Daily Inspiration: November 25. Fear and Anxiety as Aides, Not Adversaries

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Sometimes we do have to check under the bed and in the closet to see and realize the bogeyman is not real. Fear and anxiety do not need to be bad, hurtful or the enemy. They are simply false concepts that we have been programmed to see as real. The less “reality” we give to them, the less we will focus on them. The less we focus on them, the less real they will feel and become. It is the time, focus and energy we place on them that gives them their power. Fear and anxiety, although illusionary in nature, get stronger and become a bigger part of our life, the more we choose to support their “realty” as true. Being illusionary in nature, fear and anxiety are not bad for us. Being unreal, they are simply nothing. It is only our belief that fear and anxiety are bad for us that is bad for us. When we change our mind about the nature of fear and anxiety, we can then start shifting our response and relationship to them. Today, let us stop feeding fear and anxiety. Instead, let us simply see them for what they are, false concepts we have temporarily bought into as real. Let us note how much control we actually have over them. Let us note how they grow or lessen depending on how much we place our focus on them. Their purpose was for us to experience long enough to understand their illusionary nature. Now that they have served their purpose we can thank them and let them go. Now, having chosen to let go of fear and anxiety we see before us what has always been there awaiting our awakening, the state of peace. Now peace results because we no longer but into the ego’s lies as true. Now let us instead place our faith in God and in the perfect and sacred nature of the journey we have co-designed with the Divine.

If we stop watering an indoor plant that plant will begin to die. If we stop placing our time, focus and energy on fear and anxiety they will begin to dissolve from our experience. It is what we focus our time and energy on that grows. Let us today focus on the thoughts and emotions that will help us develop the life we want. As God’s creations love is our fuel source and eternal essence. It is this essence we have come here to in our own unique and sacred ways and through our interactions with each other share and thus expand. Love has numerous expressions such as those of compassion, kindness, charity, forgiveness, peace and joy. The more we share these expressions of love the more loving and fulfilling our lives become. The more loving and fulfilling our lives become the less fear and anxiety we experience. The more often we are able to set a loving example the easier it will be for others to see that there indeed are better answers than fear and anxiety. Today, if fear and anxiety try to strike at you simply recall their illusionary nature. Recall the power you have to make them a bigger or smaller part of your day and life. Many are looking for a way out of the ego’s fear based mindset. They are looking for a way out of the tunnel of darkness and despair that the ego has sold to them as being their home. Every time we choose forgiveness and peace instead of judgment and anger we help lead our brothers and sisters out of the tunnel. Today, when fear and anxiety come calling let us see it as as an opportunity being offered to us by the Universe to learn how to trust God more. As we practice doing so will we find that as God’s creations peace of mind is indeed our birthright.

Today, let us start to see fear and anxiety as aides and not as adversaries. Let us understand they are showing us which false concepts we are still holding unto and supporting as real within our minds. As we acknowledge their gift to us let us show our gratitude for the part they play. Let us be grateful for the service they provide in our growth, healing and awakening process. Our relationship to them begins to shift when we react to them with gratitude instead of condemnation. Now we know it was because we experienced them long enough that WE got to see and understand them for what they truly were. They have in truth always been but false concepts, lies we no longer need to buy into or believe as true. Now, when they pop into our minds we no longer need to focus on them and thus make them a bigger part of our lives. Now, we simply recognize and use them as signs that help trigger in us the desire to trust God more. We have played the ego’s games long enough. The ego’s games of fear and anxiety have served their purpose. Now, we know when we experience them it is because the ego is in control of our minds. It is then that the ego is thinking for us and thus living our lives. Now, let us use this self-awareness to begin to take our thoughts, minds and lives back. Now, let us acknowledge the sacred and perfect nature of each one of the steps along our journey. Now even the so-called bad experiences, those times when fear and anxiety ruled over us, can be use for good. Now we learn to use them to take back control of our own minds from the ego. Now we use this self-awareness to see them as our aides and not our adversaries.

Today, if fear or anxiety come knocking at your mind’s door, use it as an opportunity to practice trusting God more. Notice that the more you develop your trust in the Divine, the less fear and anxiety rule over you. Trust the Divine wholeheartedly and fear and anxiety dissolve before your light and understanding. Now note how fear and anxiety are giving you the opportunity to practice trusting God more. Wouldn’t you be grateful to anyone or anything whose true purpose in your life is to help you trust God more? Wouldn’t learning to trust God more bring about a greater sense of peace, security and joy into your life? Isn’t this what fear and anxiety are really doing? With this in mind, become grateful not judgmental of fear and anxiety. Now see and treat them as your aides and not your adversaries.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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