Daily Inspiration: May 18. We Do Not Live In Some Imaginary Gap In God

There are no gaps in God. There are no gaps in That Which Is All and All Which Is Love. Love being Everywhere and All, can therefore have no gaps, limits, opposites, cracks or holes in it. You cannot fall through a crack in God’s Love. You have not been forgotten by God because He is in All and All. There are numerous expression of Love, such as those of peace, joy, forgiveness and compassion, all expressions of Love are you and are in you. You are all expressions of Love’s energies, this is your true nature. Yet, for the ego to survive and continue to exist in and through us, it must convince us that this is not so. It must convince us that we are separate from God and can thus fall through gaps where God does not exist and where the ego rules as king. When we are not being Love’s expression and are believing a lie about us as true, we fall into these imaginary gaps. This false belief appears to separate us from God. But because it is false, it was never true. The tools within the ego’s mindset are all symbols of this belief in separation, that we are somehow something other than what God is. Anxiousness, stress, sadness, judgment, resentment, anger and hate, are all symbols of the beliefs that we are someone other than who Love created. The belief in these false concepts does not make you bad or evil, just asleep to your true essence and nature. It is simply a sign that you have forgotten who you truly are. Do not despair, the ego has for a brief moment in time convinced you that its fairy tale is more real than God, that and nothing else. There is no need to waste your time judging that child part of you who still believes that fairy tales are real. All you need do is recall your true nature and close the book on the ego’s fairy tale. Within its fairy tale the ego may have convinced you that you feel lost because God does not care about or know that you exist. Ask yourself, does a shepherd not always look for his lost sheep? Do you not think that God cares about you at least as much as a shepherd cares about his lost sheep?

We have been programmed by the ego to believe that God is not Love and All and thus that we can be separate from our Source. We have bought into the ego’s idea that the unlimited can be limited, introduced opposition into The Whole, and the ego’s fear base mindset into the state of Perfect Love. Yet what is All, in truth can have no opposites, no cracks or gaps in it. Once we remove our time, focus and energy, from the ego’s delusions, they will immediately begin to dissolve out of our dreams and lives. Thus, it is you who has the final say over how big the ego’s monsters of anger, loneliness, forgetfulness and thoughts of being separate from God, get in your life. It is you who hold the power, not the ego’s tools. Nothing within the ego’s fairy tale can in truth hold a power over you, because nothing within the ego’s fairy tale is real. Can you imagine actually believing that you could be separate from God, or that God has somehow forgotten about you who is in essence a part of Himself? It seems impossible that we would believe this, but unconsciously we manifest these false beliefs all the time, when we ourselves are not being loving. God is Love and All, and so when you are not being loving, you are being someone who in truth you could never be. It is within this state of mind that you feel lost and confused, and experience conflict and chaos. Only within the ego’s fairy tale could you think you are someone you could never be.  Anytime you are using the ego’s tools such as those of anxiousness, stress, sadness, judgment, resentment, anger and hate, you are in essence being who you are not. You are buying into the idea that you are separate from God, and can act unlike God. In essence, that you have somehow fallen through a crack in All That Is.

Today, let us stop supporting the illusionary belief that we somehow live and exist in a gap in God. We do not live in some dark crevice in His mind that He can’t imagine or see. We are not separate or opposite from The Whole, that is impossible. We are not limited or alone in any way, shape or form. We have simply fallen asleep and are dreaming of the ego’s fairy tale as real. Do not despair, for if we are reading this now, then we have slept long enough, and now know that it is time to begin to awaken. Today, let us make the conscious decision that each and every one of the ego’s false concepts will now be starved of our time, focus and energy. Now, let us use them as a call to awaken from the dream. Each and every time the ego tries to have you focus on and feed anything that is not love, no longer follow what you now know is a dead end road. There are no Gaps in All That Is. Today, let us only represent Oneness, our union with God, and by doing so help others recall that they too are forever worthy of the presence and companionship of an All-Loving Creator and Source. Today, remember this anytime you are feeling alone, lonely, sad, not taken care off, or disappointed. You are not alone, and being part of All, could never in truth be alone. You are One with your Creator and that is what you have come here to be, do, reflect and represent, Love on Earth. God cannot forget Himself and thus has never forgotten you. Yes, you may every now and then forget this, but your forgetting does not ever make the false true, nor the dream real. When asleep to your true nature remember, that your Shepherd is always looking out for you. Know that you are forever loved and safe in your Father arms. 

Today, let us recall that God Is All, and thus it is impossible for us not to be a part of Him, or apart from Him. Let us for a moment close our eyes, breathe in, and feel His Love and Light enter, fill and embrace us. Let us then breathe out all our misperceptions and in their place allow His Love and Light to fill our seeming emptiness. Let us no longer value the ego’s lies more than God’s truth. Let us now know that when we are choosing judgment over forgiveness, worry over trust, and hate over love, we are choosing the ego’s false concept of separation over our eternal union with our Source. When doing so, do not despair, for that sense of falling through a crack or gap in God, that feeling of being separate or alone, those are all just chapters within the ego’s fairy tale. None of the ego’s chapters are real, because the ego itself is false. You are forever One with God. There are no gaps or cracks in Perfect Love, who in truth you and God forever are.  

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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