Daily Inspiration: August 6. Practice Being Who You Desire to Become

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Who you think you are now is a combination of who you have been programmed by the ego to be, along with the parts of your loving essence that you have accepted as real. You are here to be and represent God, Love, on Earth. When you are not aligning with Love, it is not because you are bad, evil or not spiritual. It is simply because you have forgotten who you truly are. It is in this forgetful state where you have been convinced to buy into the ego’s false concepts of you as true. When you judge self or other, this is a form of ego defense. The more you defend the ego’s tools and mindset, the more you see them as real, the more you will believe that the ego is who you are. The more you believe that the ego’s programming is the real you, the more you will come to its defense. The more that you through judgment align with the ego, the less comfortable and natural you will feel when trying to align with God. Anything that is in seeming opposition to God, to Love’s expressions, is not the real you. Any belief that you use to judge self or other, or to become angry, jealous, resentful, hateful, is not the real you. The ego, is not the real you. You only think that the ego is you because you have for so long defended and supported it as true. You no longer need to support who you are not. You no longer need to support something that in truth has never supported you. You no longer need to support what is truly just a figment of your imagination. You are so much more than some delusion. You are God’s creation, Love in physical form. Love thought of you, and thus you were created. You are now here in order to continue to create as the Divine created, through love. Underestimate yourself no longer. No longer run away or cower from the shadows in your dreams. No longer fear what is not real nor true.

Being Love’s creation, who you in truth are is a loving, compassionate, forgiving, peaceful and joyful being. This is the real you. This is the real you, one who is on a journey to recalling their true nature so that he or she may share it with others. To recall your true nature, all you need do is to practice choosing Love’s expressions over the ego’s judgment-centered programs. For example, if you want to become a more peaceful being, then practice choosing forgiveness when the ego demands judgment. Do not despair when you find yourself buying into your false as true. Instead, practice using such situations as opportunities to help you let go of your programming, and begin to align with your true nature. Knowing that the ego tries to place itself in opposition to God, when the ego demands an action, simply practice doing the opposite of that action. Today, practice using the ego’s programming, not to condemn yourself or others, but to practice working on healing yourself. The more you heal, the easier it will be for you to see who you came here to be. Gratitude, not judgment will then become a more natural response to everyone and all situations. You will be grateful to them for helping you practice choosing and aligning with who you came here to be. By doing so you will be in essence re-designing your experience. Being all One, your example will help light the way for those who are currently still searching for a better understanding of their true nature. Today, lead by example, become the loving light that you were created to be. Do so and you will be helping clear the path and light the way for those who are still finding it too dark to see. 

Today, knowing that we desire to align more closely with our loving nature, let us use some of its symbols to redesign our experience. Compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy are some of Love’s symbols and expressions. The more we consciously practice choosing, being and sharing these expressions, the more natural and right it will feel to align with the truth within. The more we choose to align with the Truth in us, the more we will reinforce our loving nature. By doing so, these loving expressions will begin to replace judgment as our first responders. The more we practice using them, the more natural, comfortable, at peace and right, we will feel being and representing them. The more we express ourselves through them, the more normal it will feel to align and associate with them. These loving expressions are all in truth extensions of our Source. Love is the energy that we came here to be and share. Love is our Creator. When we are expressing these energies we are in essence extending and sharing God with others. It will be by becoming who we were created to be, that we will feel fulfill. We will feel fulfilled because we are doing what we were created to do. When we are doing what we were created to do, we will feel balance and at peace. It will from this fruitful place of balance and peace, that the person we desire to become will blossom. Today, as the fog of the ego’s past programs begins to  lift, our true nature will  begin to shine through. Today, we need not do more than just allow who we were created to be, to be. Today, let us practice using each moment possible to consciously align with the love within, and then share this love with all those who are sent our way. 

Today, our primary goal is to be the aspect of Love that the moment and those in it seem to be requesting. We are here to be and share our loving nature in our own unique ways. Today, remind yourself before every interaction: “I am here, in this very moment and interaction, to be the love that I was created to be. Now, I pay attention to the moment and see what aspect of Love it, and those in it, are requesting from me. If the ego demands judgment, I will instead forgive. If it wants me and those in the interaction to stress out and worry, I will become calm by trusting that God has a perfect plan in place for all of us. If those in the interaction are feeling hopeless, then I will provide them hope by helping them see their experience in a gentler light. Thank you God for entrusting me with your children. Today, I will not fail them nor You.”

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)

Your daily messages, Dear James, are the source of strengths enormously helpful to me – massive wholehearted THANK You for these precious reminders of Trusting in God’s Plans 🙂 Love, Miriam

Thank you Miriam for being open to the message.

Let us in every moment practice choosing the Light over the darkness, Love over fear. Having done so let us then become, in every interaction, a beacon of light, peace and understanding, for others.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Beautifully expressed.Thank You

Thank you Kim for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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