Daily Inspiration: July 10. Today Let Us Practice Being Who in Truth We Are

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us offer God our voices, so that The Divine may speak through us to those in need. Let us offer our feet, trusting that where we are, is exactly where we are needed. Let us offer our time, knowing that we will get to where we are going always in His divine timing. Let us offer our hands, holding them out to all those drowning in the ego’s sorrows. Let us offer our minds to bring light and clarity to those who are confused, lost and finding it too dark to see. Today, victoriously, we humbly accept our election and call upon His strength whenever we forget our own. Today, the hopelessness in us surrenders to the knowledge that Hope created us in His image. Today, every single person we meet, let us see him or her as His child. Let us feel honored that He has chosen us to take care of His children. Today, let the false idea of ‘strangers’ dissolves before the understanding that we are all One, all children and creations of the same loving Source. Today, to those feeling stressed out and worried, we share with them our peaceful presence. We are at peace because of our trust in God. We know that Love Himself only and always has our best interest in mind. To those who choose to judge or condemn us, we forgive them because we know that we are worthy of peace. Today, before any decision we make, we invite God in, and humbly ask The Divine in us to decide for us and lead the way. By doing so, we silently state that nothing that we can choose would be better for us than what the Love in us can choose for us. In surrendering to the Divine, we now bathe in calming peace and certainty. Today, let us recall, that where we are going we can not go alone. Let us gently take our brother’s and sister’s hands, and through our example remind each other of who in truth we all are.

Today, let us no longer judge ourselves and show this same kindness and compassion to all others. If you find yourself judging self or others, angry, resentful, revengeful, anxious or stressed out, know that it is not the truth in you who is doing so. This type of behavior is only a reflection of the ego’s programming. It is a sign that the ego, not you, is in control. The ego wants you to act in a judgmental manner, then have you judge yourself for doing so, this is the ego’s insane way of thinking. Today, let us no longer fuel a mindset that only increases our levels of insanity. We now know that what we feed and fuel, grows within us. As it grows it becomes a larger and more important part of our days and life. We have all tried the ego’s insane way of thinking long enough. If we weren’t ready to become more self loving, and because we are all One, loving to others, then we would not be here reading this now. Take your reading this as a sign of your upcoming victory over the ego’s delusions and mindset. Take it as a call from the Universe inviting you to awaken. Let us together awaken and begin to feed and fuel who we truly desire to become. Our true essence and foundation is our loving nature, and only our truth is true. The more we choose in alignment with our truth, the more natural and normal this behavior will become. You will know when you are being who in truth you are when you focus only on other’s loving nature, and overlook or forgive people’s judgment focused behavior. Today, practice being and supporting only the truth in you as true. As you do so, being that we are all One, you will begin to see only the truth in others reflecting from them.  

Today, let us practice using only the fuel sources that will help us become who we desire to be. What a gift it is to recall that thanks to free will we can become who we desire to be. All we need do is become conscious within the present moment. We do so by aligning the moment with the expressions of Love that we are being ask to be and share. For example, if someone judges you, instead of judging them back as the ego would demand that you do, return to the now, align with the love that you are, and offer them forgiveness instead. Your brothers and sisters, being in truth only love themselves, this is what they are in that moment actually requesting from you. When you are awake you can see this. When you are asleep to your true nature, you can’t. In this case forgiveness is what represents Love, so when we offer it, it fuels and brighten the light within us. The brighter a light we become, the better others will be able to see their way out of the ego’s madness. These efforts will help you recall and reinforce your true nature. Let us in turn be grateful to all those who are allowing us the opportunities to reinforce only the truth in us as true. As hard as the ego would have you think this behavior is, sooner or later you will realize that there nothing easier than being who in truth you are and were created to be. You may, due the ego’s programs, have temporarily forgotten who in truth you are. Do not despair. Your forgetting does not in any way impede God’s love for you. You can not change who God knows you to be. God knows only the loving truth in you as true. He knows that of you because that is who He is, and only who He is could we ever be. 

Today, let us practice being only the love that we were created to be. We need not know nor worry about what to think, say or do, for He who sent us will direct us. Today, before any interaction, align your mind with God, and say to Him: “I now choose to fully trust Your guidance. I now lend my voice to You so that You may speak through me to others. I now offer You my feet so that you may take me to where I am most needed. I now allow You to guide my hands so that I may lift up those who are in despair. I now offer You my eyes so that you may show me how to lovingly and without judgment look upon all your children. Father, most humbly, I ask to be only who You are. Please awaken my heart. Please bring clarity to my mind. Please enlighten my soul. Today, all I desire to be, is who You created me to be. Thank you Father for your guidance and leadership. Thank you Father for your trust in me. Amen.”

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


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Comments (12)

Kathryn David Cornell

Thank you for this beautiful message. As one who sees the duality of God- the Female as well as Male – for, as you said, God is everything, it would be helpful to me to see reference to the Mother God as well. 🙂
Something I have found helpful in my meditations, as far as the ego, is to actually picture it as a small being(an elf or gnome perhaps?) that I can speak to and I tell my ego “Thank you, for everything that you have done to protect me. However, I’m a grown-up now and no longer need you to make decisions for me. We are not going to die. You(the ego) are not going to die(because the ego fears this and this is one of the reasons that we have such a hard time getting it under control.) I will be keeping us safe from now on. I promise to call on you from time to time when I need your help but otherwise, it’s time you have a well-deserved rest.” Then I show my ego a place, in the corner of my mind that I have set up for it(him/her). Mine has a chaise lounge and a side table with a reading lamp and a library, so he doesn’t get bored and start up any mischief, lol. It was difficult at first because my ego wasn’t sure he believed me. I had to go into meditation frequently and reassure him and go over the rules again. But when I actually did ask for help the first time(more to calm him down than anything, lol) it reassured my ego that I really did have things under control and he hadn’t been forgotten(so didn’t need to rebel for attention) and could truly relax. Now why is my ego a he? I have no idea! It’s just the little person who appeared in my meditation and I wasn’t going to argue with it😊 I hope this is helpful to someone. I’m a teacher and this is one of the techniques I teach my students (so Yes, it’s intellectual property but I’m allowing it for personal use here. No copying, distribution or teaching of all or any part without my express consent. Thank you.)

Thank you Kathryn for being open to the message.

Please feel more than free to change, at any time, any description that I use of God to best fit your mindset.

Please feel more than free to use what you find useful, and disregard or set aside the rest.

Please feel more than free to use any of the material on this website to assist any of your students or to help with or distribute in any of your classes.

I really like your ego meditation, it is very kind, gentle, respectful and loving.

Peace. JBC

James, many heart felt blessings to you for all your inspiring messages. I have been feeling out of sorts lately with all the troubled souls that I am surrounded by, I found I was getting caught up in it all. I feel like I just strayed from the path for a short while. This message is affirming to me that I am growing and expanding and to continue being the light for others and to not let ego be my guide and to be truly grateful for all those that I am blessed to have in my life. I am so grateful for your reminders James….

Thank you Margaret for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

When you feel out of sorts, choose to use such times not to focus on such thoughts or on blaming self or others. Instead, use such times to trigger in you the memory that you are participating in a state of mind that is not Love, not God, not the truth in you.

Feeling out of sorts is just a sign that the ego is currently in control of your thinking, and thus of your life. You take back control of your mind by aligning it with the Mind of God, aligning your thoughts with your loving essence and nature.

Practice using this self awareness and understanding to forgive the illusion, to raise your level of trust in God, and by doing so achieving the state of peace. The more you practice doing so, the more natural and normal this behavior becomes. The more natural the choice for peace becomes, the more time you will end up spending as a beacon of peace for others.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

The prayer offered in this message is amazing and tears came to my eyes as I read it!! Thank you James for your inspiring, insightful and Love filled messages each and every day. Your messages are a part of how I begin each day!! Love and Light to you, James!

Thank you Sharon for your kind words and for being open to the message.

When we are touched, it is because we are remembering who in truth we are.

When we are touched, it is because we are recalling that we are One with, and Loved by, God.

When we are touched, it is because we are allowing ourselves to be touched. Your openness is a symbol of the Love, that deep down inside, you know that you are forever worthy of.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I was reminded yesterday that if I’m upset, angry, frustrated.. I must pause, breath and align myself with God before I respond. I did not do this on Sunday and the person who showed up at the store with a complaint was not who I am. I could literally see this other self extending from me attacking others and although the outcome was what I wanted…there was no peace.

I later meditated on my performance ( as it was a performance) and realize that I had at one point a choice to make..stand back, stand down in God, breath ask for the most loving way to deal with this situation or run on self will. It was a split second decision and I chose the later. I was reminded to humble myself before God snd align my thoughts with Its thoughts or run the risk of humiliating myself through ego. Host to God or hostage to the ego.. my choice.

Thank you Shirley for your comment and for being a member of our community.

That was a lovely self awareness moment that you experienced.

Let us, with all our heart, mind and soul, always when self-awareness comes, sit down, close our eyes, and offer those brothers and sisters, who through their participation in our experience, have in their own sacred, unique and beautiful ways, helped us awaken to who in truth we are, our gratitude.

Let us offer them the complete opposite of what the ego demands, let us offer them forgiveness when the ego calls out for judgment, let us think of them with compassion when the ego insist that we think of them with anger and resentment, let us pray for their healing, awakening, health, peace and joy, when the ego insist that they are unworthy of all of that.

Let us remember that we are all One, and so that we heal or poison ourselves with every thought we think of self or others.

Let us see them within our mind’s eye, and choose to see them only as God would.

Let us see them with our mind’s eye and bathe them in our love, compassion, kindness, charity and gratitude.

Let us see them in our mind’s eye and recall that they are us, all of us God’s children, all of us forever worthy of Love.

Peace. JBC

I experienced a blip on my radar. I was trying to rent a house, but ALL those around me kept saying it was a scam. I wanted to believe it was Gods will for me to have this house, but I let OTHERS sway my mind. I ended up telling the renter, no. And it hurt me and I cried for an hour straight as I thought I was going against Gods will for me. It is hard for me to live where I am currently residing and I want to move in with my sons. This was a painful lesson in trust. I ended up trusting someone who may have not had my best intrest in mind though they said they were trying to protect me from a scam. I ask that you pray for me that I get what I need. And that I trust in God more and not in the arm of man.

Kim, thank you for your comment.

God’s will for you is peace and joy. Do what brings you peace and joy and you will be doing God’s will.

If doubt tries to pollute your mind, do not despair. Instead know that God always, after all is said and done, uses all, every experience that we have ever had, for good. Every experience and interaction God will use to help you grow, heal and awaken you to who in truth you are, His child and creation.

Every day practice trusting God more. You will know when you are trusting God because peace of mind results. Trust God and be at peace. Trust God and become a beacon of peace for others.

You, as God’s child, are forever worthy of all that you wish for.

Peace. JBC

Yes I will do this Thank You

Thank you Donna for being, shining and sharing, the loving truth in you.

Peace. JBC

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