Daily Inspiration: September 25. We Are All Family – Condensed Version

Today, when we interact with another person, let us remember that it is not by chance. Hidden as it may be, we are all family. We have all made a spiritual commitment to each other, regardless of how conscious we are about it. We have come together to share and shine our light onto a people and planet that are crying out for comfort, help, hope and healing. Just as your participation on my social media pages helps fuel my desire to offer what has been gifted to me, so too does my sharing, hopefully, help you recall and communicate your true loving essence and nature. Today, let us practice recalling that every person in our life is here to help us reach a higher level of consciousness. They are here to help us recall our light so that we may share it with others.

Today, let us decide to see all of God’s creations, not as strangers to be feared, but as our brothers and sisters, forever worthy of our love. Today, when you see, think of or interact with a woman, make the conscious choice to see her as your daughter, sister or mother. Then continue by treating every man you see, think of or interact with as your son, brother or father. The more you practice making this conscious effort, the more gentle, compassionate and loving this world will become. Today, see all others as God created them. How easy and available are the states of peace and joy when you choose to see God’s loving creations as God’s loving creations? Simply choose to see everyone as God’s children, as your brothers and sisters. When you do, you will be redesigning this world into the one you want. When you do, you will begin to live, create and share Heaven on Earth.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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