Daily Inspiration: September 21. You Are the Creator of the World You See – Condensed Version

There are two main ways that we can view this world. One way is seeing it through our Creator’s, Love’s, eyes — which is our natural way of seeing. The other way is through the ego’s eyes — which is the way we have been programmed to view this world. Viewing this world through Love’s eyes helps us see this world as it was meant to be experienced by us. Thus seeing through Love’s eyes serves us and all those around us. Viewing the world through the ego’s eyes only serves it and the world that it has created, so that the ego can survive and thrive, not us. When we are not seeing the world through our Creator’s eyes, we are not creating as we are meant to create. Love and its expressions, such as compassion, peace, joy, forgiveness and understanding, are the energies we have come here to create and share.

Today, remember that because of the ego’s programming, it will usually answer first and loudest. When you ask yourself: “What do I want?” the ego will usually answer that question before the truth in you does. Do not judge yourself for this. Simply recognize that if your answer is not aligned with your loving nature, then it is the ego who has answered and is in control of your thinking. Do not worry. Simply take back control of your mind by asking yourself: “What do I really want?” Deep down, most of us want to represent Love on Earth in every possible moment. You can do this by choosing in alignment with Love, with the mind of God. Thus, if your first response is not loving in nature, do not judge yourself or others as bad or wrong. Simply remind yourself what you really want, and then choose accordingly.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

This was a perfect read for me today…

I believe there should be more Love in this World and Less Judgement…

Thank You


Thank you Truly, for being open to the message.

Let us together be the love that we desire to see in this world.

Peace. JBC

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