Daily Inspiration: March 18. Ending Our Sacrifices to Anxiety’s Altar

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The ego has programmed us to believe that it is natural and normal to be worried, stressed out and anxious. At the same time, it has us judge ourselves as weak, not spiritual or good enough if we feel this way. As always, when you choose to play the ego’s delusional games, you can never win, and end up losing no matter what you do. The ego even has us buying billions of dollars of prescription medication to bring us back into its ‘normal’ range or way of thinking. Let us today understand, that it is only our support of the ego’s delusional mindset, that has brought us to this unbalanced and anxious place within our hearts and minds. It is our believe in the ego’s illusionary mindset that makes it seem real. It itself, being illusionary in nature, is nothing, not real. Nothing has no true power. Once we stop supporting its false concepts as true, its power dissolves back into nothingness. Worry, stress and anxiety are false idols, nothing, not real, and only seem real if we give them our power, our time, focus and energy. Being worried, stress out or anxious – none of these are true aspects or expressions of the love that is the eternal truth in us. The ego’s mindset is something that you carry around like a backpack, that in truth does not belong to you. Simply start to notice, that you are carrying something that does not belong to you. Then take it off, set it down, and choose to walk away from it. The cross has already been overcome, there is no more need for you to carry it. Today, practice letting go of everything other than the love in you. Do so, and you will start to reinforce, strengthen and reflect, only your true nature. You are a representative of Love on Earth. Who you in truth are, your eternal loving and peaceful essence and nature, could never be affected by the silly little illusionary mind games that the ego plays within the false concept of time.

Today, let us make the effort to consciously stop sacrificing our time, focus, energy, self-esteem, money, peace and sanity to anxiety’s altar. Today, let us begin to detox ourselves from our addictions to the false idol of anxiousness. Let us recall that we have been gifted free will. That we can place our time, focus and energy on supporting only the truth in us as true. Worry, stress and anxiousness are not just bad habits, but they have become addictions. For what else would you call something that only hurts and punishes you, and yet you continue to inject it into your life and into the lives of others? Let us put such symbolic needles down. Trust God or worry, these are your only two choices. God is Love and All, thus worry could not in truth exist, and so in essence you only have one choice, between truth and nothing. Choose nothing and you will feel lost, confused, chaotic and unfulfilled. Choose God and peace will become your eternal companion. Trust God, be at peace, and by doing so become a beacon of peace for others. Truth or delusion, which will you choose to support and thus experience? God, Love, or false idols, who do you desire to reflect and represent on Earth? Let us no longer align ourselves with a darken illusionary mindset that actually thinks it can live and exist in opposition to God, Love, All. Today, increased your trust in your Creator’s plan, and behold the ego’s illusionary mindset of worry, stress and anxiousness, begin to dissolve away. Do so and certainty and the Peace of God will begin to take the place of the ego’s false idols.

Today, let us stop judging ourselves or others as less than for buying into the ego’s false idols of worry, stress and anxiousness as real. Instead, let us use such moments to trigger in us the desire to trust in God’s plan more. We will know when we are trusting in God’s plan, because the state of peace results. We will know when we are trusting in the ego’s plan, because worry, stress and anxiousness result and continue. The choice is very clear today. It is always the choice that we value most in any situation, that we will end up experiencing. Today, when something does not seem to be going your way, instead of once again becoming worried, stressed out and anxious, simply remind yourself: “Today, I am taking this moment as an opportunity to increase my level of trust in God. Today, I trust that whatever is happening is for my greatest good. I trust that every  moment, in one form or another, will help me grow, heal and awaken. Now I know, that this very moment, no matter how much I have been programmed to worry about it, is actually a gift that I am offering myself. I will now use this moment to reinforce the loving truth in me, and to let go of any false concepts that align me with the ego’s delusional mindset. Now I know, that the more I practice placing my time, focus and energy, on trusting God, the less worried, stressed out and anxious, I will be. I will no longer sacrifice my time, focus and energy, at anxiety’s alter. I will no longer buy into delusions of myself as real. I have free will. I now use it to strengthen my trust in my Creator’s plan for me and for this world. By doing so, I become an example to others, that peace of mind is always just a simple choice away.”

Today, the choice is clear: To buy into the ego’s mindset and programs and become stressed out, worried and anxious. Or to trust in the plan you have co-created with God and experience peace. Today, allow the state of peace to show you when you are trusting your Divine plan. Allow the states of stress, worry or anxiety to show you when you are buying into the ego’s delusions as real. God has gifted us free will. Today, let us use it to help bring light into the darkness, and peace to where there is pain. Today, let us acknowledge that the life we experience is not a result of what seems to be happening in the world, but of whose guidance we are choosing to follow. Today, let us align with God and the eternal loving truth in us. As we do so, let us see and feel the ego’s false idol of anxiety begin to dissolve before our now awakened eyes.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (6)

Any time I am not at peace within my self I am in conflict. When I am in conflict I am In ego that tiny slice of mind that is running scared, all the time trying to stay one step ahead of the love that it so desires yet is so afraid of. When I’m in this tiny mindset I must stop, pause, breathe into my Being . I often write, and then bring my conflicted thoughts to the Center of my Being where I can release them and reconnect with Peace. Fighting my thoughts only creates more resistance and persistence and ego can not heal ego. My choice always.

Thank you Shirley for your comment and for being a member of our community.

It is indeed our choice, what thoughts we allow into our minds, and what thoughts we then entertain, support, and physically begin to manifest into this world. This world, is in the end, after all is said and done, simply a reflection of the thoughts we think and thus support.

Peace. JBC

To be in God’s perfect will is to have the kingdom of God within us. When we are one with Godp and submit everything to Him, you can actually feel the Spirit lift the burdens from you.

When we take our focus from God and place it upon ourselves, like Peter we begin to sink.

At one time God gave me that perfect peace. Then I focused on myself and therefore lost this special gift. But when we give Him everything there is nothing or no one can actually put into words the perfect peace of God.

Thank you Marion for your comment and for being a member of our community.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I think this is about learning to go with the flow. If we are in the flow…so surrendered to the universe…we are not stressed out in a negative way but rather joyful and full of energy. Being stressed out is a sign, I believe, that we are not doing what we are meant to do.

Thank you missn for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Indeed , when we are aligned with the Love that God is, we are flowing, at peace within the Universe. When we lack peace its because we think that our plan for the Universe is better than God’s.

Peace. JBC

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