Daily Inspiration: March 21. Ending the Ego’s Rat Race

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The ego tries to convince us that we need what another person has. It tries to convince us of a world of scarcity, where if one wins, the other must lose. If we buy into this mindset, we spend our life on its hamster wheel and rat race, fighting our way to get to some imaginary finish line before the others do. We claw our way, step-by-step, day-by-day, up the ego’s steep and treacherous mountain. Always thinking that you only have a limited amount of time to get to the top. That is exactly where the ego wants you, tired, worried and stressed out, for the busier you are the less time you have to questioned it and its mindset. Aligned with this mindset you always judge your progress, that it is not fast enough, good enough or worthy of the work and sacrifice that you have put in. The ego needs your judgment of self and others because that is its fuel source. As long as you are judging yourself or others, the ego is fueled and strengthen, while you are starved and weaken. We have all played the ego’s game long enough. Today, let us practice doing the opposite of what it demands. Instead of worrying, stressing out and judging ourselves or others, let us practice increasing our level of trust in God’s plan. God assured our success in our creation. We have come here to grow, and that is what we are doing every day. If we are doing what we have come here to do, then we are succeeding. When worried or in despair, simply breathe deeply and recall, that because God is Love, He always has our back. Do you not make sure your children have everything they need before they go to school? Do you not think that God, is at the very least, as wise and loving with all His children, as you are with yours?

God has sent you into this world with everything you need. You do not need take anything from anyone else. You do not need to beat people to some imaginary finish line to win or achieve some level of peace of mind, success or joy. Peace, success and joy, as Love’s expressions, are actually your inheritance. You do not need to concern yourself with comparing yourself to others. Your tools and gifts are specific to you, as theirs are to them. To understand this simply align with and express the love that is within you, in whichever way your heart and soul are calling on you to do. That is all you need ever do, to have the fulfilling life that you so desire. Every day practice aligning yourself with the energies of peace, love and joy, in whichever ways feel most natural to you. Do so and you will start to realize that everything that you have ever truly wanted to be or express, you already have within. Today, when the false concept of lack enters your mind, remember that as God’s creation, you can not lack anything that is real. Simply be, align with, become and express, what you think that you are lacking. The more you consciously express what you once thought you lacked, the more natural, normal and available to you, this way of being will become. Imagine, knowing and trusting, that you already have all you need to do what you came here to do. Knowing this, what need would you ever again have to fight anyone else for some symbolic crumbs of cheese. Today, let us practice raising our level of trust in God’s plan, and by doing so decreasing our belief in the ego’s rat race. When we do so, our levels of peace of mind, love and joy, will increase, while the ego’s control over us will begin to decrease.

Today, let us stop investing our time in the ego’s rat race. Instead, let us start supporting and reinforcing the thoughts, words and actions that align us with the love that we were created to be. As we practice this shift in perception and expression, we will get a clearer picture of our unique and sacred mission on this planet. Once you tire of running in the ego’s rat race, once you stop searching ‘out there’, you will realize that what you truly desire is within. You desire to give your unique gifts, a greater expression. No longer despair trying to rush across some imaginary finish line. Simply stop, breathe deeply, relax, align with the truth within, and become who you came here to be. Do so, truly look within, and realize that you are missing nothing. Realize that you are whole, loved and complete, exactly as you are. As God’s child there is not one single supply you are missing. You are perfect, awake and whole, always exactly as you were created, forever changeless in your loving nature. Your true victory came in your creation. The love within you is the victory that you have come here to be and share. Rejoice that the ego’s rat race is finally over. Rejoice, that you have reached a place on your journey that gives you the clarity to finally truly see. Today, if you find yourself caught in this so-called rat race, remind yourself of the following: “My Creator, Love, being Perfection, only creates perfectly. Thus, my journey, exactly as it is, is perfect for me. Today, if doubt comes knocking, I simply breathe deeply, and rest assured in my loving nature. That is all I need do. Be who I was created to be. What a relief it is to simply be able to love, breathe and be. What a relief it is to no longer have to judge myself against all others. What a relief it is to simply love them as Love created them. What a relief it is to learn to love and appreciate myself, exactly as I am.”

Today, if we find ourselves running in the ego’s rat race, let us stop, breathe deeply, and choose God’s timing over ours. When we choose Divine timing peace results. When we choose our timing, chaos, conflict, anger and resentment result. Love is our Creator and peace is an expression of Love. Peace is thus our natural state of mind and inheritance. But we must through free will, accept our inheritance to truly have and enjoy it. Our journey is a sacred partnership with God. God being Perfect only creates perfectly. Let us rest assure knowing that everything that we think we need do, is and will always be done, at its own perfect pace and Divine timing. Let us recall that we are not some rodent on a hamster wheel. We are the creations of The Divine. Today, trust fully in the sacred nature of the plan that you have co-created with God, and be at peace. What race must we now or ever again run, if we already have God’s Love? If we already have everything that in truth we have ever wanted.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)

That’s interesting, I just woke up and for some reason I thought of all the people downtown Chicago, who are my brothers and sisters, running, walking fast within the confines of the sky scrapers. I rarely think of downtown, I’ve been been there,but not for a long time.Then I read your post.I thought then of my past jobs in sales and coworkers and how we all needed to be “better” than each other. It was challenging, I never was as driven as the number one people. Yet we can follow our hearts and work in all these places and do our best to respect and live each other. I don’t know where I’m going here,I was just surprised because I was thinking of the rat race and you wrote about it That shows you how connected we all are. So yes I will keep love peace and joy in my mind today.And I am looking forward to spring,today’s the second day of spring. Happy Spring!

Thank you Donna for your comment.

We are in truth love, peace and joy, and we are in truth all One.

Peace. JBC

This is me…always wanting what the other person has. Jealous, envious, all those terrible things. When it happens I pray and ask God to take the feelings away but I know that we can all have a relationship with God so with love. It is making different choices.

Thank you missn for your comment.

You no longer need to be who you desire not to be. The power to change and align, in every moment with your light, is forever within you now.

Practice each day giving everything that does not align with the love that you are to God, and watch it begin to dissolve before His wisdom and mercy.

Every day, place more and more of your time, focus and energy supporting only those thoughts that support the loving truth you, and practice letting go or, or forgiving, everything else.

Peace. JBC

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