Daily Inspiration: April 2. Failure Is a False Idea, A Fabrication of the Ego

Failure is a false concept, fabricated by people who could not figure out why things weren’t going their way. For example, the ego has programmed us with the false belief that if a relationship is not life-long, then it was somehow a ‘failure.’ In reality, you will never experience a relationship, be it for a day or a lifetime, that is a failure. You have come together to experience growth, and that is what you have done. If you have done what you came to do, then you have succeeded. A natural pulling apart sensation may be experience once you have mostly finished doing what you have come here together to do. That is not a sign of failure; that is a sign of a mission accomplished, of a success. The false concept of failure is used by the ego to try to separate you from God. For if you think of yourself as a failure, then how could you possibly be a part of a Perfect God? The ego tries to have you think that if you are not part of God, then you must be a part of it. The ego wants you in servitude to it, and thus must convince you that you are unworthy of God. The ego tries to convince you that only it truly understands you and your needs, and thus that it is natural and right for you to align with the ego. And so you do so, and become unconsciously subservient to it and its guidance. Now aligned with the ego’s mindset it can more easily program you with its parameters of what is right and wrong. All done in an effort to use you, and your judgments of self and others, as its fuel source. The more you use the ego’s judgment based mindset, the more you fuel it and its mindset. The more you fuel the ego and its mindset, the more you become glued to its way of thinking. The more you see the ego as your guide and confidant, the greater part of your life it becomes and gets to control. The more of your life it controls, the less of your truth, the love that you are, drives your experience.

Physical separation, the idea that you are separate from another, is another fabrication of the ego. Again, it uses such lies to try to separate you from your brothers and sisters, so that it can have you to itself.  In reality, there is no such thing as separation. In truth, we are all One, and so anything that you think of or do to another, you experience yourself. This connection will, like ocean waves, ebb and flow, depending on what part of the lesson plan you’re on. Neither the ebbing nor flowing sensations are failures. They are simply different but perfect expressions of our connection to each other. Waves, no matter how far apart they may physically appear to be from each other, are still a part of the ocean. They are still and will always be, connected to each other. You are an expression and extension of Love, of God. Your brothers and sisters are also and equally expressions and extensions of The Divine. Thus you, your brothers and sisters are, through the eternal Love that God is, forever One with and connected to each other. Today, let us stop judging any of our relationships as failures. To judge any of your relationships as a failure is to judge God as wrong. You will never experience true peace of mind or joy, when you are constantly unconsciously judging God as wrong. God, being Perfection has co-created with you a perfect journey for you. Being all One, this is also what God has done with all others. To judge the way they choose to grow is again to judge God as incompetent.  True peace of mind and joy, can only be found when you stop buying into the ego’s false concepts and fairy tales, and start trusting that Love, the Creator of the Universe, has only our best interest in mind. 

Today, please be so kind as to give yourself a break from your own judgments. Stop wasting your time supporting, with your energy and focus, false concepts of yourself and others, such as failure and failed relationships. You have come here to grow, and that is what you are doing. If you are doing what you came here to do, then you are and have succeeded. Once you understand this, you will no longer need to even entertain the false concept of failure. Failure, like the ego, is part of a fairy tale that we have been read over and over again, until we forgot that they were reading to us from a book of fiction. You are Perfection’s creation.  Perfection does not create imperfectly. You are Love’s creation. Begin to create through Love’s expressions and you will have a sense of fulfillment, because in essence you will be doing what you were created to do. Any time you are expressing Love, in any of its forms, for what ever length of time you do, that is by definition a success. As you feel how “right” it feels to express your love, the truth or light in you will shine brighter. This light shining brighter, is not a sign of failure, but of success. It is this light, that will help those still lost inside the fairy tale, find their way out. You are God’s Love and Light, practice each day aligning more with your truth and eternal essence. Being all One, the more you are and share your light, the more others will begin to recall their true essence and nature. Lift your brothers and sisters out of the darkness, by helping them recall, that the same light that exist within you, exist within them. This is true success, this is what we all have come here to do, to bring light into the darken areas of this world.  

Today, let us recall, that God is Love, Perfection and All, thus failure must be a false concepts created by a delusional mindset. God being Perfection does not create imperfectly. Thus your journey, no matter what it looks like to the ego, must be perfect for you. Anytime you are buying into the false concept of failure, this does not make you unwise. This is simply a symbol that you have bought into the ego’s fairy tale as true. You are not in a fairy tale, you are in God’s sacred and perfect plan. You cannot fail because God created you in His image. No longer spend any of your precious time, focusing on lies about you as real. Today, when the ego once again tries to bring doubt and a lack of self confidence into your mind, use such an instant to recall Who created you, and Who co-designed the journey that you are now on. Then laugh the ego’s false concepts, fears and fantasies, forever and ever away. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (10)

This makes me happy,it affects every aspect of my perception.Thank You,,it covers everything and everyone with love and happiness,peace and joy.I think rereading it throughout the day would be helpful.

Thank you Donna for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC


Since I took to reading the inspirational messages daily, in relation to my evangelizing in church really people and myself turn to understand how some of the God’s intimacy works.

Please keep on sending me inspirational messages


Thank you Steve for being open to the messages and for being a member of our community.

May you continue to light the way for those who are currently finding it too dark to see.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I do my best everyday, to leave all judgment to God.

Thank you Ann for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Thank you for being a light in this world.

Peace. JBC

Love All, Serve All

Thank you Rand for being a member of our community.

Thank you for being a light in this world.

Peace. JBC

A beautiful lesson. Thank you.

Thank you Louisa for being open to the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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