace.

Peace. JBC

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