Daily Inspiration: November 11. Compassion for Those in Emotional Pain

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


You will know those who are in emotional pain, those you are here to serve, by what they offer you. They will come to you carrying judgment, anger, resentment and hate. They will come to you confused, lost and in fear. They will come to you offering all that the ego’s delusional world has sold to them as being their truth. They will come to you in this manner as a call for help and healing. Today, do not listen to the ego’s demands for condemnation. Instead, use such interactions to practice reflecting and thus reinforcing your loving nature. Remember that in their own ways, the people around you who are in emotional pain are asking for your compassion, for your light, peace and understanding. Recall that, as Love’s creations, only the love in both of you is true. Because God is Love and All, none of the ego’s fear-based tools are real or true. Today, do not fall into the dream by reacting to the false as real. The false can never hurt us unless we see it as true. The false can only hurt us if we give it our focus and thus permission to do so. Today simply forgive or overlook what was never real or true. Love is our foundation and forgiveness is one of Love’s numerous expression. One with Love we stand on solid ground. Today, on solid ground, allow those who dream to release their inner pain. Our reaction will show them the there is a better more peaceful and joyful path. Today, simply forgive them their dreams of you. We do not need to defend ourselves against these false projections. Only the love in them could ever be real and true. We are all God’s children and creations. We are forever under His protection. What made up lies could ever hurt the ever-lasting Truth in us? What passing clouds of judgment, anger, resentment and hate could ever replace the eternal light that God created them to be?

Today, let us do our best to represent God, Love on Earth. Let us align only with Love’s tools and offer them to all who come our way. All who are brought to us will not be by chance, but by God. Let us today be humbled and in awe that God is entrusting us with His children. Today, in honor of God’s trust in us let us use His tools to help gently awaken His children. Today, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, joy, peace and understanding, we know as our true brothers and sisters. Let us introduce them to those within the darkness, as the representatives and energetic expressions of the Light within us all. Let us recognize that those in the darkness of this ego’s delusion feel a sense of a lack of self-worth. Because they struggle with judgment, anger resentment and hate they fear they are unworthy of God’s love and companionship. When someone thinks of themselves as worthless and unworthy of Love it is simply because they have forgotten they are God’s perfect creation. They have forgotten they are on an individual sacred journey that they have personally co-designed with God. They have forgotten that each step of it when properly perceived is a blessing to them and those around them. Those in emotional pain have forgotten that God being perfect only creates perfectly and that they are His perfect creations. They have forgotten that they are here on Earth because we and God need them here. Every step on one’s journey is here to serve the Higher Good, to help us all grow, heal and awaken. Today, all we need do is through our example serve as a reminder to those in emotional pain of the loving light within us all.

Today, let us recall why our sisters and brothers are judgmental, angry, resentful, fearful or hateful. They are saying to us that they are feeling worthless, unworthy of Love, alone and forgotten by God. Why would those who are healed ever want to waste our precious time judging and condemning those who are in pain? As Love’s representative, we have been placed before them to help them heal, not to continue their suffering. Out of close to eight billion people, it is you who God has chosen to help His child, your brother or sister, heal. Do not take this great responsibility lightly. Today, you are literally an angel, a messenger of God, here to remind those within the darkness of the gifts within the Light. You are here to remind them by the way you think of them, speak to them, and act with them, that they are forever worthy of God’s love. Today, to those who are confused let us bring them clarity. To those who are in pain, let us bring them peace. Let us help them heal by bringing clarity and peace to their minds. Once they recounter this inner clarity and peace what further need would they have to project a confusion and chaos onto this world? Today, let us ask ourselves: “What would I say to one of God’s children who is sharing with me, through their judgment, anger, resentment, fear and hate that they are feeling lost, confused, worthless, unworthy of love and forgotten by God?” Today, before answering them let go of your ego’s prepared remarks. Then consciously align with God and invite Him to speak through you. Offer them only what Love would. Do so and you will be fulfilling your mission here on Earth. Do so and through your compassion become the light of the world.

Today, if people attack you, through their judgments, anger, fear, resentment and hate, recall that they are simply asking for help and healing. You can feel honored that God has entrusted you with His children’s healing. Out of close to eight billion people on this planet, God has chosen you to help His children heal. During the storm, stand solid and strong in your loving foundation. Through your compassion, become a beacon of light that the lost can use to find their way back Home. Remember that no one’s delusional dreams can disrupt or disturb the truth in you. You are safe and secure, under God’s care and protection, in union with the Divine. You do not need to defend yourself against false concepts because no one’s truth could ever do anything to you other than to love you.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (6)

Thank you kindly, for having the courage and the bravery to speak the truth and be a channel for the voice of our loving Creator. Your words create a message that can be simply followed by those who choose the peace and the love of God within. Sometimes the motivation to do things is a selfish reason and that is quite all right. Knowing that if I want peace I must be the example of peace, and also understanding What I do to others I do to myself because we are that perfectly connected and the same. At times it is so tempting to join in on the conversations of condemning others, but it is then that I remember your daily messages and teachings from Jesus which I am extremely grateful for. Thank you for making the time and putting in the work to post these messages. You are a beautiful reflection of God‘s love as we all are in the dream. All glory goes to God

Thank you Wolf for your kind words and for being a member of our community.

The light, peace and love resides within all of us, because that is Who our Creator is, and thus who we in Truth are. Let us, in every moment possible, listen to what expression of Love the moment is calling out for, and then become that expression to all those who are in their own ways asking us to help them recall the Truth in them.

Anytime that darkness or that sense of judgment or forgetfulness comes calling, do not judge yourself or others for this, instead thank the darkness for helping you practice making the conscious choice to represent The Light. The more times we get to consciously practice and choose The light over the darkness, The Truth over the ego’s judgment centered programs, the more easily we will be able to recall and shine The Light in and through us. This in turn will then help guide those who are in the darkness return back into alignment with The Light in them.

Thank you for reading the message and for every day being a physical reminder, reflection and representative, of the message, of The Light that God is, of The Truth within us all.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Just what I needed to hear today, perfect, thank-you. Namaste.

Thank you Julie for being open to the message. Peace. JBC

Reminders amidst all the jarring images before us right now are so important. Thank you so much for holding to the truth behind these illusions and calls for love and helping me to do the same.

Thank you Diane for your comment and for being open to the message. Peace. JBC

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