Daily Inspiration: May 17. Where We Are Now Is Where We Have Volunteered To Be

There has been a massive call for help and healing from this planet, and regardless of how conscious you may be of it, you have volunteered to answer this call. Your own misperceptions and judgments are the challenges that you have come here to overcome and heal. Your healing and life experience will then light the path for others. Your experience will help them see that there is hope where they once thought there was none. Today, see yourself as a volunteer, a first responder of sorts. You are here to aid those who are asking for help and healing in the best way they currently know how. Yes — when others judge you, that is their way of asking you to help them better understand forgiveness. When they become angry with you, that is their way of asking you to show them what true compassion feels like. When they seem to be holding onto resentment towards you or those you know, that is currently the best way they know how to ask you to show them the way to relief and peace. No one can in truth be anything other than their truth. Everyone’s truth is Love, for Love is their Creator, their eternal essence and nature.  When you find yourself with someone who does not recall who in truth they are, and are thus “acting” in judgmental, angry or resentful ways, this is them sharing with you that they feel lost and confused. This is them asking you, in the best way they currently know how, for direction, to help them heal and awaken. Imagine, if you understood that everything the ego has taught you to see as negative, wrong and worthy of judgment, anger and resentment, was simply a call for help and healing. How would your own world and your time on this planet begin to soften, shift and change? Today, all you are being asked to do, is offer help and healing to all those who are in truth only asking for help and healing.

Today remember that everyone you will ever meet, no matter how much the ego demands that you judge and condemn them, is God’s child. How could you in all honestly, as God’s creation, look upon another brother or sister, no matter how lost or confused they may be, judge and condemn them, and still be at peace? We are all One. You can not condemn another and find inner peace yourself. Love is who you are because Love is your Creator and All. Peace as an expression of Love is your right, but you must choose it, to experience it. Being all One, you must offer it to others, to experience it yourself. Withholding Love from another in any of its forms is not a symbol of evil, but simply of a mind asleep. You need not punish yourself for being asleep. Simply recognize that you are asleep, that you have slept enough, and that it is now time to awaken. Awaken and recall that it is not by chance, coincidence or bad luck, that you find yourself where you are. You have volunteered to bring light back to an area of our life and world that has been dimmed and darken by the ego’s programs, delusions and lies, and so too have they. Today thank, do not judge, those who are simply offering you opportunities to practice choosing light over darkness, your truth over your delusions. The more you get to do so, the more right this choice will feel, and thus the more natural this choice will become. The more natural it is for you to choose light over darkness, the more joyful and peaceful your life will be, and thus the brighter your light will shine. By getting the opportunities to practice reinforcing the light and truth in you, you will then see how important all you interactions were and are to your own growth, healing and awakening process. When you see this, gratitude, not judgment, will become your response to all those who are presented to you along the way.  

Today, when the ego once again demands judgment, anger and resentment, and it will, because its survival depends on you doing so, use these ego tools, but not to drive you and others further into the darkness. Instead, use them as a trigger, as a call to action, to awaken you from the ego’s dream. When you hear the cries of frustration and hatred, wipe their tears away with compassion and understanding. To those sinking in the ego’s swamps of sorrow, reach down, and offer them the healing hand of hope. To those walling about and fighting the monsters in their nightmares, gently and lovingly place your hand on their shoulder and whisper to them that it is all ok, and that it is now time to awaken. Help, healing, compassion, understanding and hope, are all expressions of Love, are all who in truth you are, and who you volunteered to come down here to be, represent and share. Do not attach yourself to what you believe an action’s outcome should look like. You are not here necessarily to sit under the shade of a fully grown tree, but instead to toil the soil, and plant the seeds of love, healing and understanding. Know this to be true, there is not one single act of kindness or seed of love that you plant, that will ever be, forgotten, swept away, or lost to the sands of time. What you, through your example help teach, others will learn, and then they will in turn, in time, teach others what you taught them. You may not, in your time, see all your roses bloom, but be assured that they will, and be assured that this planet will become a more beautiful and fruitful place because you were here. Be who in truth you are and came here to be, there is nothing else you need do. Leave the rest to God. Your light will not dim once you are gone, for we are all One, and so when one person is helped and healed, we are all lifted up to a higher level of consciousness.

Today, know that wherever you find yourself – that is where you have volunteered to help bring light into the darkness. You are there to help those who have been hurt – heal. You are there to bring hope and direction to those who feel lost and confused. You are the physical expression and representative of God’s Love on Earth. Offer your love in whichever ways the moment seems to be calling out for, and you begin to recall why you find yourself where you are. Whoever you are with, remember this: God is entrusting you with His child. Do not take this responsibility lightly. You will find yourself in front of those that God knows you can help. If God does not doubt your abilities, then neither should you. If God trust you with His child, then hold your head up high and know that you can trust yourself to do what you have come here to do.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)

Thank you James for this beautiful wisdom. At times we forget and fall asleep to illusions. Praise God that only Love is real.

Thank you Renee for being open to the message.

Having co-created our journey with God, Perfection, our journey is perfect of us and for this world. When we recall this, peace results.
When we recall this we become beacons of peace for others, and in doing so help begin to heal this world.

Peace. JBC

This Daily Inspiration opens up the floodgates to the challenges before me in dealing with unfaithfulness in my partner. I fear for every structure I have built in my life, emotional and otherwise, here at the time in life when my body & mind is weakening into my last years.
I know that Jesus said He will not/cannot remove our fears, for that would interfere with the free will gifted to us by God. So it is up to me to “not attach yourself to what you believe a certain action’s outcome should look like.”
I appreciate your kind reminder. I pray for strength.

Thank you Virginia for your comment and for being a member of our community.

When we sacrifice our time, focus and energy, to fear, we will fuel it. As we fuel it, it expands and become a bigger part of our life and experience. Yet, thanks to God’s grace, we do have free will. We can, in any and every moment, choose to place our time, focus and energy, on developing a greater trust in God. When we do this, it is we who allow God to be expressed through us, Love becoming a greater part of our life and experience.

You are forever loved and cared for by Love Himself. When in doubt, close your eyes, breathe in, ask to feel and experience His presence, allow His Love and Light in, let Him embrace every cell in your body, and then breathe out all your worries. Do this until you begin to recall, that only the Love that is God is true.

Peace. JBC

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