daily inspiration video |
James reading with commentary |
We are the daughters and sons of the Most High. We are the physical expressions of love and light on this planet. All we in truth ever wish to be, we already are. Once we recall our divine nature, being who we truly are (kind, loving, forgiving and peaceful human beings) is an effortless accomplishment. Sooner or later, we will find that there is nothing easier than being who we truly are. Nothing more is ever asked of us than to be our divine selves. We are all One. Once we start to offer “others” who in truth we are, we will strengthen this same realization in them. The more we reinforce this understanding, the more natural and normal this behavior becomes. There is nothing that will bear more fruit in our life and on this planet than the daily practice of being who we were created to be.
You could in truth only be what God is. He created you in His imagine, and knowing that God is Love and All, that is what you must forever be. Yes, the ego may have convinced most of us that we could be something that is in opposition to or apart from All, Love, God. But being something that is apart from All, in reality, is not possible. That could only occur if we are buying into the ego’s fairy tale as real. Let anytime that you are seeing yourself or another as something other than Love, symbolize to you that you are buying the lies that the ego is selling. Take such times as opportunities that are being offered to you to take back control of your own thoughts and thinking. Take that time to practice letting go of the ego’s fairy tale, of false concepts that no longer serve you. As you start to let go of the false, you start connecting with the truth and true. The more time you give to this practice, the more natural your connection to The Truth will become.
Regardless of how much the ego has programmed us to believe otherwise, kindness, love, forgiveness, joy and peace are our natural states. Yes, we can sometimes forget our natural states, but today let us recall that forgetting simply offers us the opportunity to remember better. Once we recall what we have forgotten, it will be easier to teach those who have also forgotten, how to better recall the truth in them. We have chosen to forget in order to better understand, and be better able to help, those who have forgotten. Many here have forgotten, and when they do they value the ego’s false concepts more than their true nature. Yet, no matter for how long we have forgotten, we will always hear in the back of our minds, the faint call to return to our true nature, and share this truth with others. Today, begin to realize how truly courageous you are: You came from a place of perfect Love and Light. There, only Love’s and Light’s expressions exist. Still, from there you heard a call for help and healing. You consciously chose to answer that call. You left a place of perfect love, light, joy and peace, to help others heal and awaken. You understood that they needed help and healing because they had forgotten who they were. Understanding this, you chose to also forget. This action would better help you understand the mindset of those stuck within the illusion. Now, you are again beginning to recall your true nature. Now, because you have been where they are, you can better teach others how to awaken from their sleep. Now, because of your life experience, you can better help others begin to recall the truth in them.
Today, let us all practice aligning with our true loving essence and nature. Nothing truly hard is being asked of us today. Simply return to consciously being who in truth you are. Today, if we notice ourselves valuing the ego’s illusions more than our truth, let us not judge others or ourselves. Instead, let us simply recall that our natural state of mind is always just a simple choice away. A choice away, that is all. Today, make the conscious decision to value forgiveness more than judgment, compassion more than condemnation, and peace more than pain. Is that truly so much to ask of us? Remember, we are the sons and daughters of Love. Is it truly that hard to simply be who we were created to be? Everything you need to be who in truth you are, resides within you now. You need not buy it, search for it, climb mountains or jump through hoops of fire to have it. Simply let go of your ego, let go of nothing. Do so, and in its place receive everything that truly has value. Imagine, all you are being ask to do, is let go of nothing you never really wanted. For that ‘effort,’ you’ll receive everything that your heart and soul have ever truly wished for. Imagine, every moment offering you the opportunity to leave your illusions behind. To leave all your judgments of self and others, all your frustrations, stresses, anger, hate and pain. Do so and open yourself up to receiving and experiencing the love, joy, peace and understanding of God. How easy can it be to let go of nothing? How great the reward, for no longer buying into or supporting, the false in you as true. Today, simply be who you were created to be, nothing more than that is requested of you today.
Today, we are being asked to do something that within the ego’s illusionary mindset appears hard, but that in reality, is effortless. Is letting go of the ego’s fairy tale, of nothingness, not effortless? The ego will try to make this appear hard to do, for its very existence depends on you not achieving this goal. Be not distressed, distracted nor delayed, by the ego’s efforts. Recall that it has never offered you anything that the truth in you has ever wanted. Today, overlook its efforts and do not listen to its complaints. Remember that being God’s creation, that all you wish to be, you already have and are. Remember that God being Perfect Love, would never allow His children to come into this classroom empty-handed or lacking anything. Rejoice, you have been given everything that you need, to be who you came here to be.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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daily inspiration video | James reading with commentary |
To be, is the essence of our being in the Spirit of God as we are created to be. For in Him, we live and move and have our being. In God is our be longing. In God is our longing to be. Our attitude of being is Beatitude… being blessed, being love, being peace, being joy… being One in Kingdom’s Heavenly realm of glory.
To forgive is to give for, to give love instead of hate, peace instead of war, light instead of darkness, hope instead of despair, joy instead of sorrow and life instead of death. For forgiveness includes everyone, means that everyone belongs, becomes One in all God’s Creation.
Thank you Roseanne for your lovely comment.
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Let us every day align with the loving truth within and by doing so shine brighter and brighter each day.
Peace. JBC