video of James reading with commentary |
The amount of time between anger and forgiveness is not only measured in time, but also in pain. Pain is not God’s will for you, peace is. You, as Love’s creation, are worthy of peace, not pain. But first you must acknowledge this to yourself and truly believe it to fully experience it. In order to experience true peace, practice making the conscious decision to value forgiveness over judgment and thus peace over pain. When you finally decide that you desire peace more than pain, it is then that you will forgive. You have been gifted free will. No one, other than you, can decide when you will forgive, and thus when you will achieve the state of peace. You will always experience the amount of pain that you deem necessary in order to convince you to start looking for a better way. It will be the accumulated amount of pain that will itself help you realize that your judgments of self and others are not worth the pain they bring. It will be the pain itself that will convince you to stop and let go of your anger and judgment. Knowing the useful nature of your anger and pain, would gratitude not be the appropriate response to them? Today, choose to see anger and pain as gifts. They are gifts that you have chosen to experience, in order to finally get, that you desire them no more. Slowly you will realize that your anger and pain, just as all your other so-called negative emotions, can actually serve as allies in your awakening process. Understanding this, how much more peace of mind and joy could you begin to experience during your day, and thus in your life?
The time that we take between anger and forgiveness will determine how much time we spend in a heaven or hell of our own making. Imagine realizing that both the experiences of heaven or hell are, in the end, just choices that you make. Knowing this, how much more power over the life that you are living could you begin to have? As we grow, mature and begin to awaken, we will start to notice that the time we take between anger and forgiveness, lessens. If we have the ability to lessen the time between anger and forgiveness, then we also have the power to end that time. Regardless of what the ego has programmed us to believe, the time that we take between anger and forgiveness is up to us and us alone. The ego would insist that there are levels of anger, and that there are specific length of time that we must condemn our brother’s or sister’s for their “infractions.” This length of time we end up spending in a pain of our own making. This is the time you spend imprisoned within your own mind. It is through forgiveness, that you can set yourself free. Anger is itself an illusion, thus all levels of anger are in truth, illusionary in nature. We think we punish another person more severely for a so-called greater infraction, by expressing more anger for a longer period of time. But who is really the one who is left carrying the heavy burdens of judgment all along the way? Are you not in reality, through your own thoughts, just punishing and imprisoning yourself? If the amount of pain we feel is equal to the amount time we believe we should judge and be angry at others, what exactly is the logic in punishing ourselves longer for another person’s actions? Is this way of thinking not insane or at the very least illogical? There has to be a more sane solution than this insane way of thinking.
Today, let us make the conscious decision to spend less time between anger and forgiveness. By doing so we spend less time in a hell of our own making. Let us practice catching ourselves quicker and quicker when we become angry. Then let us stop and remind ourselves that we are worthy of peace. Understanding that forgiveness is a road to peace, let us forgive. Forgiveness and peace as expressions of Love align us with our Creator. One with our Creator we feel safe, secured and reassured. By feeling safe, secured and reassured, we will have less of a need to judge. The more we practice these actions the quicker we can dissolve our anger, and thus the sooner we return to peace. Living in the state of peace will make gratitude our primary response to the present moment. All it really takes to make this possible is to consciously value forgiveness and peace more than judgment and pain. All we need do is choose to be led by Love instead of fear. Today, let us recall, that it is we who bring our lessons to us in the exact form that will best serve our growth, healing and awakening process. Understanding this, let us learn be grateful to those we once cursed. Now we know, that they were simply helping us achieve a higher level of consciousness and thus in essence, a greater sense of peace. Today, let us take back our power from the ego. We do so by recalling that it is we who can choose how quickly to forgive, how quickly to let go of pain, and thus how quickly to achieve the state of peace. Imagine, no longer having to wait for other people’s actions, in order for us to forgive and find peace. Understanding this, let us realize that peace is not some prize that we win at the end of some mind game. Peace, as an expression of the Love of God, is our inheritance. To have and experience it, all we need do is choose and enjoy it.
Today, recall that you have free will. So the time that you spend angry and in pain is up to you and you alone. Everything that you seem to experience “out there” must begin as a thought within your mind. If it begins within your mind, then you are the one who must take personal responsibility for how you are defining and reacting to your experience. When you do not forgive, what you are really saying is: “I am not yet worthy of peace.” When you forgive, what you are saying is: “I am now worthy of peace.” As God’s creations, we are forever worthy of peace. Today, let us use every interaction to practice forgiveness and thus achieve the state of peace. The more we do, the more we will realize that forgiveness and the state of peace are much more aligned with the truth in us than the ego’s programs of judgment, anger and pain.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.
Thank you for the message, James. i have been feeling really stressed after an incident happened to me. I live in India. There are a few street dogs in my street and I feed them and take care of them. I have been doing this for 2-3 years now. About 4 months ago, one of the female dogs gave birth. She gave birth in an underground tunnel in a vacant plot where the puppies couldn’t have survived in the rainy season. The dog herself came to me after giving birth to take me to show her puppies. It really was an event filled with love. When I saw that the new born puppies were underground, I arranged a small wooden doghouse and placed the puppies in it. I kept the doghouse in front of my own house. As the puppies grew, they started roaming in the street freely. In india, street dogs are a common sight. There are special laws for their protection. One of the laws is that dogs can’t be relocated from their territory. It is an offense. And these dogs are divine really. They are loved by all. And the children in the neighbourhood play with the dogs so lovingly. Dogs are very loving; they’ve never bitten anyone. I have made sure the dogs are vaccinated and cared for. But as the puppies reached the age of 3 months, they started defecating in the street. In India, this is also pretty normal. We have dogs, cows, horses, donkeys roaming freely here and sometimes they defecate in the middle of the street. About 2 months ago, some neighbours came to our house in a rage, threw the dog house. And according to Indian laws, this is an offense. One can’t harass or mob up against the dog feeder. And in the laws, it is clear that dog feeder can’t be held responsible for any man- animal conflict, but still I hired a sweeper myself so that people weren’t angry. The thing is that some people just made it a point to harass me and point me out again and again. The puppies don’t even defecate that often. And a sweeper comes especially for this problem. This actually is the job of the sweeper hired by the government. But to avoid conflict, i hired a sweeper myself.
One day, I was home. Coincidentally, that was the day that they all had decided to put the puppies in a sack and throw the puppies in a garbage truck to die (this proves that there are no coincidences or accidents). I overheard the commotion and I tried to stopped this. A man pushed me, verbally abused me but somehow I managed to get him on video. I have a video of him putting puppies in a sack and in the video, he threatens to slap me and pushes me. So that was enough to complaint to the police about all this. I somehow through Instagram got in contact with a very influential personality of our country who also runs an ngo for animals. She helped me with the police and all. In the police station, I forgave the person because I didn’t want the person to suffer. The police told the person to not bug me again and to not harass me again. But even after all that, the person’s wife called me again and again to pick the puppies’ defecation. To avoid conflict, I have picked it again and again many times. They have made fun of me for this as well. About 2 days ago, I was not well so I didn’t pick the phone. They came again to fight with us. Now my father has talked to a lawyer and the case will be reopened against that person. Truly, I don’t want him to suffer. That is what my heart wants. He is a child of God too. But he has acted violently again and again that my parents now want him to suffer.
This situation has increased my trust in God so much. Everything happened like a god’s plan. Me being at home that day, me recording the person’s video, getting the contact number of such an influential person, this seems like a dream..something I thought would never happen to me. Now this situation has stressed me out because even though I want to forgive the person, the person doesn’t want to be forgiven…what should I do?
Thank you Shivani for sharing your story.
First, you forgive the person as often as that person needs to be forgiven. You do this so that you can have peace of mind. When you have peace of mind you can become the light of the world that God created you to be. His decision to be forgiven or not is not yours to make, its his – your only decision is to forgive or not forgive. And we always forgive because forgiveness as one of the numerous expressions of Love is who we in truth are.
Second, if that person does not correct his/her abusive behavior it is perfectly fine for you to include the authorities/lawyers/police. It is ok for you to have boundaries that keep you safe. It is not ok for others to make fun of/abuse you. Neither is it ok for others to abuse animals. Sometimes people in this physical realm/duality use suffering to learn the lessons they came here to learn, so in that sense you are helping them learn the way They are Choosing to learn.
Peace. JBC
Thank you for this post. I am feeling a bit lost. I have done something wrong. I offended Jesus. And I am experiencing pain and suffering. Is it possible to be angry with myself and to feel unforgiven for the words that I misspoke? I feel like I have to forgive myself in order to feel the Presence of God again. I have been learning to listen to the Voice of the Lord but I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and I hear other voices, that have said it is a demon. So in confusion I said something I should not have thinking that it was a demon disturbing me. (I was hearing some strange statements ) Since then I have been feeling depressed and oppression. Is it possible that I need to forgive myself so that I can feel good again about hearing the Voice of the Lord? I have been praying for deliverance from demonic oppression but feel like I am adrift on the ocean. I am not able to be at peace with myself. It is one thing to offend a human being but to offend a God? Scary. I could use a little bit of council and direction. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
Thank you Kim for your comment, for being open to the message, and for being a member of our community.
You can not and never in Truth offend Perfect Love, Jesus, God. God, Jesus, is Love and All, thus all God hears is the truth in you, the love that you were created to be. All God sees is His perfect creation, walking towards Him on her journey Home.
Continue to pray for God protection each and every day. Continue to recall that as His child you are forever worthy of His Love. Surround yourself every day in His Love and Light.
Do not despair, when you hear the negative voices, remember that God is Love and All, and thus those negative voices are a lie. If you focus on the lie, you will make the lie seem bigger and more real. Tell the negatives voices that they are a lie. Then visualize and surround yourself in God’s Love and Light, then extend around you like a giant circle this Love and Light. Visualize yourself sending this Love and Light to the negative voices.
The negative voices may very well not like this, they may try to convince you not to do this. Again, remain calm, knowing that you are in truth forever safe in God’s arms, that God is forever with and within you. Do not despair, keep walking on God’s Light and Love filled path.
Practice doing this each and every day, especially when you awaken and before you go to sleep. Also surround yourself in God’s Love and Light every time the negative voices come. Never feel that you are not worthy of God’s protection, He is always there for you because He is All that is Truth. Ask God to please send you Arc Angel Michael for protection, call on Arc Angel Michael any time that you need extra support. Remember that Arc Angel Michael can defeat any and all negative forces.
When negative judgmental thoughts of self or others come to mind, instead of continuing to swim in that dark mud, practice using forgiveness, forgive yourself and others, send all your judgmental thoughts into God’s Light, and they will dissolve. Then pray for and send blessing to those you once judged. Do this each and every time a thought of judgment of self and others comes to mind.
Every time a negative or judgmental voice comes to mind, do not see yourself as bad or weak, instead see this as a gift from the Universe, that is simply calling on you to practice your own healing. Surround yourself in God’s Love, and in all of Love’s expressions, such as those of forgiveness, compassion, kindness, charity, joy and peace. As Love’s expressions, these are your true brothers and sisters. Focus each day, more and more of your time and energy of being a reflection of God’s Love and its expressions.
Each and every day practice listening to only the voice of Love, of God. If the negative voices come, do not despair, instead see it as an opportunity to practice consciously aligning with God. Remember only you can give the negative voices their power by focusing your time and energy on them. Remember that they are a lie because God is Truth, and no longer spend your time and energy on them. Still, if you do, forgive yourself, align once again with Love, stand Tall and Strong, and become the representative of Love that you came here to be.
Peace. JBC
I love your messages, but please review how to use commas and other punctuation. Incorrect punctuation is very distracting and sometimes messes up the meaning.
Thank you Chris for being open to the message and for being a member of our community. There should be an edited version of the Daily Inspirational post by January 2020. I trust that the comma and punctuation issues will be mostly resolved then. Peace. JBC