Daily Inspiration: May 5. Taking the First Step Towards Forgiveness

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


We may have been programmed to believe that taking the first step, being the first to forgive, is extremely hard and challenging. But isn’t its opposite, the weight of judgment that the ego has you carry, the constant thoughts that darken your days, the nights of tossing, turning, and losing sleep, aren’t they a much harder and heavier burden to bare? Sometimes we unconsciously choose the heavier burden, that of not to forgive, because of our own guilt. This guilt reinforces in us the idea that we are not worthy of, or able to make the choices that will lead us to peace. In essence, not forgiving another, becomes an unconscious way of punishing yourself, by withholding peace from yourself. Today, remind yourself that God being Love desires you and all His children to be and reflect peace, which is an extension and expression of His Love. You, as God’s child, are the Love that He is, and forgiveness is just one of Love’s many expressions. You are already all that He is, you do not need the false power of judgment. That unconscious desire for power, is what is delivering the inner pain you feel. That pain does not come from someone else’s actions, but from your reactions to their actions. Anytime you, through judgment, choose the ego’s false power over God’s plan, pain results. Every time you, in alignment with God’s Love forgive, peace results. It is you, who through your own thoughts, hold yourself captive within the ego’s framework, or can set yourself free from it. It is you, who through non-forgiving thoughts, hold yourself captive. It is also you, who through forgiving thoughts, can set yourself free. Would you rather be right and imprison within a foreign mindset, or be happy, at peace and free? That is a choice that thanks to free will, you can in every moment make. Today remember, that you as God’s child are forever worthy of the freedom and peace that forgiveness offers, and because we are all One, that so too is everyone else.

Forgiveness is the doorway to peace. But only you, through free will, can walk yourself through that doorway. Today, in order to take that first step, simply realize that you value peace more than pain, and being happy more than being right. Free will offers you the opportunity, in any moment, to dissipate the darkness. Today, when the ego once again pushes for judgment and darkness, tell the ego that it and all its demands are deceptions, and that you will no longer be driving in its direction. Then ask God to help you correct your path by aligning it with your true loving essence and nature. Now One with your Source, offer all who come your way, Love and its expressions, such as those of forgiveness, compassion and understanding. As you blessed them, gratitude fills your heart. Now you realize, that it is because of their participation in your life, that you have the opportunities to choose to align with your loving nature, and thus experience peace. Now you realize, that your brothers and sisters are really in your life to help free you from the ego’s judgment, darkness and pain. They are helping you see that the ego’s path and mindset has no true peace or joy that it can offer you. When you realize that judging yourself or others is not the way to peace, it is then that you will begin to look for a better way. This better way will lead you from judgment to forgiveness, which will in turn lead you from pain and conflict to the states of peace and joy. The states of peace and joy, as Love’s children, are our birthright, our natural states of mind, inheritance and Home. They are who we have come here to be, share and represent. 

Today, let us make the conscious decision to carry the ego’s burdens no longer. Today, let us close our eyes, visualize and feel, that dark, heavy, dirty, worn down and burdensome backpack of judgments that we, due to our believe in the ego’s ideology, have unconsciously tethered to our souls. Let us today make the conscious decision to take this burdensome weight off our shoulders, and hand it over to God. In doing so we choose to allow our delusions to dissolve in His light, mercy and grace. Allow yourself to truly feel how freeing and liberating that is. Allow yourself to feel this weight lifting off your shoulders. Today, take that one very deep and gratitude filled breath, that sigh of relief, that you have been for so long waiting to take. Then breathe out knowing that it is finally over, knowing that your past judgments thanks to God’s mercy are finally gone, released, forgiven and let go. The Cross has already been overcome, there is no more need for you to carry it. Today, courageously take that first step towards the freedom, peace of mind and joy, that forgiveness offers. Today, there is nothing that the mercy of God in you cannot forgive. Today, you no longer choose to see your brother or sister as some frozen moment in time, but as God’s eternal loving creation. Out of 7 plus billion people, it is you who have been led to this message. Take it as a sign, from a loving universe to you, that your freedom is at hand. Take it as a sign that it is now time to forgive, and that you are indeed worthy of the peace of mind and joy that forgiveness brings. Become the hero of your own journey. Become the light within the darkness, the sanity within the madness. Become the physical manifestation and representative of the love that you were created and meant to be. Become an example to all those who are lost in the ego’s judgment centered mindset, that peace can indeed be chosen over pain. Show them that being happy is much more valuable than being right. Today, through forgiveness, become to them that light at the end of their tunnel, a way out of the conflict and chaos, and a way back to peace of mind and joy.

Today, let us become the hero of our own journeys. No longer will we decide to wait for another to take that first step towards forgiveness, so that we can have peace. Today, it will be us who will courageously take the first, second, and if need be, the third step towards forgiving, forgiveness, freedom and peace. Today, let us decide that our past will no longer haunt us. Tonight, having chosen forgiveness over judgment, and thus being happy over being right, we finally find true rest. No matter how chained to the mindset of judgment we have been programmed by the ego to be, today above all else, we choose the freedom that forgiveness offers. Understanding that we are all One, when we forgive another, we free ourselves from having to carry the burden of judgment. This freedom from judgment, taking the weight off our shoulders, returns us back to the state of peace. Peace being an expression of Love who is our Creator, is our natural state, and it is in our natural loving state where we forever belong.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (6)

Thank You for this lovely message of forgiveness. I need this message because I thought I was justified in holding on to my anger and resentment. Not realizing that the cost was MY PEACE and MY HAPPINESS.

Thank you Reahla for being open to the message and a member of our community.

Remember what a great Man once said: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” If Christ can forgive those that crucified Him, then we can forgive those that have not yet remembered their true loving nature.

Throughout the day remind yourself: “Today I forgive, because I am worthy of peace.” Then through forgiveness, release yourself from the cross that you were never meant to carry, and set yourself and all others, forever free.

Peace. JBC

I am goibg through a very bad time, and your words are keeping me going .
Making me realize that i have to let past hurts go and move on.
Thank yo for making a difference in my life.

Yvonne, thank you for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Everyday remind yourself: “I forgive because I am worthy of peace.” Practice saying this to yourself over and over and over again until you remember that this is true.

Practice placing your trust in God more and more each day by handing over to Him all your hurts, pains, resentments and worries, then feel and visualize them dissolving in His Light and Love.

You were created in God’s imagine, you are love, and peace is an expression of love, thus you are forever worthy of peace.

We are all One, offers all others what you desire yourself to feel and experience. Offer all your brothers and sisters, even and especially those the ego says are unworthy, the love that you are. Offer them all of love’s expressions such as compassion, forgiveness, pray for their health and happiness, do and feel this within you, every single day, as many times as you can a day, and you will feel these energies flowing through you and throughout your day.

Continue to do this until your soul remembers, that as God’s creation, you are worthy of everything that is beautiful in life. Continue to do this until you recall that being all One, we are all forever worthy of God’s mercy and grace.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I have your Book which is a good reference to read when I need to. Great help to set you up for the day. Peace.

Thank you Teresa for your purchase and for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

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