daily inspiration video |
James reading with commentary |
Your personal mission on this planet is within you right now. You do not need a guru in the Himalayas or anyone else to tell you what you should or should not be doing with your life. All you need to do to begin deciphering your mission is to practice, on a daily basis, aligning more closely with what you enjoy doing and are passionate about. It does not matter what others think you should be thinking, saying or doing. For your journey is yours, not theirs. Equally so, you should not be imposing your will, or what you think others should be doing, on them. You, as much as they, have co-created an individualized and sacred plan with God. As God’s children, He desires that all of us follow our passions and feel fulfilled. As we do so, we align with what we have come here to do.
Your journey is specifically tailored to you. This is why comparing what your journey looks like to others, is of little use. The understanding of this ends your ego’s need to compare yourself to others. It ends your ego’s need to judge yourself as less than or more than others. It ends your ego’s need for jealousy or envy of any kind. Having co-created your journey with Perfection, there is no need to judge your, or other people’s journeys, as less than perfect. Simply be who your heart and soul are asking you to be. Those around you may have other dreams for you, be respectful of their thoughts. Be gentle and kind, but also know, that it is your mission you have come here to complete, not theirs. Be wise and humble enough to keep asking your heart, soul and God, about your path. The more you do so, the more you align with your loving nature, the clearer your path will be.
It is only when we support the ego’s delusions as true, that inner confusion results. It is when we listen to this world instead of our own hearts, when we feel lost, alone, off-balance and without a purpose. The ego wants you to believe it has the answers, for that keeps it relevant to you. This way the ego gets to continue to exist through you. It offers you one false treasure map after another, and you follow its maps and mindset, because you see most everyone around you doing the same thing. But pay close attention to where most of those around you, especially those following the ego’s treasure hunts, reside. They mostly reside in a state of confusion and chaos, off-balance and lacking direction and purpose. This inner conflict can have dozens of different names such as sadness, depression, stress, anxiousness, anger, judgment of self and others, resentment, hate, thoughts of revenge and a need for power and control. This inner conflict results because we have been programmed to believe, that what the ego has, we want. In reality, the ego being illusionary in nature, can not offer us anything that is real. Sure, every now and then, we may find what our ego told us to want, yet with time we see how lacking and empty its so-called treasure chest is. The ego will then try to tempt you with “more”, but more of nothing is still nothing. Nothing, is what the ego can truly offer you, because the ego being nothing, can only offer you what it is. Today, let us put the ego’s treasure maps back in the bottom draw, and instead look within for what fulfill us. Being Love’s creations, Love and its expressions are what fulfill us. Being and sharing joy, peace, passion, compassion, knowledge, hope and healing, all these are the truth in us. All these are what we came here to be, share and represent.
Today, let us simply become a little more consciously aware of our time and how we are spending it. Are we spending it in an effort to align with our mission, or are we still lost, confused and buying into the ego’s delusions, fairy tales and treasure hunts. Even if you just spend an extra five minutes a day becoming more loving and self-aware, you will go far today. Each day forth, consciously increase the time you spend becoming more loving and self-aware. By doing so, you will be moving in the direction of your true mission and purpose. The more time you spend aligning with your mission and purpose, the less time you will spend buying into and supporting the ego’s delusions as real. The more your real self begins to surface, the more your false self will begin to sink and finally fade away. As we allow the energies and expressions of Love that most naturally align with us, to encompass more aspects of our lives, our missions will become clearer. The clearer our path, the less judgmental we will become of self or others, and thus the more peace we will experience on our travels. There are very specific and sacred reasons why you feel drawn to what you feel drawn to. It is not by chance, that you love, feel moved by and are passionate about certain aspects of this experience. It is not by chance, that what fulfills you may not equally fulfill some of those around you. That is perfectly fine. Do not allow your seeming differences stop your forward progress. Do not compare yourself to those around you, but instead to who your heart and soul desire, and are calling on you, to be. Do so, and you will begin to become, who you came here to be.
Today, let us focus on becoming the expressions of Love, that our hearts and souls are calling us to be. The more time we spend aligning with the areas of our lives that we are passionate about and fulfill us, the clearer our mission will become. Today, let us not measure ourselves against others. It is not their mission you have come here to complete, it is yours. You have co-created with God a perfect and sacred plan for your own growth, healing and awakening. It is this plan that will align you with your purpose, hopes, desires and dreams. Do not underestimate the important part that you play in creation. God has chosen you and you alone to play your part. Throughout the day remind yourself: “God knows what He is doing. He needs me to play my part, not someone else’s part. That is why I am here. If God did not need me here, then I would not be here. I now place my trust in God and begin to focus on and accomplish, what I came here to do.”
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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