Daily Inspiration: November 10. Enlightenment: Reuniting With Our Eternal Essence

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


People who are enlightened are in alignment with their eternal loving essence and nature. People who are enlightened are at peace with the realization that each and every moment is a sacred co-creation with the Divine. Knowing this, people who are enlightened see each moment as serving a higher purpose. Awake beings respond to each moment with gratitude, not judgment. Gratitude, because awake beings understand that an All-Loving God always has their best interests in mind. The foundations of the thoughts of enlightened beings are filled with love, gratitude, peace, joy and trust. Enlightened beings do not need to wait for peace to manifest in the external world in order to experience it. Instead, they carry the state of peace within and thus wherever they go. Doing so, the awakened being does not need to wait for any specific outcomes to achieve or receive the state of peace. Instead the state of peace already residing within their minds colors the external world and blesses all those in it. Each one of us has co-designed an individual and unique journey with the Divine. Those who are awake recognize this, those who still sleep don’t.

Those who recognize this sacred co-creation are at peace. Those who don’t reside in the mental states of confusion, frustration, anxiousness, fear, conflict, chaos and war. Those who are truly awaken have no need to judge those who sleep. Those who sleep have a need and addiction to judge others no matter their circumstance. When those who are awake are judged by those who sleep those who are awake realize that their brothers or sisters are simply dreaming. They understand that it is not the truth in them that is doing so. Those who are awake are at peace knowing that it is simply a matter of time before those who sleep awaken.

Let us today recall that judgment is the ego’s main fuel source. Judgment is simply a symbol of a mind asleep. Judging anyone as less than or not good enough is a symptom of someone who has more faith in his or her ego’s plan for the universe over God’s plan. God’s plan is sacred and perfect. When you recognize this as true peace results and all judgments begin to dissolve before your light and understanding. It is within the state of peace that true joy and a deep sense of gratitude are experienced. You are the creation of the Father Mother of Peace, Gratitude and Joy. Know this as true and share the truth in you with all those God sends your way. Allow these energies to radiate from you and unto the world. Do so with humility knowing that all that seems to separate you from others is but the dream they dream. When you realize you are the creation of Peace what need would you ever again have for conflict? When you recognize that Love is your Truth and Father, what further need would you have to defend yourself against this world’s delusions? The enlighten mind naturally desires to be of service. It finds its own unique ways to become an example of Truth, Peace, Love, Oneness, to everyone whose presence they are blessed with. The awaken mind knows that no one comes to it by some false concept called chance. Every person who comes before it, the awaken mind sees as a gift from God to it. The awaken mind sees every interaction as an opportunity to practice being and reinforcing its eternal loving essence and nature. The awaken mind knows that is it by sharing its peace that the state of peace will encompass its days and life.

Today, let us pay close attention to how the enlighten mind is always trying to align with the Mind of God. By doing so it humbly represents God on Earth. The enlighten mind does not judge itself when it falls asleep. It simply learns to recognize when it is asleep and uses this self-awareness to help it once again awaken. The enlighten mind understands such situations as simply opportunities given to it to better understand the darkness. It is through this greater understanding that it is better able to teach those within it how release it and return to the light within. God’s love, mercy and grace is forever flowing through our minds. The understanding of this is a symbol of the awaken mind. The lack of this understanding is a symbol of a mind that still sleeps.

Today, allow God’s love, mercy and grace, forgiveness, compassion, trust, hope, peace and joy to become your constant companions. Today, also see judgment, anger, anxiousness, resentment, hate and revenge as simply symbols of a mind that sleeps. Today, let us, the awakened mind, use the symbols of sleep not to remain stuck within the ego’s dream. Instead, let them trigger in us the desire to become a brighter light to others. Let us remain humble when we thanks to our self-awareness are able to use God’s tools to help our brothers and sisters awaken. Humility knows that no matter if one is awake or not that he or she is no higher or lower than their brother or sister who still sleeps. Humility helps to keep us flowing towards our natural destination to being at One with our Source and with all His children.

Today, let us see enlightenment as a realization, not a destination. It is a realization that we are God’s children, eternal in nature and perfect exactly as we were created to be. Each one of us is a ray of God’s light, bouncing off the surfaces of this world, here to bring clarity in our own unique ways to those who can’t see clearly yet. Each one of us is a representative of God on Earth, a light within the darkness, the calm within the storm. You do not need to add to or subtract from who God created you to be. Simply be the love that you are in truth. Love is your Father and Creator; it is your true nature and essence; it is your foundation and Home. Being in alignment with Love’s expressions are signs of an enlightened mind. Today, as an enlightened being, in every moment be humble and request Love to lead the way.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (2)

Probably, the most difficult thing for the people of the world today, will be to stop talking – stop trying to make others think as they are thinking. To accept that others are scared, just as they themselves are scared. To listen, instead of fighting. This is an opportunity for us to become better people, to be our highest selves – to shine out love. Let’s be our best selves today.

Thank you M Larkin for your comment and for being a member of our community. Peace. JBC

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