Daily Inspiration: January 28. How Are You Choosing to Carry Your Past?

It is not the past, but how we choose to carry the past, that affects us now. It is not what others have said or done to us. It’s how we currently choose to interpret their actions that affects us now. Today, let us practice taking greater personal responsibility for how we are choosing to carry our past. By doing so, we also take greater personal responsibility for how much peace or pain we end up experiencing in the now. The amount of mental and emotional anguish that you carry from your past is, after all is said and done, purely up to you to keep or let go. It is you who can choose to keep judging the past and thus hold onto its punishing weight. It is also you who can forgive the past, and thus release yourself from such burdens. It is you who can choose to trust in the journey that you have co-created with God, and thus achieve the state of peace. Today, trust that The Divine plan is perfect, and that it will, in one form or another, be used for good. As God’s creation you are worthy of peace. Today, let go of all thoughts that do not bring you peace. Hand them all over to God. Feel and visualize them dissolving in His light and understanding. It is you who can decide to choose forgiveness over judgment, and thus be at peace instead of pain. It is you who can look within and notice that how you deal with the past, either blesses and heals you, or poisons and slowly and silently makes you sick. It is you who can pray for those from your past, and offer them your peace, love, forgiveness, compassion and understanding. It is also you who can choose to carry anger, hate, pain, resentment and regret, inside of you as long as you so desire. Only you can decide what thoughts you will choose to think, entertain, support and carry within. Only you can decide what type of relationship you will have with your past.

Today, ask yourself these very important questions:  How much of your life, have you actually sacrificed to thinking about and judging the past and those in it? How much more of your present and future are you willing to continue to sacrifice to the past? How much longer will you choose to value your past judgments more than the peace of mind that forgiveness offers? How much longer do you need to pollute and torture yourself with your own thoughts? Today, let us recall, that people in our past did the best they could with the coping mechanism, knowledge and tools, that they had available to them at the time. If they did the best they could, then forgiveness and compassion, not resentment and hate, should be our response to them. If we have been hurt, then it is part of our mission to heal and overcome these challenges. By doing so, we are then better able to help others heal and overcome those same types of challenges. Every sad, bad, troubling or even terrible thing that has happen to us, through the power of free will, can be used to help us all grow, heal and awaken. Imagine, the miracle worker you could become, if you were to use all the lessons learned from the past, your accumulated knowledge, wisdom and life experience, to help others heal. Imagine, being able to help others not fall into the same traps that you fell into. How much pain and anguish could you save them and this world? Imagine, being able to lead, through forgiveness, people out of captivity, and into alignment with freedom, peace of mind and joy. You have gone through what you have gone through for a higher purpose than your ego will allow you to imagine. Today, above all else, trust in the sacred nature of the plan that you have co-created with God. Do so, and your example will help lead others to a place of peace in regards to their past.

Today, let us recall, that we have been blessed with the gift of free will, and thus have the ability to make a blessing out of a curse. Thanks to our past, our whole life experience, we now have the greater knowledge needed to better be able to help others understand and advance their own healing process. By doing so, we lay the groundwork so that future generations need not go through what we went through. Imagine, what a blessing you would be to this world, if you can assist others and future generations to not go through the level of pain, suffering, anger, sadness, resentment and regret, that you went through. Imagine, being able, thanks to your life experience, to help others shorten the time they sacrifice to their past judgments. Imagine, being able to guide others on how not to torture themselves with their own thoughts. This is the true blessing that you can become to so many on this planet. Imagine, having the power to stop just one more pain filled teardrop from falling unto Mother Earth. Imagine, becoming that ray of light, that light at the end of the tunnel, helping guide people out of their dark and turbulent past. Imagine, being able to show your brothers and sisters that they are not alone, and that they are not the first ones to feel the pain they are feeling. Imagine, being able to show others how to use their past pain to help others heal. Today, no matter how much judgment the ego demands, recall that you have the free will, power, courage and ability, to forgive the unforgiven thought. Today, trust in the journey that you have co-designed with The Divine. Forgive your past interpretations and return to the now, where the peace and joy of God forever reside.

Today, remind yourself that it is you, and only you, who can decide how you will choose to carry your past. Will you use your past to teach forgiveness and peace, or to continue to judge, hurt and punish yourself and others? Will you become Love’s representative on Earth and offer others compassion and understanding, or will you continue to swallow the ego’s programming and drown in its anger, resentment and despair? Will you choose to be a light and bring healing to this planet, or will you remain a part of its darkness and confusion? Will you see and use your past and life experience to help awaken the sleeping souls, or will you look away from those symbolically kneeling on the pavement, step away from them as you walk by, and blindly and cruelly continue on your way? Thanks to free will, the final choice is always yours to make. Through forgiveness release the past and become a liberator of souls, or through judgment keep yourself chained to the past and imprisoned within a mind that is asleep and unaware of its true essence and nature.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (8)

Yes I agree with everything you say but it is laced with guilt. Jesus talks about only do this which is love and forgiveness. He doesn’t mention all of that guilt tripping what’s going to happen if you don’t

Thank you Wolf for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Please always use what you find useful, and please always feel more than free to discard the rest.

I am a messenger, not a perfect messenger, just a messenger who may or may not always properly deliver the message.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Those words spoke to me and I needed to hear them! You have brought my thoughts about life to a whole new understanding. Thank you for helping me realize I’m on the right path in my journey.

Thank you Diane for being open to the message and for being a member of our community. Peace. JBC

I loved this reminder…thank you James.

It has been a blessing of peace once I took responsibility for every aspect of my thoughts, feelings, and the manifestation of them into what I was experiencing.
The free will to choose is awesome. I chose to Forgive myself and others. We are spiritual beings having human experiences by virtue of our inner power that most have not connected with to truly understand how powerful we all really are.

Thank you Renee for your comment and for being a part of our community. Peace. JBC

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