Daily Inspiration: October 16. What is The Ego?

The ego is not evil, nor is it your enemy. To define the ego as evil or the enemy is to give the ego a power it does not have. The ego is simply a limited and illusionary belief system within the mind. The ego expands or contracts depending on the time, focus and energy we place on it. The ego supports thoughts that are in seeming opposition to Love, God, All. Yet because God is All, there could never be an opposition to Love, All, God. Thus in essence, the ego is not true or real. Whatever the ego supports as natural, normal and proper expressions of who we are — are really just false concepts. They are delusional programs that we have been taught are true. Whatever the ego supports as true is false. Whatever it supports as reality is illusionary in nature.  Anytime we are working through the ego’s mindset we are ‘acting’ and being who in truth we are not. Our acting may take numerous forms. Some of these forms are when we “act” in a  judgmental, anxious, angry, resentful, hateful and revengeful manner. None of these expressions are aspects of our true nature. These are all simply parts the we have been programmed by the ego to play. We play such parts in order to continue to feed the ego’s thought system. The longer we continue to feed the ego’s mindset the longer it can continue to survive through us. The truth in us would never judge an actor in a play as being a bad human being simply because he is acting as one. Therefore, why judge yourself or others, for being something other than who God created us all to be?

Know that when you feed the ego, you starve your self. Acting as who we are not does not make us bad people, just unaware of our true nature, asleep to who in truth we are. Let us no longer judge ourselves or others for simply being unaware or asleep to our true nature. Now we know that type of thinking only continues to feed the ego’s mindset. As we feed the ego, we make it a larger, more real and important part of who we think we are. In reality, the ego is only as real and as big as we make it. Today, let’s stop feeding and fueling its growth.

The ego would not only like for us to judge ourselves and others, but also judge ourselves for judging others. The ego understands that anytime it can have use its mindset and tools, this increases its power over us. The more the ego controls our minds, the more unconscious we become. In this unconscious state of mind it is the ego that is living our lives for us. We become like zombies simply doing all that it wants us to do. No one who is a zombie is in conscious alignment with their Source, Love, God. In fact, a symbol that shows us that we are acting like zombies is having that sense of separation from Source. We feel unworthy of Love, God. Today, let us start to awaken from this zombie like state of mind. We do so by no longer feeding the ego’s false concepts. Today, when thoughts of judgment, anxiousness, anger, resentment, hate and revenge try to control us let us recall that this is not our true nature. This thinking shows us that our ego is in control of our thoughts, and thus of our minds and lives. Yet, do not despair, for we can undo what we have done. Let us learn to see, that any expression that seems to be in opposition to Love as illusionary in nature. Once we recognize theses delusional programs as false it is then that we can begin to deprogram ourselves from them. By doing so we begin to take back control of our own minds and lives. Thinking, being and sharing Love’s expressions are all signs we are starting to take back control of our minds and lives. Today, let us slowly but surely start taking back control from the ego so that we can start living the lives that we came here to live.

Thoughts, words and actions that do not serve humanity are not who in truth we are. They are not who we in truth desire to represent, experience and share. If you find yourself once again using the ego’s mindset, do not despair. Most times it is only through their repeated use that we realize how unlike these energies and emotions are to the truth in us. Simply remind yourself that God is Love and that Love uses all for good. Everything, even the ego’s tools will in the end be used to serve a higher purpose. All these experiences are helping us in some way, shape or form release us from the ego’s grip. Many times, the only way to truly understand that the ego’s programs are illusionary in nature is to experience them long enough or enough times. This helps us see that in truth they offer us nothing we truly need or want. Today, let us no longer judge ourselves. Let us no longer give the ego a power that it has truly never had. Simply and without vitriol let us allow the ego’s illusions to be whatever they seem to be. Let us simply and gently recognize that we are headed somewhere that we desire not to go. Then, let us forgive self and others, turn around, and start heading in a direction that returns us to our true and sacred path. That path that is in alignment with the love, peace and joy of God. Love, peace and joy all are signs that show us we are headed in the right direction. When we travel Love’s path we become representatives of God on Earth. Today, let go and forgive all worries, anxiousness, stresses, confusion and chaos, all judgments, anger, resentments, hate and revenge filled thoughts. Today, let these delusions now begin to dissolve before our light and understanding.

Today, when not at peace, do not despair. Instead, recognize you feel this way because you are allowing the ego to think for you. All you need do is to correct your thinking and align once again with your loving nature. Love is who we are and thus our natural state of mind. Peace is one of the numerous expressions of Love and thus is our natural state of mind. God being Love can and will use all for good. He can use even the ego’s mindset and tools to help us heal and awaken. God is Love and All thus all people and situations are here to in some way, shape or form help lift us to a higher level of consciousness. You are here to be and represent your Loving Source in whichever ways are most natural to you. Do so and behold the ego’s mindset and tools begin to dissolve before your light and understanding.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (2)

Hi James,

Thank you for this message today…I have been having less than divine thoughts about myself today for sure. This message helped be to get back on track. I am so grateful to you for putting out these messages on a daily bases…blessings.

Thank you Margaret for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

The more times we get to consciously practice aligning with our divine nature, the more natural this state of mind will become.

The more we realize that our forgetfulness is simply helping us remember, to practice consciously align our thoughts with the Divine, the less judgmental and more appreciative, of self and others, we will be.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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