video of James reading with commentary |
Imagine being in a heavenly place of perfect love, joy and peace. Then from within this paradise, hearing a faint call for help and healing from your brothers and sisters in this world. Being that you are love, and help and healing are expressions of Love, a desire within you arose to answer this call. Your soul answered this call by choosing the most aligned physical body, family and environment, that could best help you experience and understand the problems that you came here to help heal. You then experienced and live through the problem. You did so, not because you were being punished or punishing yourself, but because this is what you chose to come down here to learn about, heal, and teach others how to heal. You have not been cursed with your current circumstances. You can’t be cursed by what you have chosen. You have simply volunteered to bring peace, light and understanding, to an area of your life and of this world, where there is now pain, darkness and confusion. What you now see as your challenges, are exactly the areas of this world that you have come here to better understand and bring healing to. Your challenges, unconscious of it as you may be, have been chosen by you to overcome, so that you may teach others how to overcome. By overcoming your challenges, you help bring light into an area of your life, and of this world, where darkness is currently reigning as king. It is the overcoming of your challenges that becomes a part of your life’s mission, and helps bring meaning to your life. As God’s creation, as His ray of light, you desire others to not have to live in darkness. It will be this desire that will help you become that light at the end of people’s tunnels. Today, be who you came here to be. By doing so, help others find their way out of the darkness and back into alignment with the light in them.
You are here to overcome whatever challenging situations you are now going through. Your life experience, example and victory over your challenges, will help others find hope where they currently believe none exist. Others will pay attention to what you have to say, because they can, in your words hear, that you too have gone through and overcome what they themselves are now going through and trying to overcome. It is your life experience that you once blamed and judged yourself and others so much for, that has given you the knowledge and wisdom that others will now use to help them heal. You, thanks to your life experience, have in essence become their answered prayers. You, who once felt so stuck and hopeless, have now become the channel where hope, help and healing, flow from God through you to others. It is your life experience, all of it, not just the so-called good parts of it, that is your whole gift to this panet. Understand this and no longer despair, for every so-called error or mistake, bad or difficult situation or relationship, you will overcome. The lessons that you gain from your experiences will become the teaching tools that you will then gladly offer to others. Imagine, beginning to see the so-call negative or difficult times in your life as simply parts of the sacred lesson plan that you have co-designed with God. Imagine, every step along the way, always having a greater purpose. How much more peace of mind, hope, understanding, knowledge, wisdom and joy, could you open yourself up to, experience, be grateful for, and now be able to offer to others? Rejoice, for this is what in every moment, you are being offered, the opportunity to help bring God’s light, love and understanding, into this world.
Today, no longer judge yourself for what your journey seems to look like. Instead, hold your head up high knowing that the path that you have chosen will help you and others recall that every moment is indeed a gift from God to you. Every moment is a blessing that is in one form or another helping lift us all out of the darkness and back into alignment with the light. The more you understand the beauty and gifts that all your challenges present, the less you’ll be willing to judge your past and those in it. The less you judge, the more at peace you will be with your past. The more peace you have when relating to your past, the more peace you will bring into the now. The more you understand how much everything is used by God for the greater good, the more you will appreciate every single step along your sacred path. The more you understand how all your experiences are useful, the more teaching tools you will have at your disposal to lead others to the state of peace. Today, teach that even in our seemingly darkest times, the ever-present availability of the light exist. Now, any darkness you encounter is simply seen as an opportunity to bring greater light, peace, wisdom and joy, into this world. Now, whatever darkness, chaos and confusion you encounter, know that God knows that you can overcome. He has placed these challenges in front of you to help you develop the tools that will help you heal this world. Awaken to your true nature, bring clarity to the confused, and hope to those in need of healing. Today, recall that as God’s ray of light, your mission is to bring light into the darkness. Now, when challenges come our way, let us first thank God for the trust that He is placing on us. Let us recall and acknowledge that He would never offer us something we could not handle, and that He would never place us anywhere we could not succeed and shine.
Today, where the symbols of this world’s darkness reside, let us bring to them our eternal loving essence, our light. Where there is chaos, let us bring clarity. Where there is judgment and anger, let us offer forgiveness and understanding. Where there is resentment and hate, let us reflect only peace and our loving nature. Even when we ourselves sink into the darkness, let us now use our travels through it, as our teaching tools. Now, those who are in the darkness, when we talk, will hear and recognize in our stories, their own. It will be because of this recognition, that they will listen to what we have to say. That ray of light that we are and offer them, now becomes their hope for escape and healing. Once we use our experience to help others heal, we will recognize the sacred nature of our journey. Once we recognize the usefulness of our journey, we will come to peace with it, and with all those who were a part of it.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
Wonderful words that soothe and speak directly to the 💓. I must crawl through the darkness until I get to the inner light that shines through all problems and dissolves them with it’s brightness. Glory to God. Blessings to you all. Kim Diamond Swartz.
Thank you Kim for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.
Let us never despair knowing that in every moment we have the free will to begin anew.
In as many moments as we can today, let us take conscious control of our own thoughts by aligning them only with our loving nature.
Forgiveness, kindness, compassion, joy and peace, are all aspects of the eternal truth in you, all expressions of the eternal light in us.
Let us in as many moments as we can, remember to choose our true light over the delusional programs of darkness, so that we may begin to light the way, for those who are currently finding it too dark to see.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Isn’t God’s love just perfect with such perfect timing too…I had a very profound moment last night about my souls purpose and tonight readIng this post just confirmed it further…thankyou so much for the clarity and light you share in helping us all remember who we truly are…I am forever grateful for the wisdom and understanding I/WE receive everyday…
Thank you Paulette for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.
May your light continue to shine brighter and brighter each day.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Thank you so much very this message that touched very deeply within! I look forward to your messages, even though some of them challenge and stretch me, but that is the point!! May Source continue to guide you with these AMAZING messages!!
Thank you Sharon for being open to the message and for a member of our community.
Being all One, nothing that is given to one, is withheld from another.
All glory to Source.
Peace. JBC
And once again I receive from you the perfect message for this day. I am going through and coming out of some of biggest challenges in my life.
Why am I always so amazed at how Spirit works?
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you Daun for your comment and for being a part of our community.
Know that God being Perfect Love would never offer you anything that you could not handle. When doubt and fear try to enter your mind’s gate, remember, Who walks hand in hand with you along the way. Remember this and be at peace.
Peace. JBC