Daily Inspiration: January 12. The Eternal Internal Gift: Our Soul’s Song

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


There is a gift that resides within – that most of us have yet to fully unwrap. Today, let us access what has always been ours to open, experience, share and enjoy. God’s inheritance is forever ours, because we are forever His. In order to get to fully experience and enjoy our inheritance, we must be willing to accept it as ours. Many times, it is because we unconsciously feel unworthy of God’s inheritance that we decide not to fully open, experience and enjoy it. Today, let us set aside the ego’s programming that says that we are not worthy of God’s gifts. Let us instead recall that, as Love’s creations, we are forever worthy of all of the Divine’s manifestations. When we allow our natural state to flow, love and light extend through us and out to everyone and all.

This love and light comes in many forms, such as through compassion, forgiveness, peace, joy, passion and understanding. Love is who we are, our true nature. All the gifts that Love has to offer, are already within us. They are already within us, because we are forever One with them. If you feel like you’re lacking any of Love’s gifts, it is not because you are not worthy of them, it is because you are choosing not to use them. Love’s gifts will, if you allow them to, naturally flow through you. Consciously choose to give them a greater voice, and a more visible place in your life. Place more of your time, focus and energy, on that expression that you think you lack, and it will begin to blossom and flourish. You are perfect just as you are, because Perfection only creates perfectly. All aspects or attributes of Love, that you desire, are within you right now. Today, take any aspect of Love that you think that you are lacking, and challenge yourself to give it a greater voice and place in your life. Do so, offer what you think you lack, and you will begin to see and understand that you are lacking nothing.  

There is a place within you of perfect understanding. There is place within you where the love and peace of God forever reside. It is here where every thought of error is forgiven, and any need for anger is brought to peace. There is a place within you, where your eternal essence shines away darkness, sadness and confusion, and in their place, light, joy and clarity, arise. There is a place within you, where the ego’s weapons are laid down, and fear and hate bow and dissolve before the mercy and grace of God. There is a place within you, where the past and future are seen as the illusions that they are, and only the eternal present moment abides. It is from this holy place, the eternal in you, where God’s song forever echoes and is shared through you, throughout eternity. It is up to us, as God’s creations, to allow His mercy, grace, love, peace and understanding, to shine through us and unto all those that He sends our way. It is up to us, to now confidently sing our soul’s song. It is time to align openly with our loving nature, and by doing so remind all others, of their eternal essence, nature, Source and Home. In your soul’s song is everything that you feel passionate about, all you love to do and find peace and joy in. Your soul’s song is a personal, unique and sacred space in you. It is a symbol of your union with God. It is what you have come down here to be and share. Your soul’s song is your personal gift to this world. Do not be afraid or feel unworthy of opening and sharing God’s gift. It is the gift that you have come down here to present to this planet. Yes, this planet waits for you to open up the gifts that God has given you. The gifts that are forever within you, just waiting to be unwrapped. Every part of you, every one of these gifts, is a gift that this world can use. Offer them to all others, so that you may fully experience and enjoy them yourself.

Today, let us return home by gliding away from the past and future, and back into timelessness, into the eternal holy instant, the ever-present now. It is within the eternal holy instant, where the uncertain heart once again begins to beat in tune and union with its Creator. Hand in hand with your Creator, awakened, now consciously walk this world. Love is what unites you with your Creator, and because we are all One, Love is what can unite every hand on Earth. Today, let us with confidence open the eternal internal gift, and begin to fully radiate God’s mercy, grace, love, peace and understanding. Today, let us take great joy in knowing that it is the eternal truth within, that is helping quench our brother’s and sister’s thirst. It is the eternal gift within, our soul’s song, that The Divine is asking us to now sing and share. Today, when the ego’s self-doubt once again tries to creep in, use such instances, not to buy into the delusion as real, but to instead to awaken and recall that you are One and aligned with The Divine. Keep reminding yourself throughout this sacred day: “I am worthy of God’s gift, His Love, His eternal song, because I am His creation. I am God’s song. Today, knowing that we are all One, I make the conscious decision to share my song with all my brothers and sisters. Being all One, the more I share it with others, the more I reinforce it within myself. This helps remind me that I am truly fit and worthy of God’s Love, of singing my soul’s song. I am worthy of being, experiencing and sharing, who in truth I am and was created to be. Today, I will not feel ashamed to share who in truth I am. God and I have written it together, and God only creates perfectly. I am on this planet now, because it is my soul’s song that this world is in need of, and has been waiting to hear. Today, I sing of mercy, grace, peace, love, joy, compassion and understanding. Today, I sing about the truth in me, who my Creator created me to be!”

Today, let our goal be to sing our soul’s song. This is the song that we have co-written with God. Let us recall that God, being Perfect, only creates Perfectly. So our song is perfect for us and for this world. Your soul’s song is sacred and unique to you. It is what you have come into this world to sing and share. There are innumerable ways that you can sing your soul’s song. Today focus your time on aligning with the energy of Love, and sharing your unique expression. This can have numerous forms, such as sharing what you are passionate about, what brings you joy, peace and understanding, to becoming an example of forgiveness and compassion. You are here now because this world needs to hear your song. Today, align with your song and your audience will be brought to you. All those who can benefit from your gifts will be presented to you. Today, when you meet another, know that it is not by chance. It is a holy encounter. You are before them, expressing the truth within, so that they too may begin to recall, that their song is also worthy of being heard.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it. 

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (4)

James, my dog is in a very critical condition. Please guide me on how can i face this tough time. i feel so helpless. i don’t want to lose my dog. she’s my baby.

Shivani, I am very sorry to hear about your dog.

I trust that your dog’s spirit will decide if its the right time to depart or stay. No matter what happens try to respect your dog’s choice and trust that the Divine knows what He is doing. Know that even if he does return home to Heaven that you’ll see him again and that he would want you to continue to live a happy and healthy life here on Earth. Make your dog proud of you by taking the time God gives you on Earth to live a joyful and productive life and know that each time you help a dog or any other animal, your dog will rejoice in Heaven!

I linked below a story of one of my dogs passing, I hope it is of assistance to you. Peace. JBC


I sobbed through this whole message. All my life I’ve felt there was ‘more’ I needed to do, that I wasn’t ‘enough’ or ‘worthy’. It took the passing of the love of my life, who tried to tell me all along that I was ‘enough’ and so loved by God, for me to internalize and wake up to this message. Lots of searching and grief, and being led by this same loving God and help from my angel boyfriend, to finally find this peace. I am enough. My boyfriend used to tell me I was beautiful and perfect, and now I believe it. The freedom from guilt and stress is unbelievablably wonderful. I am here to help others know. And your message is perfectly beautiful😊❤️🌈🌻☀️☘️

Thank you Christie for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

There is a sacred circle within all our journeys and it goes something like this:

We hear a call for help and healing from this planet and we courageously answer that call. We take on those challenges and false concepts about ourselves and others that people are dealing with that we deep down know we can overcome. Deep down we know we can overcome them because God being Love and All, He would never offer us anything that we could not handle.

We then, after some turbulent times, overcome these challenges and false concepts. With this life experience and lessons now in hand we help those who are going through what we went through, overcome, heal and awaken to their true nature. When we do this, help others through their misperceptions, those same ones we once held, we get a clearer picture of the sacred and perfect nature and purpose of our journey. When we see this picture, gratitude becomes our response to all our past challenges, to God, and to all those who were a part of those challenges.

This understanding brightens our light which helps more people find us and the message of hope and healing that we are here to be and share. They will listen to us because in our journey they will see their own, and in our healing they will find their hope. By doing so, this helps them find their way back Home, back to their eternal loving essence, nature, love, light and truth in them. In doing so, we honor and help keep alive the memory of all those who helped us along the way. Those we helped then take this knowledge and understanding to others, and by doing so we together begin to help heal and awaken this world.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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