Daily Inspiration: February 19. Feeling As If You Don’t Belong

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


We look upon the world our egos have created, and yet sometimes feel like outcasts in a foreign land, like we do not belong. We have built our home’s foundation out of the sandy pillars that the ego has provided us, and still wonder why we feel unstable and insecure. We have created and look through a false or ego self that masks the light within, yet do not understand why we can’t see or understand what is really going on. We have define and reacted to God’s creations, His children, and thus in essence ourselves, with judgment, anger, jealousy, resentment and hate, and still wonder why we live with an underlying feeling of guilt, fear and shame. We continue to question the sacred journey that we have co-created with God, with Perfect Love, and still wonder why we question ourselves, feel off balance and of out-of-place in this world. We question God’s perfect and holy plan through our concerns, worries, stresses and anxiousness, and then wonder why we feel disconnected from our Source and thus from the truth within us. Yet, do not despair, for if we can teach ourselves something as difficult, unreal, and unnatural, as whom we are not, then we can let that go and remind ourselves of something as easy, real, and natural, as whom we truly are. We can only be who we are not for so long before we tire of the traveling the same old tired dead-end roads. Let us today, decide to no longer judge ourselves for buying into the ego’s fairy tale as true. Instead, let us be grateful that we have now come to a place on our journey where the light of truth is beginning to seep through the ego’s veil. Let us be grateful that we have come to a place on our journey, where we are beginning to achieve enough clarity to truly see.

Many times we feel as if do not belong, simply because we are unconsciously acting as who we are not. God is Love and All, and because we are His creations, all, every part of us, can only ever be the expression of Love that God is. We are not anything that is in opposition to Love. Love has numerous expressions such as those of compassion, peace, joy, and forgiveness. Love is our Creator, and our Creator creates from and through Love, thus Love is our eternal essence and nature. Our Creator is All and so there can in truth be no opposition to All which is Love. Yet, in the ego’s illusionary world of duality, for the ego to exist, it must fabricate ideas that seem to be in opposition to All, to God. It is when we are buying into the ego’s fairy tale as true, and place our time, focus and energy, on supporting this falsity and fantasy, that we become fixated by it. Living, supporting and expressing this false self only gives you a sense of not belonging, of separation from God, of confusion, homelessness, feeling off-balance, insecure and chaotic. If you are love, but are expressing yourself through the fear based and chaos inducing mindset that the ego provides, then is it any wonder why you feel like you do not belong? The ego’s world is hard, very hard for those who believe in it as true. Yet, at the exact same time, it is so much easier for those who choose to deny, forgive or overlook the ego by seeing through its veil. The ego’s world is not your true home, Love is. You are here to recall this, and to become an example of this truth, so that others may too begin to remember. You are here to bring light back into the darkness. You are here to bring clarity and peace back into the confused and chaotic mind. You are here to bring hope to those who feel hopeless, and healing to those injured by their own false beliefs. You are here to bring joy and relief to those who feel like they are downing in the muddy swamp of the ego’s mindset.

Today, let us begin consciously aligning with our natural states of peace, love and joy, by expressing these energies through our thoughts, words, emotions and actions. As we do so, our sense of belonging will increase. You have co-created with God, through love, a very sacred and specific plan for your awakening. It is your awakening, that through your example will assist in awakening this world. You have been sent to areas in life where the ego still rules as king. You are here to learn how to work through and release the ego’s programs and mindset, overcome your challenges, and align with, express, become and share the light that is within you. Your challenges, but also your passions, will lead you to those places that you have come here to help heal. By healing yourself you will become available to help others heal. Do what brings you peace and joy, do what you love and are passionate about, for these are keys to your awakening. The keys to learning how to shine your light bright, and to finding your place in this world. It is by practicing being, in each and every day who in truth we are, and letting go of who we are not, that we will figure out how we fit in this world. You are here now on Earth because you personally are needed here now on Earth, it is truly that simple. Yes, Earth is not your true home, but you have made a spiritual commitment with God and us, to help this planet, and those you will touch, recall their light. Help us recall that it is our light that we also have come here to be, express and share. You belong here now, because you are here now. No longer doubt yourself, for to do so is to judge the ego as right and God as wrong. No longer doubt yourself for the specific and unique ways that you choose to express your light, that same light that God needs here on Earth right now.

Today, let us not put ourselves or others down for feeling like we do not belong. Instead, let us understand that this feeling comes about because we are buying into the ego’s foreign and false mindset as our own. Every time this feeling of non-belonging comes into our awareness, let us use it as a trigger, to help remind us that we are buying into the ego’s lies as true, and are thus out of alignment with the truth within. God is Love and All, and so all that we are is the Love that God is. Love has numerous expressions, such as those of peace, joy, forgiveness, compassion and passion. When we align with and express ourselves through Love’s expressions we get a feeling of belonging, of being One with the mind of God, our true and eternal Home. When we are sharing expressions of our true Home with others, we will never feel homeless or like we do not belong. In fact, every time we align with Love’s expressions our sense of belonging will increase. Yes indeed, Earth is not our true Home, yet we are here now because God needs us and our specific passions and talents, here now. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy

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