Daily Inspiration: November 4. The Illusion of One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Please do not feel discouraged if you think that you have taken a step or two backward on your journey. In reality, there is no such thing. You might think this way, not because this thought is true, but because you have been programmed to believe it is true. It is a false concept that you have been programmed by the ego to think is real. The ego does this to try to separate you from Perfection, from a sense of Oneness with God. It does this so that it can have you all to itself. It says to you that if you are taking steps backward on your journey, then obviously you could not be a part or creation of a perfect God. Since you are not a part of a perfect God, then you must be a part of it, the ego. This way, the ego gets to survive through your belief in it. The more the ego can convince you of your oneness with it, the bigger part of your life it becomes. This gives it more power over you. One-step forward and two-steps back that is just one of the ego’s numerous delusions and dances. In reality every step and moment on your journey is a perfect and sacred co-design with the Divine. Each step is a part of a sacred process that is helping you reach a higher level of consciousness. Know that when you’re feeling bad, off balance, less than, are judging yourself, or blaming others these are signs of the ego’s rule over you. Today, recall you have free will and no longer allow the ego to rule over you. Take back control of your own mind by remembering there is never a need to judge or feel negative about yourself or your journey. Recall that every step knowingly or not is helping us reach a deeper level of self-awareness and thus a more conscious union with our All-Loving Source.

To get a better understanding of how illusionary the idea of a “steps backward” is, all we need do take a look at our past. When we do so we see all the gifts, wisdom and life lessons we accumulated because of our experiences. Today, let us practice shifting our perceptions. Let us see what the ego has programmed us to define as errors, mistakes, sins, and missteps, now as gifts, opportunities, wisdom and life lessons. Today, think about all the blessing that we have accumulated thanks to our past so-called step backwards. Now instead of judging you and them become grateful for your experiences and for those who were a part of your growth journey. Let us ask ourselves: “Would we be the well-rounded and wise beings that we are today without our past? If our past contributed to making us well-rounded and wise was that past in and of itself not blessing in disguise? If the past was a gift to us would that not mean that every part of it was in one form or another of use and helpful? If something is helpful and made us more well-rounded and wise was it ever really bad, an error, mistake, sin or misstep in the first place? If not then were those so-called “steps backward” really ever “steps backward” in the first place? If such situations and events we once swore were steps backwards were not really steps backwards then can such a delusional concept ever be real or true? Steps backwards, errors are just a story you have been taught as non-fiction. They do not exist because God is Love and All and so every step along our path is a reflection and representation of our progress. Perfection is always perfect. The only thing that could ever ‘separate’ us from this knowledge and understanding would be our own misperceptions.

Today, let us practice seeing our so-called steps backward as actual gifts. They are providing us with the wisdom and life experience we need to become who we came here to be. Now when something occurs and we end up judging ourself or another for seemingly taking a step backward on our journey let us stop. Then let us recall how to now through Love’s lens we can achieve a better understanding of how to deal with and think about such moments. Now, let us simply and gently consciously shift our perception by aligning it with the mind of God. Compassion, peace and understanding are all reflections of a mind in alignment with the mind of God. Now let us see and reinforce every step as a sacred co-creation with a Perfect and All-Loving God. This understanding will help us become a brighter light for all those who are feeling lost, resentful, frustrated and confused.

Today, let us recall that the concept of “steps backward” are in truth not true. They are in reality blessings, gift from the universe to us. Even seeming steps backward being in truth an expression of the Sacred are here to propel you and the people you touch “forward”. Today, let us no longer buy into the ego’s lies as true. Instead let us respect ourselves and our journeys. Let us no longer put ourselves down for living life and being human. Let us instead practice equally blessing and being thankful for both the “steps forward” and the “steps backward”.  Now we know that they are both equally helpful, sacred, and of use. Now, we know them as equally gifts from God to us. Knowing this, what use or need would we ever again have to judge each other’s journeys? What other state, then those of compassion, peace, joy and understanding would we live in? What emotion other than gratitude would we have for those who travel along our path?

Steps backward do not exist within God’s perfect creation. God is Love and All. Thus every single step along our path is a reflection and representation of Divine perfection. Today, let us make the conscious decision to place our faith in God, instead of the ego’s delusions. Let us remember that the ego’s ways bring us nothing but self-judgment, confusion, frustration, resentment and pain. When we place our faith in God’s sacred plan, we feel fulfilled and at peace. Here we experience each step of our journey as good. Each step is here to help in our growth, healing and awakening process. Aligned with this knowledge, our judgments of self and others dissolve before our light and understanding. When we align with this understanding, gratitude becomes our response to each moment and to everyone involved.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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