Daily Inspiration: July 30. Judgment Is Not Possible Without the Past

God is Love and All. Thus, all that can truly exist within the eternal now or present moment is Love. The past is forever gone, and future is but a figment of the ego’s imagination. The present moment is your true Home. If you are not in the now, you will feel lost, confused and alone. The ego wants you to feel this way because if you do you will find yourself unworthy of a perfect God. If you feel unworthy of God, then you will look to the ego for help in defending you against a chaotic world. But being God’s creation, your loving truth is changeless and eternal, and thus you could never be unworthy of your Creator. Today, practice letting go of the ego’s past programs and its future fantasies, and return to the now, where the Love of God forever resides. Judgment cannot actually come from within the present moment, because Love is all that truly exist within the now. When experiencing judgment it is because we are dragging delusional past programs onto the now. It is when we supplant illusions with the truth that we become confuse and cannot see what is really going on. In such a scenario we end up living a false present, and a future like our past. What really upsets us in the now, is not what others are saying or doing, but the frustration we feel by trying to deal with the now, through our past programs. It is then, in this confused state of mind, that we externalized our frustrations by projecting them onto others through the ‘act’ of judgment. What we are really frustrated about is not their actions, but the past programs that we are using to react to and define their actions. We will never resolve our frustrations aligned with the ego’s mindset, for further dreaming will not awaken the sleeping mind. Only awakening can awaken the sleeping mind. Only in the now, One with the Mind of God, being the loving non-judgmental beings that we were created to be, that we can truly reflect to others who we all in truth are. 

Have you not experienced times when you thought, with the ego backing, that you had every right to judge another? And so you did, yet still this so-called “right” response did nothing to bring you the lasting peace of mind, joy and satisfaction, that the ego had promised to award you for being right. How can the ego insists that it knows what we should do, when over and over again we do what it demands, and still we receive no lasting satisfaction or peace. Why should we continue to listen to and follow the ego, when it brings us nothing we in truth want? Have we all not played the ego’s judgment centered games long enough? Have the blind not lead the blind long enough? How many more times must we fall into the ditches of judgment, anger, resentment, hate, revenge, anxiousness, disillusionment and despair, before we realize that this is not what we want? Is it not time to wake up to the fact that following the ego’s advice and mindset makes no sense at all? But do not despair, for there indeed is a better way. You are here to create as your Creator created, through Love. Love, and non-judgment as one of the numerous aspects of Love, is who you are here to be. If judgment has brought you a lack of peace, then its opposite non-judgment, is the way to peace. By forgiving the past, and placing the future fully in God’s hands, we return to the state of non-judgment, and thus to the state of peace. The more we practice returning through non-judgment to the present moment, the brighter our light will shine. The brighter our light shines, the more clearly others will be able to see their way out of a foreign mindset that does not represent the truth in them. 

Today, let us awaken to the fact that the ego is not taking us to where we desire to be. We desire to be in the now, experiencing and representing the Love that God is. Forgiveness, compassion, understanding, peace and joy, are all expressions of The Divine, of one who is in alignment with the now. Today, when the ego once again tries to convince us to drag its past judgment centered programs onto the pristine present, let us recall that the ego has nothing of real value to add or offer us. Let us now stop feeding its mindset with our time, focus and energy. The less we feed its delusions, the clearer our path will become. Imagine, within the present moment, experiencing an alignment with God by simply doing this: Choosing to let go of nothing, and receiving everything in return. Nothing is a symbol of what God is not, such as judgment, frustration, anxiousness, stress, worry, anger, hate, resentment and revenge. To replace nothing with everything, is to replace all that places itself in opposition to God, with God. How blessed would we feel and be, if we could awaken and recall, that we can give up nothing and receive everything in return? Today, give up the past and future, and practice being only in the now. What do you truly have to lose when all you can lose in such an instant is nothing? Rejoice, you as God’s creation, as Love’s expression, and are forever worthy of experiencing and reflecting all of His gifts. Today, very simply practice letting go of everything that tries to place itself in opposition to God, to your loving nature. Do so, let go of the ego’s numerous false concepts, for they are all in truth the same, nothing. Then make it a point to consciously unite with The Divine, with the love in you. Be the loving non-judgmental loving being that you were created to be, and by doing so help make this world a place of peace and understanding.

Today, let us practice understanding when we are aligned with the present moment, or when we are extending the ego’s past programs, like a blanket, over the now. When we align with the now, we look at this world through Love’s eyes, one with the Mind of God. In doing so, we see a world without judgment, one where we live peacefully and joyously with everyone. When we drag the past onto the now, judgment, fear, chaos, confusion, disillusionment and despair, seem to rule over us. It is in this state of uncertainty where we fail to see what is truly going on. In this state of mind it is the ego, not the truth in us, who is in control of our thinking, and thus of our lives. Today, by choosing forgiveness, or non-judgment over judgment, we take back control of our minds, and thus of our lives.  

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (2)

This is exactly what I needed to receive today to turn my thoughts around and realize I can see what is going on in my mind without condemning it. I feel such a release. Thank you so much for sharing the love and insights that have come to you.

Thank you Diane for being open to the massage.

Every moment that we can remember to do so, let us stop and listen. Let us listen to what aspect of Love the moment and those in it seem to be requesting. Then, let us be that to them. Let us be the love that God created us all to be.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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