Daily Inspiration: November 20. This World is a Reflection of the Thoughts We Think

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


You define this world through the thoughts you think. Your world is simply a reflection of the thoughts you choose. Everything “out there” is given definition by you. When you work on developing a more peaceful mind, the world you see through this mindset will appear more peaceful. Equally so, if your mind is in a confused, fearful and chaotic state, then this is the world that you will see and experience. Your mindset defines the world you see and thus how you participate in it. Your thoughts drive how you participate in this world and thus how you interact with it. If you are not at peace with how you are interacting with and experiencing this world, then do not focus outward to try to change it. Instead, focus within. You have free will and so begin to build your thoughts in a form that will support the world you want. In the world of duality, both worlds of peace and chaos can seem to coexist. Yet in every moment it is the thoughts you choose to focus on and support that paint the picture of the world you see. Choose to define the world as chaotic and you will live within and be affected by chaos. Choose to define the world through peace and you will take this mindset, the state of peace, your internal condition, wherever you go. Rejoice and be at peace knowing that the choice is yours. The choice is never somewhere “out there.” This is why those self-aware enough can experience peace in a world that others find chaotic. Today, let us through our own thoughts look to heal and bring peace to our inner world. Let us do so and begin to watch the outer world begin to shift to reflect our efforts and internal condition. Then let us allow our peaceful nature to guide those within the darkness find a path back to the light in them.

Being all One, what you see reflecting from ‘others’ is simply a compilation of thoughts and beliefs you hold within as true. Today, let us work on remodeling our internal environment. This way the external environment can begin to reflect a more accurate picture of who we desire to be, see and experience.

Today, let us slow down our thinking long enough to notice how the thoughts we think become the building blocks of the world we are creating. Let us not judge ourselves or others for seeing a world we don’t want. Instead, let us in every interaction silently offer our sisters and brothers gratitude for volunteering to reflect our internal condition. The more self-aware we become of our internal condition the more we can stop supporting with our time, focus and energy, thoughts that are not helping us create the world we want. If thoughts that do not help us keep trying to pop back into our minds, let us first forgive them. Let us forgive all those involved with those thoughts. Then let us with love offer them our blessing and release them over to God. Now, with a clear mind we can begin to look for those thoughts that will help us create the world we want. As we find them we align them with our loving nature and by doing so begin our work as Love’s creators. Now we know that in every moment it is we who through our thoughts are building and experiencing our creations. The world you end up creating is the world you think yourself worthy of having. Today, when you are seeing a world you do not want remember that you are Love’s child and thus forever worthy of His loving inheritance. You are forever worthy of a peaceful, joyful and compassionate world.

Today, allow your loving truth to come into your awareness. From this point forth only support the thoughts and emotions that through your words and actions will build a world that is worthy of you. Today, let us acknowledge that everyone who is in our life is here to help us get to know ourselves better. It is by doing so that we develop greater conscious control over the world we are building. By knowing ourselves better, by consciously aligning with our eternal loving essence and nature, we get to proactively choose what we create. A more compassionate, forgiving, loving, peaceful and joyful state of mind and world is our birthright. This state of mind then becomes the solid foundation we build on. The more opportunities we have and make to align with this loving state of mind the quicker we will build up the world we want. In doing so we spend less time suffering and in pain. Today before every interaction let us make a concerted effort to make our goal to represent love in whatever forms the moment calls out for it. If condemnation is in the air let us become the representative of compassion. If anger is being demanded by the ego let us become the gift of peace. If anxiousness or fear try to darken the moment let us align only with our eternal light. In doing so we help show others that the more they trust God the less anxiety and fear they will experience. By having our goal in mind we make sure that our thoughts support us in reaching our goal. How blessed are we that we have the capability and power, through our own thoughts, to make our world a happier, peaceful and more loving place?

If your thoughts show you a world you do not want do not despair. Instead, take your power back from the ego by taking back control back of your thoughts. Only you can decide what thoughts to think. It is the thoughts you think that end up defining the world you see. When you lack peace recall who your Creator is. Love is the Father of Peace and you are His child and creation. Peace is thus your inheritance and natural state. When you are not at peace you are somewhere you do not belong. But do not despair, simply recall the Truth in you and chose once again. Align your thoughts and mind with Love and then allow love to lead the way. Ask yourself: “In this moment, what would Love have me think, say and do, and then think, say and do only that.” As you do so you will begin reflecting Heaven on Earth.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (6)

Thank You James for these words of courage! Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway.

Thank you Gary for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

I have been with you ever since we (wife, Karen and I) bought your book years ago. I have been a subscriber for years too. After today’s reading I finally had the thought of doing what I have not been doing – responding and taking responsibility for planting the seeds of the world I want to see. We talked for an hour after the reading as we do almost everyday (the joys of being retired and with the person who also loves to be philosophical). I want to thank you for being a part of my continuing unfolding. Your book has been with us and has been read several times. You have a way of writing that feels “true” to me (and us) and I do appreciate the time it takes for you to make these daily missives available to so many. Thanks you for inspiring us.
Rick and Karen

Thank you Rick and Karen for your very kind words and for being open to the message.

It is my honor that you take the time to be with this message so that you can absorb it and be better able to share it, in your own ways, with others.

Indeed we are all One, and so what is within One is within All. Nothing that is given to one is ever withheld from another.

When you read something that feels true, it is not because you have never heard it before, it is because it has always been within you, simply and patiently awaiting your awakening to it.

Let us remember to use, every day, each of our thoughts, words, actions and interaction to help gently and loving awaken and enlighten this world.

Let us, on a continuous and conscious basis, fulfill our function as the light of the world.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

This reminder came at just the right time for me today. Thank you for all you share.

Thank you Diane for being open to the message.

May you continue to consciously function as a light in this world.

Peace. JBC

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