Daily Inspiration: December 20. Awakening Changes Darkness into Light

We, those who once walked in darkness, who judged others and ourself for it, are now choosing to focus on the light within us all. Thanks to the gift of time, we can now look back and better understand the totality of our journey as the gift that it was, is and will be. By looking back, we realize that the light, the choice to align with Love even in our darkest moments, had always been available to us. Now, with this knowledge in hand, when we look at our current challenges, we are comforted knowing that, in the end, everything will be alright. Now we know that in any seemingly dark or difficult time, the decision to choose and focus on the Light is always available to us. What expression other than comfort and gratitude could we have when we acknowledge and believe that this truth is true? Imagine the peace you would feel knowing Love’s light as always just a simple choice away. Now no matter how chaotic this world appears to be you know the Light and its expressions and reflections are awaiting your request for relief. You as God’s creation are forever worthy of the relief that a conscious alignment with the mind of God brings. Knowing this no longer despair. As a child of the Light it is its clarity and peace that is your true desire and destination. The Light being God and All is your true nature and essence. The light is who you have come here to be and share. You need not compare yourself to others for the way that you reflect your light will be unique to you. Today, be at peace with your unique expression knowing that the Creator of the Universe has co-designed it with you. He has done so with the purpose of helping you awaken from the ego’s dream. It is when you do so that you will best be able to help this world also rise and shine.

The awakening and awaken being understands that in every situation or interaction the choice for the Light exist. Because it does it makes no sense to focus on and choose the fear and chaos of the darkness. The awakening and awaken being has recalled that the Light is his truth, his eternal loving essence and nature. Because this light resides within him it goes wherever he is. When those in the darkness judge him while they sleep he is not affected by them or their judgments, the dreams they are dreaming. The awakening and awaken being has no need to judge nor defend himself against the darkness nor the monsters in his dreams. The darkness is no longer some monster ready to devour him but very simply a sleeping child, God’s beautiful creation. The awaken being sees this sleeping child as simply temporarily lost, confused and looking for his way back home, back to the Light within. No matter how many dark dreams you may have dream’t nor what you did in those dreams once you awaken you will do so in your Father’s arms. You will awaken in God’s arms because in truth you have never left His loving mind or embrace. You have simply for a moment closed your eyes. In that moment you have dream’t you were someone other than love, and somewhere apart from All. Do not despair, you could never be anything other than the love that God created you to be. Despair nor fear any longer. It is now ok and safe to awaken. God’s love and mercy are forever reign as the truth within you.It is for this reason you will always and only awaken to what is forever loving, merciful and true. Today, choose with Love and being to experience the Heaven on Earth that God created for you to enjoy and share.

Today, as a sign of our awakening let us bless and be thankful for everything we had been programmed by the ego to judge and condemn. Let us recall that thanks to free will it is always after all is said and done our choice to judge or to forgive, to be in pain or at peace. Today, let us recall that it was only because we experience the darkness for so long that we finally got tired of its results. We have all slept long enough. There comes a time in everyone’s dream when they get tired of sleeping and desire to awaken. Rejoice, for if you are reading this now then that time has come. We are creations of the Light here to be the light and in doing so light the way for others.  Now, when we look back at our life’s journey we see and reinterpret all those seemingly dark moments as actual gifts we were presenting to ourselves. Now we know that these times came into our experience to help us realize it is aligned with the Light where we belong. It is when we understand the gifts that reside within the darkness that their true purpose is revealed. When we begin to offer gratitude for them instead of judgment we begin to receive from them peace instead of pain. When we understand darkness true purpose what once bonded and blinded us has now set us free to see all moments as gifts from God to us. When we see each moment as a gift our sight is restored. Where we once saw only darkness we now see the possibility to share the light. Where we once experienced confusion and suffering we now experience clarity and healing. Today, let us not through our judgment acknowledge other people’s darkness. Instead, let us simply see them as dreaming. Then let us love them simply because they are Love’s creations.

Today, if dark thoughts appear before us, let us see them as a part of our mind that remains asleep to its true nature. Let us recall that as children of the Light, in every moment, the Light is available to us. Then aligned with the Light, let us offer whatever of Love’s expressions the moment is requesting from us. Let us no longer doubt ourselves. We are all designed to bring light into the darkness. Now when darkness tries to enter our light, let us not condemn the darkness, but instead, see it as simply a call for help and healing. We are here to help our brothers and sisters heal so that they too may awaken to the light within. Today, through our example and by the way we treat and interact with them, let us help them recall the light within. Let us help them recall that this light is available to them even when they are finding it too dark to see.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (2)

Plz guide me to awaken that light within me . how can I experience being in God’s arms.

Thank you Ratnapriya for being a member of our community.

Practice aligning every thought with the love that God created you to be and you will be representing God, Love on Earth.

Love has numerous expressions such as those of compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy. Anytime you share such expressions you are sharing God with others.

Today, when the world demands judgment, offer forgiveness instead. When it calls you to condemn, offer compassion instead. When it insists you must stress out and worry, practice using such instances to develop a deeper trust in God.

The more that youR conscious mind is dedicated to Love, the more that your unconscious mind will seek to be love, to be one with our all-loving Source. Then keep on being only Love until only Love is all you ever think of, see and share.

Peace. JBC

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