Daily Inspiration: January 25. Returning Home to the State of Peace

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Come back, come back Home, and return to the state of peace. You cannot fail when you consciously choose to align with who you truly are and were created to be. Who you are is the Love that God is. Who you are not — is every one of the ego’s false concepts, every thought of judgment, anger, resentment and revenge that chains you to its mindset and world. Today, break free from these chains by deciding to value forgiveness more than judgment, compassion more than condemnation, and peace more than pain. Thanks to free will, it is a simple choice that in any moment can return you back to your true Home, the state of peace. In this very moment, you can end your suffering, anguish and pain. Every moment allows you the opportunity to begin anew.

Any moment, we can choose to align with the Mind of God, and be at peace. God is All, and thus there is nothing real that is unlike the Love that God is. Peace is an expression of Love, of who in truth we are. Peace is our true nature and natural state of mind. When you are not at peace, it is because you are somewhere you do not belong. You call the ego’s foreign mindset home, and then wonder why you feel lost, anxious, confused, afraid and alone. You feed this darken mindset instead of your own light, and still wonder why you can not see or feel the gifts that reside within the eternal now. You keep supporting thoughts that make you feel stressed out and worried, and then question why you are not at peace. No longer support or choose a mindset that does not support your peace. As the children of Peace, we are here to remind those still in conflict, that the choice for peace is available to them in every moment. Today, begin to support a mindset, thoughts, words and actions, that only support the state of peace, your true nature and eternal Home.

Today, bless the world that the ego has programmed you to blamed. Do so, and you will begin to set yourself free from it. Every illusionary iron bar that once held you captive within your own mind, will begin to dissolve when you choose to free yourself and others, from our so-called errors, sins or mistakes. Freed from errors, sins and mistakes, what use do the ego’s tools of judgment, anger, resentment and revenge, serve? What love, peace of mind or joy, have the ego’s tools ever offered us? Why continue to support a mindset that does not serve us? Let us finally look deep into the mirror, and say to ourselves: “Enough is enough.” Is not your peace of mind more valuable to you than your judgment, anger and pain? If so, then through forgiveness, decide to deprogram yourself from the ego’s mindset and thus unchain yourself from its world. In the end, it is always just a simple choice between forgiving and finding peace, or not forgiving and continuing to fuel your judgment, anger and pain. Sure, the ego may have convince you to believe that there are dozens of reasons why you shouldn’t forgive, or why your judgments are justified. Sure, it may have taught you that some are not worthy of your comfort, peace and understanding. But do you not see, that being all One, that you are withholding these blessings from yourself? No longer sacrifice your peace of mind and joy to the ego’s false concepts and lies. Today, be courageous, and by choosing forgiveness over the ego’s false concepts, return to peace. You, as Peace’s child are forever worthy of the state of peace. Yet, being all One, only you can deny yourself peace, by withholding it from “others”.

Today, let us rejoice that we have become aware enough to consciously make the choice for peace. The more we get to practice making the choice for peace, the more natural this choice will become, and the more worthy of it we will feel. The more worthy of peace we feel, the more of a rational and logical the choice for peace becomes. The more we are at peace, the more others will find peace in our presence. The more at peace others feel around us, the more they will desire to follow our example and align with the peace in them. The more others follow our example and align with their peaceful nature, the more peaceful this world will become. The more peaceful this world becomes, the easier it will be for all of us to choose peace. Today, when the ego once again demands that we judge self and others, let us look past the ego’s addiction to judgment and conflict, and instead forgive and be at peace. The ego’s need for judgment is now no longer more valuable to us than our peace of mind. Today, let us look deep into our sisters’ and brothers’ eyes, and see ourselves reflected in them. Let this symbolize to us, that we are all in this together. Today, as we forgive, we break the chains that hold us captive to a mindset that insists that we should be judging and condemning God’s children. Being all One, judging any brother or sister, is judging the journey that they have co-created with God as wrong. No true peace can be found as long as we are unconsciously judging God as wrong. We have been away from our true home, the state of peace, for a while now. But now, having awaken to our true loving and peaceful nature, it is time to represent these states of mind here on Earth. The journey has been long, but without distance. It has been a journey from forgetfulness to remembrance, from judgment to forgiveness, from a place of pain to a palace of peace.

Today, let us decline the ego’s need and addiction to judgment. Instead, let us through forgiveness, become a beacon of peace. Judgment of self and others is an addiction, for what else would you call something that you inject into people’s lives, and only seems to cause anger, suffering, pain resentment and regret? Today, when the ego once again demands we judge, let us stop for a moment, and recall where the ego’s so-called advise has taken us before, nowhere near the state of peace. Then, let us remind ourselves that our true goal is peace, and begin to take steps in its direction. Free will, trust and forgiveness, are all steps on the sacred path to the state of peace. Use your free will to decline the ego’s demands for judgment. Trust that The Divine, being Perfection, has a perfect path for all of us to travel. Understanding this, forgive yourself and others, and in doing so, return back to being One with and reflecting, the state of peace.  

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages.

We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.

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Comments (11)

This message is so perfect James. I especially love how you said it is our free will choice of choosing peace moment by moment and how this impacts the entire world and when we teach peace by example it teaches others to also see peace. I also love the analogy that the egos judgment is in fact an addiction. I notice around gossip I sometimes feel the desire to participate almost like you are sneaking a treat from the cookie jar and it’s an enticing me forward to participate. Then you eat the cookies and feel lousy afterward. The short term pleasure always ends up with an empty feeling of why did I do that?? It’s the empty promise of the ego. The other day I heard Jesus say I was the prince of peace and that is what you are too. Or maybe I could say the princess of peace. Lol.

Thank you so much for these messages I enjoy them every day and always read the long version along with course of miracles lessons and workbook. I also love your videos so much and look forward to your new book!!! Keep these messages coming as together we can all change the world 🌎 to perceive through the eyes of God❤️

Gratefully .
And With Gratitude There !
Thanks James . You do great . And Thanks To Everyone Else Too
And Good Luck , good Fortune , Good Health

Peace On Earth

And Especially To God

What A Wonderful Message for today on
January 25 .

I am super glad I got to read it .

Forgiving often And Always
When Necessary

Self and others


Peace is The Time and The Place


Thank you Doug for your comment and for being a member of our community. Peace. JBC

Alexandra C Tompkins

Today’s message that when we hurt others, we hurt ourselves and jeopardize all peace made such sense today. We are one.

Thank you Alexandra for being open to the message.

When we through thought, word or action hurt another, we withdraw ourselves from the state of peace. The state of peace is our true home, when we leave it we are in a foreign state of mind, homeless, and looking for direction.

Today, let us through forgiveness, find our way back home, back home to the state of peace.

Peace. JBC

Choose to forgive, then follow PEACE!!

Thank you Julius for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

this infomation was inspiring. Thank you,this will help me along my journey. Peace, light and love to you. Thank you so much.

Namaste and thank you for your beautiful inspirational quote…

I “stumbled” on your website while searching the net. We wear the same Blanchard name, so I was curious and started to read today’s quote… “Come back, come back home, and return today to the state of peace. You cannot fail when you consciously choose to align with the truth within.”

How PERFECT and timely! The mantra ” I AM IN ALIGNMENT TO TRUTH in all my perceptions ” has been dwelling in me these last few days and then I read your quote… Synchronicity at its best! I will soon purchase your book, needles to say. 🙂

I am writing my own book, with similar intentions as yours – to journal and share my own Ascension process.

Your story inspires me to the core, and I simply wanted to say thank you!

🙂 Chantal L. Blanchard

Thank you Chantal for your kind words and for being a member of this community. Enjoy your writing journey and please do keep me updated as to when I can check out your book on Amazon. Peace. JBC

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