Daily Inspiration: October 11. Today Enjoy the Bounty of Your Harvest

We have taught ourselves who we think we are, but how often have we allowed who we truly are to teach us? Today, let us allow the Love that in truth we are and its expressions such as those of compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy to become our teachers. Let us allow them to gently remind us, by consciously aligning with them, of our true nature. Let us make them our constant companions and then present them to all those God sends our way. Let us recall that those who have yet to remember their true nature need guidance and support, not attack and condemnation. When we attack those who need reminding this simply reveals to us that we ourselves have failed to recall who in truth we are. Still, do not despair if you have yet to recall who in truth you are. Instead, focus on that seed of Love that forever resides within. Water this seed with your time, focus and energy, through your thoughts, words and actions. Do so and behold this seed grow and blossom before your eyes and understanding. Today, there is nothing more that we are being asked to do then to be who in truth we are. By cultivating our true nature we will grow, strengthen and flourish into the beings we came here to be. Today, let the bounty of our harvest bless and help heal all those that come our way. Today, let us offer all others only who in truth we are. This will provide to them the nourishment and guidance they need.Being all One, as we through our loving nature nourish them, they too will begin to awaken and heal. Their awakening will then bless the environment that we and our family live in. In an environment nourished by Love those around us will start to flourish. In doing so greater compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy, will begin to fill and replenish this sacred land.

Today, recall that every single thought, word, emotion and action that you think of and express is a seed. When your seed is planted on fertile truthful ground it will grow, flourish and multiply. Its bounty will nourish you, your children, and all those who through your presence in their lives you have the honor to feed. A paradise of innocence, beauty, compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy, will grow and flourish around you. It will also bless the lives of all those you get to serve. They then inspired by you will desire to do the same for others. They will use these same seeds to produce a beautiful and bountiful paradise around them. Paradise is not fictional place. It is for most of us just a simple choice away. Paradise is your true nature and Home. The more you offer the loving bounty of your harvest the more you will realize that this is truly so. Being all God’s children we are forever worthy of being seen as innocent. We are all forever worthy of being fed and nourished with compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy. When others act in a manner that seems to be void of compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy, do not despair. What are they truly asking for is what they themselves think they lack. Offer others what they think they lack in order to help remind them they could never lack the love that they were created to be. What else would God want but for all His children to enjoy the bounty of His harvest?  Our Father God has planted the seed, our Mother Earth has nourished it and lovingly guided its growth. We are the end result, the flower, the fruit, the harvest of our Father’s and Mother’s Love. Let us today show our Father and Mother our gratitude by helping feed and nourish all their children.

Today, as we practice teaching our true nature we will reap what we sow and enjoy the bounty of our harvest. If you look upon a flower do you not see its innocence and beauty? Is a flower not God’s creation? Is not your brother and sister equally God’s creation? Are the true qualities of a flower, being all One, not also true qualities of your brother and sister? Today, let us practice seeing all of God’s creations as innocent and beautiful. By doing so we get to acknowledge and reinforce our own innocence and beauty. This circle of innocence and beauty has no end. The more people we bring into it the larger it becomes and the safer, more comfortable and at peace we will feel in such a world. Imagine, choosing to see only the truth in all others as true. Imagine, seeing and interacting with all of God’s creations as His children. How would you feel in such a world? How would you feel if everywhere you looked you beheld only innocence and beauty? In such a world would you not live in a constant state of gratitude, peace and joy? Today, recall that such a world is always but a simple choice away. Today, let us  through free will practice dropping every delusion that does not support the innocence and beauty of God’s children. By doing so we will forever get to see, experience and enjoy the bounty of the Divine. This is all that we have in truth ever been ask to do, to see things as they truly are. Love only creates Lovingly because Love is All Love is. Love, and its expressions such as those of innocence, beauty, compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy are everywhere. Today invite and allow God to see and define your experience. All you need do to see as God sees is to dismiss your delusions and simply allow the truth to be true.

Today, through the seeds of compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy start planting the world you desire to be nourished by. Such a world comes to fruition through the thoughts you think, words you use, emotions you support and the actions you take. Yes, it is you who is ultimately responsible for the world that grows and flourishes around you. It is the world that you grow that will either feed and nourish you or hurt and poison you. Every thought, word, emotion and action are seeds you plant. Today, take personal responsibility for the seeds you are in every interaction planting. It is by doing so that you begin to weed out the thoughts within your mind that do not support and nourish the world you want. Today, align your thoughts with the love that God created you to be and behold the bounty of your harvest.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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