video of James reading with commentary |
The role of victim no longer serves us. If we feel like victims, it is only because the ego’s past programs have imprisoned us within its mindset. In truth, we can never be imprisoned, but we can feel imprisoned if we have bought into the ego’s lies as true. God is Love and All. Thus in truth, there can be no opposition to Love. Judging self or other, anger, fear, resentment and hate, these are all false concepts within the ego’s fairy tale. The ego false concepts will never be a proper, rational and healthy response to God’s creations. Yet still, because of our programming we respond in this manner over and over again. In doing so we keep ourselves imprisoned within a mindset that is not in alignment with our eternal loving essence and nature. Let us take note that it is our belief in the ego’s tools and mindset, not our brothers and sisters, that keep us chained to the ego’s past programs. Today, let us use our free will to start taking greater personal responsibility for the thoughts we are thinking and thus for the life we are living. As we do so we align our thoughts to our true loving nature and let them flow from that foundation. When our thoughts foundation is Love then their expressions will be compassionate, forgiving, peaceful, joyful, helpful and hopeful. How could we ever again feel like a victim in a world where Love’s expressions constantly support and comfort us in their warm embrace? Today, let us practice aligning with the Mind of God, with the only mindset that is natural to our loving nature. The more we do so the more that false concepts such as those of being victim will begin to fall away and dissolve before our light and understanding. The more that such veils fall away the brighter our light will shine.
Today, let us use Love’s tool of forgiveness to help us begin to release false concepts we now know we no longer need to carry. This will help us begin to create from this point forth a world where we no longer hold anyone a prisoner within our minds. Today, when we find ourselves falling back into the ego’s victim-centered mentality, let us recall we can forgive self and others and thus choose once again. When we choose forgiveness over condemnation, we will begin to release the prisoners within our minds. Being all One, their freedom will also be ours to feel and enjoy. Imagine no longer having to carry and lug around the heavy burdens of the past. Imagine no longer having to take dictation and direction from the past. Imagine living each and every moment free from our past programming. Free to share and feel the love that we were all created to be. How much more freedom, peace of mind and joy would you begin to experience in this new mindset? Now, free from our past judgments we can choose to place our time, focus and energy into what we truly, within this present moment, desire to experience. If we truly desire to experience freedom, peace of mind and joy, then we must feel worthy of them. We feel worthy of them when we recall that because Love is our Father, freedom, peace of mind and joy are our birthright. Now when the ego demands anger, judgment, resentment, hate and revenge, we acknowledge the insanity of its request. Then we forgive and in doing so, experience true freedom, peace of mind, and joy. We are forever set free when we recall the true gift and power of free will. Today, let us use our free will to escape the darkness and once again align with the light within.
Today, let us use the ego’s demands to recall we no longer need to be chained to how it has programmed us to think and react. We no longer need to support the ego’s delusions as real. The more we practice choosing our true loving nature over the ego’s delusions the more safe, secure and stable, we will feel and become. We will become a beacon of freedom for those still feel imprisoned within the ego’s mindset. We will by our daily example light the way for those who feel stuck carrying the burdens of a past that no longer exist. What a relief it is to know we are no longer victims of a world we have been programmed by the ego to see. Today, we consciously stop judging, becoming angry, resentful and hateful.
None of these are the proper response to God’s creations. We no longer need to support thoughts and emotions that bring us nothing but sadness, confusion, pain and regret. Now, thanks to the power of free will, we can choose to think in alignment with the Mind of God. Now we can use our time, focus and energy to only choose and support thoughts and emotions that support us. Now we can create the life we want and that, as God’s children, we so richly deserve. Thanks to the gift of free will, those iron prison bars, that once held us and others hostage to the past, will begin to dissolve. Now we know that no child of Love deserves to be imprisoned. Now we know it was only our belief in the ego’s past programming that had made us victims. Victims that, thanks to free will, we no longer are. What a relief it is to recall that the power to free ourself from the victim mindset resides with us and not in the outer world or those in it. It is us who have the power to forgive and thus free us from our past.
Today, if you feel like a victim recall: 1 – You feel this way, not because you are, but because you have been programmed to believe you are. 2 – It is only your belief that holds you captive. 3 – If it is you who is holding yourself captive, it is also you who can set yourself free. 4 – It is you who can free yourself from the burdens of the past through forgiveness. 5 – It is you who holds the key to your freedom, peace of mind and joy. 6 – Rejoice! You have been blessed with the gift of free will. 7 – In any moment, you can choose to stop dragging the past onto the now. 8 – You can experience the present moment as it was gifted to you by God to enjoy and share. 9 – Thanks to free will, you can let go of thoughts that no longer serve you. 10 – Today, release the victim mindset so that you can be the powerful divine being that you came here to be, and through your example, help set others free too.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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Thank you James , Namaste’
Thank you Scott for being open to the message.
Peace. JBC
Thank you, I have been stuck in this mindset for quite awhile. I knew it was not what I wanted but not how to change. Acceptance that I am one with Gods love is a starting place for me. Again thank you
Thank you Frankie for being open to the message.
Anytime you are feeling like a victim, do not judge yourself or others for this, instead, choose to see it as the Universe offering you another opportunity to choose forgiveness over judgment, and thus peace over pain.
Today, when a judgmental thought of anything or anyone comes into your mind, be grateful that you are being offered another opportunity to heal and find the peace of mind, that as God’s child, you are and have forever been worthy of.
Offer wholeheartedly and without hesitation your forgiveness to everyone and all who have, through your own judgment-centered thoughts and programming, held you captive to the past. Do so, feel yourself freeing them and wishing them well on their journeys.
Being all One, it will be these same blessing of freedom, peace of mind, clarity and joy, that you offer to others that will now become, your conscious and constant companions.
Peace. JBC
this is an amazing article!! Hit the nail right on the head for me. I have been acting this way most of my life because of programming; thank you for validating that it is indeed a program and we have the choice to be free. This article made my heart melt with happiness.
Thank you!!
Thank you Tracie for being open to the message.
Every time your programming pops up, do not judge yourself for this, simply understand it as a gift that the Universe is offering you to help you see what you no longer want.
God is helping you practice seeing what does not belong within.
Today, practice letting go, releasing, forgiving, anything that does not bring peace to your mind and joy to your heart.
Forgiveness, peace and joy, as aspects and expressions of Love, is who you in truth are, forever have been, and will forever be.
Today, be and share only the love that in truth you are. Do so and you will begin to fulfill your function as the light of the world.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Dear James,
I never stop experiencing tremendous AWE with your daily lessons. I will never stop being grateful and amazed that each day your “reminders” resonate with my being and offer EXACTLY what I needed for that day. Thank you, thank you for helping us all in our journey to “remember who we are” You are so loved.
Thank you Daun for your very kind words.
Be and share each and every day the love that you came here to be.
Every day and in each interaction practice align with and sharing the real you, the eternal love that God created you to be. Being all One, what you, through your example help others recall, you reinforce with yourself. For this, let us be sure to thank all those in our mental and physical presence, for help us reinforce and brighten the light within.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
This is a beautiful and very helpful reminder. Sharing. Thank you.
Thank you Diane for being open to the message and for sharing.
Peace. JBC