video of James reading with commentary |
You may sometimes feel lonely, but you are never alone. God is always with and within you. Even in what seems like your darkest times, God is just a thought away. In any moment, choose to focus on and value the thought of God’s Love over the ego’s thought of loneliness, and you will feel the Divine’s presence embracing you. It is what you focus on, in any moment, that you end up experiencing. As God’s creation, you are forever worthy of being one with your Source. God is Love and All. So how could you ever be not loved, alone or apart from All? You may have bought into the ego’s false concept that God lives in a far away place, or that God becomes available only to those who deserve Him, or that you can only encounter God after your death, or hundreds of different tall tales. None of these false concepts are true.
Your eternal essence is what God Is. You could never not be your eternal essence. Today, let us stop buying the ego’s false concepts that insists we could ever be separate from God. If none of these false concepts have ever brought you true everlasting peace and joy, then why continue to support them as true? Let us stop buying into lies that seem to want to separate us from each other. Let us instead start to support and reinforce the All-encompassing nature of Oneness, of who in truth we all are. As God’s children and creations we are forever worthy of His presence and companionship. Being all One, when we offer anyone our loving essence and nature, it is this that we will be reinforcing and strengthening within. Notice that when you bless ‘another’, you feel this blessing flowing through you and throughout your day. When you, through your example, share your loving essence and nature, your sense of Oneness magnifies reminding you and others that we are never alone.
God is forever with and within you. God is not with and within you just because you call on Him during difficult times. God is with and within you because He has never left you. It can only ever be your focus that leaves God, not you. You are forever a part of, and One with, your Source. You have been gifted free will. Thus it must be you who decides what you will focus on and thus experience. Focus on and value your connection to God more than your aloneness, and you will feel God with and within you. Choose to focus on and value this world’s distractions more than God, and it will be the emptiness of this world’s illusions that will haunt you. Today, when feeling alone, close your eyes and instead of continuing to feel bad or sad, visualize and feel God’s Love and Light like a warm blanket cover and comfort you. Take a deep breath in, feel this Love and Light being absorbed into your skin. Take another deep breath and allow this Love and Light to sink deeper into your body as it washes away all thoughts of loneliness. Soak in this Love and light like a sponge. Fully absorb it into your heart and mind. Spend a few moments bathing in wave after wave of His Love and Light. Allow it to fill and reenergize your body, and comfort and soothe your soul. Then breathe out wave after wave of your gratitude and appreciation for His presence and support. Extend gratitude and appreciation, in wave after wave, from your heart and soul, towards Him. Feel this Love and Light pouring out of you, through your skin, and going back to your Source. This holy exchange and instant is forever, in any moment, available to you. Continue this exchange, to receive Love and offer your appreciation, over and over again, until you begin to feel, that indeed God’s Love and presence is always available to you.
Today let us honor God’s gift of free will. Let us do so by making the conscious decision to be the love, the expression and representative of Oneness, that God created us to be. The more we do so, the more we will reinforce the idea that we are never alone. God’s gift of free will offers you the choice between His eternal Loving embrace or the ego’s delusional attempts at separating us from All. Your focus away from the ego’s delusions and towards God is all that is asked for and needed for you to feel at One with your Creator. Practice this shift in focus over and over again, until you begin to feel and realize, that God has in truth never left you. Realize that because God is All, it is impossible for you to ever be alone. Yes, you could in your confusion, because of a lack of self-awareness, feel alone, but you could in truth never be alone. As often as you can today, become an example of Oneness. You do so by offering love in whatever ways the moment calls out for it. This is why you are here, to represent Love on Earth. Do so in your own unique and sacred ways, in the ways that feel most natural to you. You need do nothing more than to be who in truth you are, to never again feel alone. Today, represent Love on Earth, so that others may, through your example, recall that they are not alone. Imagine, the peace, joy and sense of connection, that you could begin to bring to so many who are now feeling lost, alone and confused. Imagine, the blessing it will be, to return to those lost souls, the awareness that God is forever with and within them. Being all One, as you are helping others recall their Oneness with All That Is, you will also be reinforcing, who in truth you are. Today, as a representative of Oneness, of Love on Earth, let us simply be who we were created to be.
Today, let us remember that, because God is Love and All, we could never be alone in truth. Feeling alone is not a function of a mathematical equation. It is simply a sign of someone who has forgotten their connection to All That Is. When we are not in alignment with the truth in us, yes we could feel alone, but even then, we could never be alone. Today, let us stop reinforcing the false narrative that we could ever be separate from All. Let us stop investing our time, focus and energy in a mindset that tries to separate us from our All-Loving Source. Instead, let us now invest this time, focus and energy on becoming a representative of Oneness, of Love on Earth. We can do this by listening to what aspect of Love the moment is calling out for, become and share that aspect, and by doing so, help remind others that they are not alone.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
Thank you, James, for your wise words through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen to all of your Divine thoughts. May His Peace,
Joy and LOVE be with you and yours always. Take Care, Rudy
Thank you Rudy for your kind words.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC