video of James reading with commentary |
As children, we were taught to believe in the ego’s fear-based fairy tale. We were programmed to believe that the characters within its fairy tale, such as judgment, frustration, anxiety, anger, resentment, hate and revenge, were all real. We were sold the idea that these characters or emotions were all normal and natural responses. Yet, as we become more self-aware and begin to awaken to who we are in truth, we start to notice how unlike these emotions, energies and reactions are to our eternal loving essence and nature. As we realize this lack of compatibility, we begin to question and let go of our attachment to these false concepts. We begin to discard them, but not through anger, resentment and guilt, but with peace, gratitude and understanding. Now we know, that they were simply helping us understand who we were not. This in turn helped us better understand who in truth we are. We begin to recall, that we are God’s creations, that God is Love and All. As we do, we begin to treat all others as God treats us. Love and its expressions begin to feel more natural, normal and right. As this happens, the time, focus and energy, invested in the ego’s fairy tale and characters, declines. As we invest less and less time in these character, they become a less important part of our story. Now, Love’s expressions of compassion, forgiveness, joy, peace and understanding, become the main characters in our play. The more we align with Love’s expressions, the more natural, right, comfortable and worthy of them we feel. This sense that we are worthy of them, makes us more available to them, and them to us. As they continue to fill our lives they begin to overflow, and then it is this mindset and story that we begin to want to offer and share with all others.
We are no longer children, thus let us start taking greater personal responsibility for the story we are writing and sharing. Now, as more self-aware beings, let us notice how much more control we actually have over our own story. Now we know, that we are not the ego nor its characters, and thus no longer need to support the false in us as true. Now we realize, that our seeming pain and struggle was not created by this fantasy, but by us buying into the fantasy as true. Now we know, that it is not other people’s actions that affect us, but how we choose to react to those actions. Now we understand, that it is not the past that is to blame for how we feel, but how we are choosing to carry it. Now we can acknowledge, that the only way these false concepts survive, is if we ourselves continue to support their ‘reality’ by feeding them with our time, focus and energy. Understanding this, let us now take personal responsibility for the activation or deactivation of these false concepts. Why continue to feed something that only starves you from experiencing your true loving nature? Are you as God’s child not fully worthy of His loving inheritance? Are all children not His children? Are you not worthy of sharing and thus experiencing your inheritance, your loving nature? You are, as God’s child, forever worthy of accepting, experiencing and sharing, His full inheritance, and because we are all One, so too is everyone else. All of God’s gifts are for you to have and experience, to share and enjoy. The more you share God’s gifts with others, the larger part of your life these gifts become. God’s gifts only expand as they are shared. Share God’s gifts with all others, and watch your circle of peace, love, compassion and joy, expand to encompass more and more aspects of your life.
Today, as we begin to take greater control over our story, the fairy tale, that we have been programmed to see as real, begins to dissolve away before our light and understanding. As we continue to mature, we see that the less we choose to feed false concepts, the smaller part of our story they become. The smaller a part of our experience they encompass, the more space our true nature, that of compassion, forgiveness, joy, peace and understanding, have to flourish. Now we know that the characters within the ego’s fairy tales are no longer the ‘real’ protagonists of our story. The real protagonist of our story is us, the love that in truth we are, came here to be, share and represent. The real protagonist of our story, is the hero of his or her own journey. Now, compassion, forgiveness, joy, peace and understanding, as expressions of Love, as reflections of us, become our new supporting cast. As we continue to consciously align with who in truth we are, the love that began to fill us, will now begin to overflow. As it overflows, it begins to touch everyone we think of, see and meet. The love in us which is God’s eternal light, will begin to shine brighter each day. Through our example, others will begin to find their own way out of the ego’s dark fairy tales. Our example will help others see, feel and awaken to, what is also possible for them. This will awaken them to the memory of who they came here to be. Now, together awaken, we will become a brighter light. This will in turn help even more people recall that they too can awaken. By doing so, together, we will help bring this world into alignment with its true purpose, nature and destiny, with the story of Love on Earth.
Today, let us recall that the real protagonist of our story is the Love that lives within. We become the hero of our story by consciously choosing to align our thoughts, words and actions with our loving nature. Today, when aligned with Love and its expressions, let that be a sign to us that we are fulfilling our purpose on this planet. If we find ourself out of alignment, let us not punish ourself. Instead, let us use the realization as a sign to us that it is the ego, not us, who is currently writing our story. If the ego is writing our story, then it is living our life, and thus why we would feel unfulfilled aligned with this false narrative. Today, let us become the protagonist of our story by listening to the aspect of Love the moment and those in it are requesting, and then humbly and heroically filling that request.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Thank you! What resonated in me today is that o have to change my cast of characters and listen from a point of love and joy. Love this!
Thank you!
Thank you Ronda for being open to the message.
Every moment allows you to begin anew. Choose the moment to be the love and light that, in your own unique ways, you were created to be. That is our function here on Earth, to be who we were created to be.
Peace. JBC
Thank you, James! This reading reminds me of the Native American story about the two wolves within, fighting for dominance. One is full of anger, the other full of good. Which one will win? The one I feed. Peace & Blessings…
Thank you Gwen for your comment and for being a member of our community.
Indeed, it is what we focus on, what we put our time and energy towards, that we will experience.
Peace. JBC
I very much like this message. It is a perperctive that feels right. After the struggle of the past few weeks, I really got this. I choose to close the book of fairy tales and open the book of peace. Thank you James. I enjoy starting my day with these messages too. Appreciate.
Thank you Lynda for being open to the message.
Let us today only place our focus on what we desire to experience. Let us today, through Love, be who we were created to be.
Peace. JBC
I am truly grateful for the daily inspiration and I look forward to seeing the messages in my inbox daily. As a child a lot of fairy tales were imbedded in my consciousness and I am so very grateful that as an adult I can finally see the dragons are not real. Peace and Blessings to you all.
Thank you Clea for your kind words and for being a part of this community.
May your journey be surrounded in peace, joy, love, light, and understanding. May you continue to focus on and be, the love that Love created you to be.
Peace. JBC