Daily Inspiration: November 30. The Power of Listening to Yourself through Others

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Being all One, when you are listening to another, you are in actuality listening to a part of yourself. When your higher-self is not able to get a message through to you, then it calls out to the Universe for help and healing. The Universe then calls for volunteers, “other parts of you” to share with you what you have been failing to hear. Whoever is communicating with you is who has volunteered to bring the message forth. Do not kill the messengers. In fact, offer them gratitude for bringing into your awareness what you have been failing to hear. Whenever a brother or sister is speaking to us, at its highest level, it is always in service to us. This is why listening to and being grateful for what they are saying is the proper and honorable response to their service.

Listening to others is one of the greatest acts of self-awareness, love and self-love. Today, pay attention to what you are trying to communicate to yourself through others. Those in front of you are messengers sent to you by God. They have come into your life to help you hear what God has been trying to help you become aware of. They are here to help you hear what your ego has been blocking from your own awareness. For this reason, appreciation is the appropriate response to our interaction with them. When someone helps you hear what you have been blocking from your own self-awareness, is that not an act of kindness, a gift they are offering you? Note, that out of close to eight billion people, God has chosen those who are in front of you. They, through the act of free-will, have volunteered to help you better hear, so that you can more quickly reflect and begin to heal.

Why is it that we are not taught the art of listening in school? Listening to another of God’s children in an open and non-judgmental manner is an act of love, and love is who we are. Every moment when properly perceived is a gift from God to us. Everything a brother or sister says to us is in one form or another a gift when properly perceived and received. What they say can help lift us through forgiveness or understanding to a higher level of consciousness and a deeper sense of self-awareness.

When you are not listening to another you are in essence denying God’s gift to you. Today accept God’s gift. Align with Love and listen to what God is trying to say to you through others. When you are judging what another person is saying you are in essence judging God’s gift to you. When the ego tries to convince you that what another is saying is boring or not worthwhile you are in essence rejecting your time with God. You will never find true peace of mind and joy as long as you are continuously unconsciously judging, denying and rejecting God’s gifts. Today, let us make a serious effort to listen to what God’s children are trying to share with us. Place your shoulders, body and feet facing them and continue to face them and only them throughout their efforts to communicate with you. Look deeply into their eyes and imagine them as the only person on Earth. Remember that God has sent them to you. Rejoice that God so loves and trust you that He has sent His child to you. Set your focus on them, do not interrupt, and listen until they have said all they had to say. Yes, we have been programmed by the ego in such a way that this may not seem an easy thing to do. Still, do not despair. When your attention begins to fade simply remind yourself of your goal. Remind yourself that God has sent His child to you because He trust you.

Today, when ‘others’ are talking to us, and the ego tries to convince us to judge, be bored, frustrated or angry by, let us stop that line of thinking. As we quiet the ego, let us then send them a silent blessing and continue to listen without judgment. Let us recall that our goal today is to be fully present. To be fully present means to listen without judgment. To be fully present means being patient, grateful and kind. When we do so, because we are in essence listening to a part of ourselves we are practicing loving our whole-self. We are recalling that we too are worthy of hearing God’s message. Today, in every interaction our primary goal is to listen without judgment, to truly pay attention with our whole heart, mind and soul. Then after the interaction let us offer our gratitude to God and to His messengers. If you find yourself being distracted by the ego’s noise such as insisting that the person in front of you is not worthy of your time, recall your goal. Then return your focus to the gift that God is presenting to you. Remind yourself that God has sent them to you and you to them. Show them your patience, gratitude and understanding, for their presence, efforts and message. Being all One, every time you get to practice being patient, grateful and understanding, you are learning you are also worthy of these efforts. The more respectful you are to other parts of you, the more you will feel that all of you is worthy of being heard by God. The more you feel that God is actually listening to you the more at peace and joyful you will become. All this thanks to your simple effort to listen.

Today, practice listening without judgment. Recall that God is Love and All. Thus every interaction is here as a gift from God to you. Each person you interact with is God’s messenger, here to help you hear something your own ego has been blocking. Because of this block, your higher self has asked for help. All calls for help are answered. God heard your call and asked for volunteers to help you hear what your ego was blocking. The ego will try to intervene. It will tell you what this “other” person is saying is boring, not worth listening to, or just plain wrong. These reactions have nothing to do with them. These reactions are signs of the ego trying to block you from what you are needing to hear. Today, when the ego tries to block you, smile and let this trigger in you the desire to once again fully align with your goal.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (2)

Yes thank you.I am blessed with many wonderful messengers as you are,we all are.I had been stuck on something a loved friend said to me about my body.I realize now it’s an aid to relinqish my egos attatchment to my ownership of specialness of self and need for beauty and desirable needs wanting to be beautiful and desirable when I am already in Spirit as God mafe me and not to judge my body as faulty but accept it as what it is a communication device that is to be used for love.I am working on this.I thank God for my wonderful friend and messenger.Nothing here is permanent nor perfect,yet God in us is.

Thank you Donna for your comment.

The body, yes, a communication device that we have been given to deliver the message of Love.

Forgiveness, compassion, trust, hope, healing, mercy and grace, all are Love’s message, all within us to deliver to those in need of recalling their eternal loving essence and nature.

Peace. JBC

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