Imagine no longer feeling punished by the past or being burdened by the future. Imagine every moment being transformed into a holy instant, one that thaws time into eternity. Imagine truly believing that, in each and every moment, God always has your soul’s best interests in mind. Imagine placing your full trust in God, instead of in fairy tales that the ego’s world insists you stress out and worry about. What do you truly have to lose by doing so? How would you like to let go of nothing and receive everything in return? How would you like to leave all the stresses and worries that you have invested so much of your time and energy in, and in their place receive the peace and joy of God? How would you like to end the nightmare of judgment, anger, resentment and hate, and gently wake up safe in your Father’s arms? This opportunity is available to us in each moment, and is always just a simple choice away. At One with the Mind of God, aligned with The Divine, is the Holy Instant, the present moment, the now, your true and eternal Home. Place your full trust in God, and the past and future will no longer steal away your peace of mind or joy. Trust in God’s plan for the Universe over your ego’s, and behold your world change from a place of pain to a paradise of peace. The states of peace, joy, trust, forgiveness, compassion and understanding, are all signs of one who is trusting in God and has awaken in their Father’s arms. Feeling stressed out, worried, frustrated, angry, resentful and hateful, are all signs of one who has place their trust in the ego’s plan for their life instead of God’s. When you trust in God’s plan for your life, you will have a sense of safety, security and hopefulness, that surrounds and shines through you, as it lights and softens the path for others.
Today, recall the young child in you, resting comfortably and innocently in your mother or father’s arms. Did you not find peace in their arms no matter what you thought you were going through? Did your burdens not lift, and your tears not run dry? Today, recall feeling your mother or father’s loving embrace, then multiplying that love by infinity and eternity. Do so, and you might just begin to conceptualize the Love that God has for you. We are all One, all forever worthy of this type of love. God’s Will for you and your highest will are One. Now, each and every time you fall, recall His love for you, and stand up knowing that all will be all right. Return today to that state before you fell asleep, to that place of perfect peace where Love fully surrounded you in His loving and warm embrace. Return to that level of peace you once knew, and can today, because you have consciously chosen so, begin to know again. You as God’s child are worthy of all that He is. Treat your brothers and sisters as God would, and feel Him flowing through you and throughout your day. Offer all the love that is true in you to all, as God offers it all to you, and you will be consciously aligning with the Mind of God. No longer buy into the ego’s deceptions that try to separate you from the sense of being worthy of God’s Love. Now, when you do not feel His Love, simply realize that you are dreaming the ego’s dreaming. Hurting others through thought, word or action, and mocking God’s children, does make you bad or evil, they are simply signs of a mind that is asleep to its true nature. Learn these signs, but not so that you can continue to hurt others, but instead to trigger in you the desire to awaken. Experience them in order to, and until you realize that, such thoughts, words and actions, do not represent the truth in you. Then through forgiveness release them and let them go, so that you can be free to become who you came here to be.
Today, let us gift the present moment wholeheartedly over to God. Breathe deep once again, relax and rest assured. Know that because God is Love and All, only good can come to you. Today, above every fear-based fairy tale that the ego would have you dream up, acknowledge to yourself that being Love’s child, only the love in you is truly real. Remind yourself that God is patiently awaiting for you to stop dreaming, so that you can consciously join Him on the journey. Today, by consciously choosing to trust God, you awaken from the dream. Then become an example to all others of what one who fully trusts God looks, feels and acts like. What stressful, worried, anxious or despair inducing dreams could ever cross your mind or path, if above all else you chose to fully trust in Love’s plan for your life? What need for judgment, anger, hate and revenge would you have, when you look upon God’s children as simply sleeping in His arms? My brother and sister, let us, those who have awakened, choose to no longer judge those who sleep. Let us trust in God’s plan and allow those who sleep the time they need to awaken. Today, let us be gentle, and allow their eyes to become accustomed to the light. Today, let us simply be the love and light that we were created to be. There is indeed nothing easier than being who in truth we are. It is, after all is said and done, an effortless accomplishment. Let go of all burdens from the past that you now know you need no longer carry. Place the future fully in God’s hands. Today, trust that your Father/Mother completely, wholeheartedly and unquestionably, loves and cares for you. Know that nothing could ever come to you that is not, in some way, shape or form, in your best interest. Trust this, and be here now as a conscious representative of The Light in us. Now, forever safe and secure in our Father’s arms, with Love’s expressions as our companions, let us become and share who we were all created to be.
Today, we know that being judgmental or fearful does not make us bad or evil. It is simply a sign of a mind that is asleep to its true nature. Yet, as Love’s creations, no matter how many egocentric dreams we dream, when we awaken, we will do so in our Father’s arms. Feel the deep love you have for your children, then multiply this love by infinity and eternity, and know that this is how much love God has and feels for you, His child. Before God’s eyes, you are not broken, lost or condemned. You are simply dreaming, and God is simply waiting for you to awaken. Look at your children as they sleep. How innocent are they? Multiply this innocence by infinity and eternity and know this is how God sees you. Do not doubt what God who is Perfect Love, sees and knows about His children. Instead, practice seeing all His children as He does. Today, awaken by simply becoming the love that you were created to be. Awaken, and when you do so, know that you will find yourself safely in your Father arms, a place that in truth, you have never left.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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Thank you James for this Loving, Powerful, deeply felt message! Words can not express how much I needed to hear this message! Leaving the Ego and all its kill joy ways, is a challenge for me currently. I feel justified in the anger I feel and do not want to feel like people can treat me or mine any way they want and I will want to be in their presence. Family can do some of the worst damage. I am battling and want so much to know this Peace, Love and Joy that I know is in me. I used to be so much more Loving, Kind and Gentle, in spite of my childhood. So many deeply hurtful things have happened and I have felt myself battling between the person I used to be and the pain that lives within me, that wants revenge and/or bitterness. This message hit home on a very deep level. How does one choose Love when Love isn’t what the other is spewing or doing? What do you James think and say to yourself in those incredibly painful, unjustified moments?
Thank you Sharon for your comment and for being open to the message.
The truth in us is the Love that God is. And nothing but the truth in us is true.
When you are perceiving someone who isn’t loving, you are simply choosing to see the sleeping child in them as truer than who God created. We are forever safe and innocent in our Father’s arms. Why would we ever need to judge a child while he simply sleeps in his Father’s arms? Only when we sleep, would we judge another as sleeping. Once we awaken we will no longer need to judge those who think they sleep.
Forgive, and you will see this differently. Forgiveness is the final illusion that helps you wake up from all illusions. Forgive because you are worthy of peace. Bless and pray for all those the ego’s dreams would have you curse and condemn.
We are all One. Pray with all you heart and soul for others, for they are but the sleeping parts of you, and you will never find true peace, The Peace of God, while you keep unconsciously judging those sleeping parts of you. You are Love and only Love. You are who your true Mother/Father created you to be.
Today, deny all the ego’s attempts to temp you and drag you towards its darkness. Decline any other thoughts than those that are loving towards yourself and others. Decline your false self and concepts, for they, placing themselves in opposition to Love, to All, to God, have been never true.
You are a child no longer, no longer buy into the ego’s fairy tales as true. Be the Love that you were created to be, and accept no other thoughts, give no more of your precious life to supporting thoughts and emotions that have never supported you. You are the Love that God is, lift your head and arms way up high to the Universe as you declare this truth as true.
You are the Love that God is, and nothing else is real or true.
Peace. JBC
Well…that was certainly beautiful. However, my mother was a borderline personality who was angry and resentful that she had a kid right before she was going to divorce my father – and this was in 1953 when being a single mother was unthinkable. My father was mostly quiet, also afraid of her moods and craziness. he died when I was 20…and I was an only child – so the next 40 years were very hard. I know that sometimes I felt “safe” with Mother – but most of the time I knew there was this current of darkness there…i don’t think I ever felt safe in my own home – even as an infant. I know that growing up, I went to bed worried and woke up fearful – every single day – and not without reason. So everything you wrote up there is very pretty – but it does not reflect my world at all.
Thank you Bonnie for your comment and for being a part of our community.
You as God’s creation are worthy of the peace that the present moment eternally offers.
Every day work on forgiving the past, and placing the future fully in God hands. By doing so, you will begin to see, that the present moment, is God’s eternal gift to you, and that it is within this holy instant, where the Peace of God forever waits patiently for you.
Peace. JBC