video of James reading with commentary |
How many times have we experienced difficult or challenging days, only to come out stronger and wiser because of them? How many times have we stress out and worried about something in our life, and yet in the end, with hindsight, saw that everything turn out just fine? How many times have we surrendered to judgment and anger, only to finally find forgiveness and compassion where we once thought there was none to give? Would you not be grateful for someone or something that would make you a stronger and wiser person? Would you not appreciate anything in your life that helped you understand that in the end all will be all right? Would you not want to thank those who helped you find forgiveness and compassion in areas in your life where you once believed that there was none to offer? If you can be grateful for all of the above after the fact, why not start trusting that gratitude can be the appropriate response to the now, to each and every moment? When appreciation is not your response to the present moment, this is simply a symbol of unawareness, of one who is asleep to the gifts that the now offers. The ego tries to hide the perfection of the present moment in many ways. Yet, the more self-aware you become, the more you will acknowledge that Love only has your best interest in mind. The more you believe that God has your best interest in mind, the easier it will be for you to see that all the ego is trying to do is mask your sacred relationship with The Creator. What the ego tries to hide from you is God’s Love for you, and for all His children. It tries to hide the prefect nature of the plan that The Divine has co-designed with you. It tries to hide the wisdom, knowledge and life experience, that the present moment is forever offering to you.
Imagine a Loving God. Would this God not want to share His Love with all His children, all the time? What if He is already doing so? What if it is just we who have forgotten and thus cannot see, the gift that each moment is trying to offer us? What if The Divine’s job is to have the possibility of Love available to us in every moment. It can only be the ego’s past programming that can mask this fact from us. Today, let us note that anytime we are reacting to self or others in a less than loving way, we are failing to see what the present moment is trying to offer us. Everything, no matter how we have been programmed to see it, is occurring with our best interest in mind. Every moment we experience is in actuality here to help lift us up to a higher level of consciousness. It is at One with the state of Love where we all belong. It is the state of Love that we have come here to be, share and represent. It is this understanding that helps us look past the masks that we have been programmed to see. Today, let us look past all the delusions of the ego’s world. Today, let us just see the opportunities for love in each and every moment, and in each and every one. Judgment of self or other, frustration, stress, anger, resentment, hate and revenge, these are all but masks used by the ego to try to hide the opportunities that are here to help you grow, heal and awaken. No longer allow the ego to separate you from God, from the truth in you. The ego, thinking itself in opposition to God who is All, is in truth nothing. Thus, none of the ego’s masks are in reality real. Today, when you encounter any of the ego’s illusionary masks, smile at these silly little fear based devices, then slide the masks aside, and begin to recognize and acknowledge the presence of God in every experience.
Today, instead of buying into the ego’s masks and all of its nightmarish demands, why not choose to awaken and see the gifts that are being presented to you in the now? Would gratitude not become your response if you were able to see the gifts that the present moment has for you? Today, through gratitude, which is an expression of Love, let us unite with God. By doing so we begin to appreciate the perfect nature of The Now. When we return Home to Heaven, we will see and understand what a gift each and every moment truly was. But why wait until then, to find and experience gratitude, joy, forgiveness, compassion, peace and understanding, now? You have free will. You do not have to wait for the afterlife to begin to experience Heaven on Earth. Allow your gratitude for each and every moment to now symbolize your conscious union with God. By doing so, you can serve as an example to all those still lost fighting in the ego’s battlefields, that there is a better way. Look back at your past, see how much you have learned because of it. Acknowledge how much wiser and more knowledgeable you are because of it. Notice how much more mature, balanced and at peace, you are today thanks to your past experiences. Understanding this, is your past worthy of judgment or gratitude? Do you not think that the present moment is offering the same gifts that your past did? Today, let us be grateful for the now, and by doing so represent and reflect God on Earth. Love is who we are. Love is, when the ego’s masks are dropped, what the present moment is. Heaven is always, in every moment, just a choice away. The present moment is forever a gift from God to you, and when you awaken, a gift that you will offer this world.
Today, let us practice being grateful for the now. The present moment is God’s eternal gift to us. It is only when the ego is masking this understanding that we can not see the present moment as the gift that it is. It is only when the ego is hiding the present moment from us that such things as judgment, frustration, stress, anger, resentment, hate and revenge can be experienced. Today, let us drop the ego’s mask and appreciate the gifts that the present moment is trying to offer us. When we see the present moment as the gift that it is, our response to it will be gratitude. Gratitude, peace of mind, joy, forgiveness, compassion and understanding are all signs that we are seeing the now as it was created for us to see. Today, let us practice seeing the now through God’s eyes. Let us do us until gratitude becomes our response to each and every moment, and to each and every one.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
This is something I struggle with on the daily. I am so busy of being fearful of my past that it dumps into paralyzing me for my future. Yet, my present moment gets lost in between these 2 emotions. I want to be able to live, love and most of all enjoy in the present moment. That is the best gift we have this very moment. Thank you again for such a beautiful reminder.
Thank you Daisy for being open to the message.
Anytime that you are not at peace, let that be a symbol to you that you are either stuck thinking about the past or imagining your future. Then use such times, not to judge yourself, but to remind yourself that your true home is the present moment.
Practice every day consciously forgiving the past, placing the future fully in God’s hands, and returning home to the now. Remember that you have free will, thus it is you and only you, who can keep you away from where you truly desire to be.
You, as God’s child, are forever worthy of the peace, joy and love, that resides within the ever present now. Remember this the next time the ego tries to have you turn away from your true nature, inheritance and Home.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
I appreciate reading your words daily they bring reassurance to me and I love that they reassure that I am well and I appreciate you some how knowing me.
Thank you Lauri for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.
We are all One, and thus what is within one, is within all. God is Love and All, and thus all we could ever in truth be is the Love that God is. Because of this, all knowledge is already within you, simply awaiting for you to focus on It and shine.
Today, simply, in every moment, shine and share the light that you were created to be. Do so, and help begin to guide and lead this world back to a place of peace and understanding.
Peace. JBC
Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Each day you help us remember with your beautiful writings.
Thank you Daun for being open to the message.
The truth that already resides within you simply needs to be recalled, and you recall it every time you choose love over fear, compassion over condemnation, and forgiveness over judgment.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC