Our sisters’ and brothers’ actions do not define them. Their changeless loving nature does. It is not what they think, say or do that defines them. It is the Love that is their true eternal essence and nature. When we choose to define them as some frozen moment or event in time, instead of by the Love that is their eternal essence, this is a sign to us that we have forgotten who we truly are. The more we choose to value the ego’s judgments over God’s Love, the more unbalanced we will feel, and the less peace we will have. We will never find true peace as long as we separate ourself from the Source of peace. Let us take note that peace is not a function of what seems to be happening in the world, but is a function of how we are thinking of and reacting to our experience.
The thoughts that we define others by, reside within us. If those thoughts are kind and compassionate, then it is those energies that flow through us and will bless and heal us. If our thoughts are judgmental and critical, then it is those energies that will hurt, punish and haunt us. When we start to take note of how our thoughts affect us, we begin to understand the importance of thinking of and treating others, with love and compassion. If we judge them, and see them as something other than Love, then being all One, we are separating ourselves from Oneness, and thus from the Mind of God. We will never find true peace of mind or joy, if we are constantly unconsciously separating ourselves from the Source of peace and joy. Today, let us support our sacred connection to our Source, by beginning to treat all others, as we ourselves would like to be treated. By doing so, we reinforce our own eternal loving essence and nature. This in turn helps us obtain the peace of mind and joy that are expressions of a mind that is One with its Creator.
The ego will try to convince us that we have every right to judge another. Yet, deep down inside we know that this is not a part of our true nature. We are love, not judgment. This is why we end up feeling uneasy, wrong, guilty or ashamed, when we judge another. Choosing judgment of self and others, who we are not, over forgiveness, compassion and understanding, who we in truth are, no matter how right the ego says that we are to do so, will never feel right, natural nor bring us peace of mind or joy. The more we buy into the ego’s false narrative, the more we feel off-balance, lost and confused. Being in this state of mind only increases our self judgment and judgment of others. Buying into the ego’s false narrative is a downward spiral that takes you nowhere that you desire to go. We are all Love’s creations, and only what Love is, could we ever be. It is thus not our sisters and brothers to blame, it is our own interpretation of them, that has made us lose our center, confused, and lack peace. We feel this way, because when we judge another, we are in essence judging God as wrong. We are judging the journey that they have co-created with Perfection. We judge God’s creations as inadequate, and then wonder why we feel unworthy of His inheritance. The only way to regain clarity, balance and peace, is to see in all others, only the truth in then, only as God created them to be. This is, through every interaction, the opportunity that others are offering us. They are offering us the chance to practice seeing them as they truly are, and thus recognize ourself. The more we see the sameness in our souls, the less we focus on the ego’s shadows, the more time we spend in our natural state, the state of peace. The more we see only the love in others as true and real, being all One, the more we begin to recognize this in ourselves.
Today, when the ego once again tries to have us play its blame game, let us recall that we have free will, and thus no longer need to participate in a game that only creates pain. Let us recall, that power to regain clarity, balance and peace, resides not by the outer world looking or acting a certain way, but within us, by how we choose to interpret and participate in it. Being Love’s creations, we have the ability to see this world as it truly is. Thanks to free will, we can in any moment, let go of all our illusions, delusions, programming, judgments and blame. We can instead choose to see each moment through The Divine in us, with Love, clarity, balance and peace. That is all that we are ever asked to do, to see things as they truly are. Today, allow the state of peace to symbolize to you, that you are seeing things as they truly are. Let us be grateful that the choice for peace is always available to us. Today, if feeling lost in the ego’s judgment filled fog, let us use such situations, not to put anyone down, but to help trigger in us the memory that we have free will. To trigger in us the understanding, that in any moment, we can make a choice to align with God, with Love, and choose peace. Then, let us offer not only God, but also all those individuals who were a part of our process, gratitude, for helping us practice recalling and thus reinforcing, who we in truth are. We are all eternally the Love that God is, and thus all eternally worthy of the peace that is an expression of that Love. Today, let us choose peace, and by doing so become a reminder to all our brothers and sisters, that the choice for peace, in any moment, is also and always available to them.
Today, let us allow the state of peace to become a sign to us that we are aligned with who we are in truth. Let us also become aware that when we are not at peace, then somewhere in our experience, there is a better and more loving choice to be made. Peace is an aspect of Love, and Love is All. Thus peace is available to us in every moment. Today, let us practice catching ourself when the ego’s programs seem to be trying to move us away from the state of peace. Then let us use our free will to turn away from the ego’s lies, and return to our true nature, the state of peace. As we do, we reflect peace on Earth. This will bring us a sense of fulfillment, because we are doing what we were created to do – to remind others that the choice for peace is also available to them in every moment.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
This is a beautiful message. I am reading your book alongside the course in miracles and I’m finding a deeper understanding through you book. Thank you for the blessing that you are. I love you James ❤️
Thank you Jill for your kind words.
ACIM is as good as it gets.
May you each and every moment keep on allowing God to more consistently flow through you and throughout your day. Before every interaction remind yourself: “I am here to be the light of the world. I now only allow the love that God created me to be to flow through me. I now choose to see my brothers and sisters only as the love that they were created by God to be.”
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Thank you James for these daily reminders of who we really are. I am so thankful I have them to read every morning when I wake up. They are an anchor to my soul. I appreciate you and all that you do.
Thank you Mary for being a member of our community and for being open to the message. Let us remember who in truth we are, see this sameness in all who are presented to us today, and help remind them, by the way we treat them, that only the Love in them is forever real and true. Peace. JBC
Thank you James for this message. While reading it, I see how ingrained my judgements of others are. To think that I can let go of this is freeing. I feel like I am coming out of a deep sleep, my tendency is to close my eyes and drift back Your daily messages help to keep my eyes open. thank you again.
Thank you Lynda for you comment and kind words. You, as God’s creation are forever worthy of peace, and we are all One, remember this and offer all others what you yourself would desire to experience. Peace. JBC
It is through the veil of illusion that we think we see, when our reality breaks through that walled ingrained blockage of habit, we come to realize our ego has been running our lives. At this point, we have a glimpse of a breakthrough, to go beyond our past, and accept Beings as all loving, whether they have pierced the it veil or not. Namaste’.
Exactly Robert, thank you for your comment and for being a part of this community. Peace. JBC
Thank you James for your response, my first comment. I read your book when I first picked it up, being drawn to the Title. It is quite different in thought, style, and message of most books of this venue I’ve read for decades. Chosen to Remember, how eloquent. Be well.
Thank you Robert for your very kind words about ‘You Have Chosen to Remember.’ I hope that that will be your first of many comments to come. Peace. JBC