Daily Inspiration: November 24. Healing the World By Healing Our Thoughts

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened video of James reading with commentary


How can we help heal this world if our foundation, our own mind, is not yet healed? How can we offer someone something we do not have? How can we help fill this world with compassion, forgiveness, peace and understanding if our own mind does not support this way of thinking? Today, when this world seems to manifest in an unloving manner, let us not look to blame it or those in it. We have travelled that dead-end road many times before. Instead, let us look within, heal ourself first and then act from this solid foundation. Let us align with the mind of God and use Love’s expressions of compassion, forgiveness, peace and understanding. It is our own mind that defines and thus births the world we see. So today, let us practice taking greater personal responsibility for the thoughts we think, and thus for the world we see. We do so by acknowledging that the world we see and experience does not truly begin somewhere “out there,” but within our own minds.  Let us today look within and acknowledge that this world is indeed constantly being shaped by the thoughts we are thinking. Now, let us support only those thoughts that will help shape the world we want. To support a thought means to place our time, focus and energy on it. The more we support healing thoughts the more they will grow within us, radiate and shine upon all those we see. Though such choices we will begin to support the creation of a healed world, a world that is at peace with itself. As Love’s creations we have come here to help heal this world.

The first step to doing so is to heal the thoughts that become the foundation of this world. Imagine our minds focus on peaceful, forgiving compassionate and loving thoughts. What kind of world would we begin to design?

In this dualistic world, there exists the healed mind and the unhealed mind. Worry, anger, hate, resentment, revenge, guilt and shame, are all signs of an unhealed mind. An unhealed mind is unaware of its eternal loving essence and nature. If you find yourself in alignment with the unhealed mind, do not despair. Instead recall that thanks to free will you can always simply choose once again. By doing so we begin to redesign through our time, focus and energy, the world we want. The world we now have is the world that we have through our thoughts designed. It is the world we unconsciously believe we deserve and are worthy of experiencing. Once we recall that we are Love’s loving creations we will believe that we are worthy of a healed world. Being all God’s children we are all forever worthy and deserving of a healed world. Once you begin to see and feel the results of uniting your mind with God you will desire no other way. Today, if you find yourself aligned with the unhealed mind simply become aware that it is you through your thoughts who has dictated the destination. Still, do not despair. Instead choose to forgive yourself and others and by doing so aligned with the healed mind, with love, choose once again. Do not judge yourself as “less than” for finding yourself aligned with the unhealed mind. Instead, learn to use such circumstances to help you recognize the symbols of that space and mindset. Then be grateful that such experiences have given you the ability to recognize when you are out of alignment with the Truth in you. Today, let us focus on healing our thoughts before they leave their source, us. Let us make sure they are aligned with Love before we release them into the world.

Today, let us practice aligning with and thus reinforcing and strengthening the healed mind. We do so by deciding to correct our thoughts before they leave their source, our minds. As our thoughts begin aligning with peace, love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion it will be this type of world that we will begin to fuel. The more we fuel this type of world the more we will see it manifesting in our lives. As we do this we will notice that indeed it is our own healed thoughts are creating a healed world. By doing so we will stop giving our creative power away to outside forces. Seeing this will give us the desire to continue to focus on and fuel the internal dialogue that will support the world we want. The power to change this world does not come from massive external sources like governments but from within us, from we the people. As we return to our powerful yet loving nature the world around us will once again soften. The world will become a more accepting and inviting place for all of us to live in and enjoy. Today, let us recall and reinforce that the birth of this more accepting and inviting world begins within us. Let us stop blaming outside forces and start taking personal responsibility for our own healing. It is actually us who have created the world we are experiencing. Yes, the ego will try to convince us to judge ourselves for the mess that we have made. Still do not despair for we can undo what we have done. The power resides within us. Let us no longer choose to play the ego’s silly judgment centric games. It is by doing so that we will stop creating a world where judgment, blame, resentment, confusion, guilt and shame reside.

Today, whenever an unhealed thought enters your mind, use it to trigger your healing, not to condemn yourself or others. Use your awareness of the unhealed thought to practice realigning with your loving nature. Then correct your thoughts before they leave your mind. Align your thoughts with compassion, non-judgment and trust in the Divine, and you will be placing yourself on the path to peace of mind and joy. The true power to create the life and world you want resides within you, not outside of you. Today, when an unhealed thought enters your mind, look upon it with love, not shame or guilt. Gently bring the unhealed thought back into alignment with Love. Then through compassion, forgiveness and understanding, let that unhealed thought be transformed. Now healed, let the loving thought radiate from you out to this world.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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