Daily Inspiration: August 26. There are no Gaps in God’s Love

God is Love and All, thus being All, there are in truth no gaps in God’s Love. Love, has numerous expressions, some of them being compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy. All of Love’s expressions, being who we are, reside within us right now. Love’s expressions are what we are here to be, experience and share. The ego may have for a time convinced us that there exist gaps in God’s Love, an opposition to All. It is when we are supporting that delusional mindset of ourselves as real that we feel unfulfilled. When in such a mindset we allow the ego to think for us, and in doing so become forgetful of our true nature. It is while in this state of forgetfulness, or gaps in God’s love, where the ego’s programs appear, and appear to be real. These programs and mindset say that fear is more favorable than faith, pain is more precious than peace, and that judgment is more justifiable than joy. We have supported these delusions or so-called gaps in God’s Love long enough. We have for long enough reinforced them with our time, focus and energy, redefined the unlimited as limited, and tried to introduce opposition into All That Is. Is it any wonder then why most of us are confused as to who we are? My friend, doubt yourself no longer. Your truth is that you are your Creator’s loving creation. All that Love is, you forever are. Love is All, and so every real part of you is an extension of this Love. Today, no longer support the false in you as true. Instead, forgive that false thought, remember who in truth you are, and recall that being all One, Love is who in truth we all are. Then offer gratitude to those who are helping you, through their participating in your life, recall your true nature, and that only the love in you is real. Finally, through your loving example, help them being to recall and recognize their own true eternal essence and nature.

The more you consciously support, in every moment and interaction, only your loving thoughts as true, the more comfortable you will become with the realization that there are no gaps in God’s Love. If there are no gaps in God’s Love, then there are no gaps in God’s Love for you. Yet, if you continue to find yourself believing that there are gaps in God’s Love, do not despair. We have all had times in our lives where we bought into the ego’s delusions as real. We have all at times believed that the ego’s fairy tales were true. In essence, we have all at times thought we have fallen through these imaginary gaps. Anytime we have aligned ourselves with judgment of self or other, frustration, anger, resentment, anxiety, hate or revenge, we have bought into the false as true. In doing so, lost, we seem to sink into these imaginary gaps or darkness. Yet again, do not despair, for darkness does not in any way mean that you are bad or evil, it is simply a lack of light, a lack of understanding. We have all felt, tasted and smelled the acidic sulfuric stench of the ego’s deceptions, illusions, darkness and lies. We have all paid for and suffered through the ego’s untruths long enough. Yet now, the child in us is desiring to grow up, the sleeping mind is wanting to awaken. That time, because you are here reading this now, is now. There is no more time to waste drudging through the ego’s swamp. Now, we know that there is no treasure there to find. It is time for us to close the book on the ego’s fairy tale. It is time to leave the ego’s mindset, awaken, and become an example to others that there indeed is a way out of its muddy waters and onto solid ground. Today, let us become an example of that solid ground. Let us, through our example show others that there are no gaps in God’s Love, no time, situation or interaction, where God is not.  

Today, when the ego’s delusions try to once again rule over us, let us practice stopping this false line of thinking. Let us then use such moments to trigger in us the desire to once again align with the love that we are. Let us allow the truth in us to once again rise and shine. When we choose forgiveness over judgment, compassion instead of condemnation, and trust instead of worry, we become a symbol of one who is in alignment with the Mind of God.  As we share with others who in truth we are, we will reinforce this truth within us. The more we reinforce it, the more real it will become to us, and the brighter our light will shine. The brighter the Light within you shines, the clearer you will make the path for others. This is what our brothers and sister are in truth in every moment and interaction trying to offer us, the opportunity to recall The Light within. We do so by seeing only the truth, the light in them as true. Today, let us acknowledge the service that all others provide us, and offer them our gratitude, not our judgment. Gratitude, is just another of Love’s expressions, and so when we align with it, we align with God. The more we align with God’s gratitude or any of Love’s expressions, the brighter our loving light will shine. Thanks to our shine, others will be more able to clearly see, feel and experience, what is possible for them.Our light within the darkness will bring others hope. This sense of hope will direct them to the state of peace. The experience of peace will guide them to becoming grateful for the moment. The alignment with gratitude will then open the gate to the memory that Love, in every moment is available to them, and that it is their true mission and function here on Earth.

Today, anything that seems to be in opposition to Love and its expressions, such as anger, resentment, anxiety, hate or revenge, represent these so-called gaps in God’s Love. Let us recall that God is Love and All, thus anything in opposition to All is nothing. What is nothing could never be real nor true. Today, let us dismiss our delusions. We do so by learning to use those times when we feel lost in the ego’s mindset as a sort of wake up call. A call to action. A call to align with the Light within, and be and share only Love with all others. Today, this is the opportunity that we are being offered, to see and acknowledge the fake as false and only the truth as true. Let us learn to offer our gratitude, not our judgment, for this opportunity to awaken and be able to share, that there are no gaps in God’s Love.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (4)

James, I truly appreciate your writing as I choose to read it as my daily morning affirmation. The only question I have is how to best deal with human emotions such as grief, sadness, or even anger. I understand that those emotions can lead to our own necessary revelations of healing but i also feel as though I don’t allow myself to go fully into those feelings as I tend to believe that I will be misaligned with the light if I do. If anything I feel disappointed with myself if I go into those feelings thinking I should know better than that. I hope I made sense and how you may offer your thoughts. Basically, do I allow myself to go into my emotions fully to heal without feeling I am not aligned with Spirit. I feel that makes me go backwards in my journey of awakening. Thank you

Thank you Jose for being open to the message.

You have co-designed your journey with the Divine, with Perfection Himself, thus your journey is always, no matter what choice you make, perfect for you. Know this to be true and be at peace.

It is only the ego who sets limits and parameters around your experience. The ego does this because its main fuel source is judgment, thus it needs you to judge your experience in order for it to survive. The ego cares only about its survival, it fuels itself while it starves you of peace.

Today, be at peace feeling whatever it is you think you need to feel. Feel your feelings without judgment. Feel your feelings hand in hand with God, and by doing so know and learn to better appreciate His Perfect non-judgmental Love for you, His son and creation.

When in doubt, stop and invite God to guide you. Invite Love to share with you what to think, feel, say and do, then simply think, feel, say and do that. Love always leads you to the light within, to peace, joy, forgiveness, compassion, hope, healing and understanding.

When the sacred co-design and nature of the your journey you have co-created with God is understood, grief, sadness, or even anger, are not judged, but appreciated and understood as just another sacred step along your perfect path.

When appreciation, not condemnation, is your response to every moment and step along the way, it is then that your mind is truly consciously in alignment with the Mind Of God.

Learn to make your first response to any situation, feeling or experience, not doubt or judgment, but gratitude and appreciation. Do so and you will be consciously walking hand in hand with your Creator. Do so, and you’ll become a brighter light that others can more easily follow. Do so, and humbly but with your head held high represent God, Love here on Earth.

Always remember, one step forward and two steps back, thats the dance of the ego, not of the truth in you. Every step you take, have taken and will forever take, will be a step towards the light in you, because the Light is all that is real and true.

Could Perfection ever not be Perfect? Could Perfection create something other than Perfectly? Are you not Perfection’s child and creation? Could you in truth ever take any step that is not perfect for you?

Today, place all doubt and self-judgment forever aside, and leave them be. Then confidently invite and experience your reality in whichever way in comes, all with the knowledge that it is your Creator who has paved the way.

Today, simply trust this and be at peace. Today, simply trust this and become a beacon of peace, love and non-judgment for others.

Peace. JBC

As always, James, thank you. Your article is beautifully self-validating as, in writing it you are, of course, out of ego and in God’s love in purpose and intent and in reading it we so naturally and lovingly receive your light as an example of what you are teaching. Watching what is going on in the geo-political scene today and the broadest level of interaction humanity has ever experienced on a worldwide scale via social media, the presence of ego and its interruption of what we could be accomplishing is so visible when we understand what you are trying to teach us. I am keeping it in my awareness and I am being conscious and building a strong muscle to assure that I am quickly able to discern. I pray that everyone awakens to this so that we can drive all direction to God’s Greater Good through Love. I love reading what you write and am grateful to receive it. Thank you!

Thank you Lilly for being open to the message and for your kind words.

Every day let us move in the direction of the light, for when we do so, we will feel fulfilled. Let us represent the Light, through love’s expressions, in our own uniques ways.

We can only be what God is, everything else is just a fairy tale that we have been program to believe is real.

Every day, let us do our very best to align all our thoughts, words and actions, with the light within, and by doing so help remind the inhabitants of this planet, what a Heaven on Earth can look and feel like.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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