Daily Inspiration: October 22. Only Our Interpretations Can Upset Us

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


It is not our brothers’ and sisters’ words or actions that upset us. It is our interpretations of their words and actions that upset us. We are not upset with them. We are upset at the way we have perceived them. In essence, we are upset with ourself, not them. We are upset with the way we are treating and thinking about God’s children. Being all One, how we treat others is how we unconsciously think we are worthy of being treated. We cannot think we are worthy of being mistreated and still experience the peace and joy of God. If we don’t experience peace and joy, that is not God punishing us. It is our own guilt that is blocking our self-awareness of what is possible for us. Our brothers and sisters are in our life helping us recall how truly worthy we are of God’s peace and joy. For this, let us offer them our gratitude and not our judgment. If your interpretations are constantly aligned with the state of gratitude what peace or joy could you not experience. Would peace and joy not flow through you and throughout your day? Imagine the peace and joy of God becoming your constant companions. This is indeed possible. Being God’s children His inheritance is ours to accept, experience, enjoy and share. Peace and joy are actually natural expressions of one who’s interpretations of self and others is in alignment with the Mind of God. Today, let us recall we are worthy of God’s peace and joy. Then let us offer this to others so that we get to experience it ourselves.

All perceptions and interpretations of our brothers and sisters reside within our minds. If our perceptions and interpretations are not aligned with our eternal loving essence and nature, then it is within our minds where healing must take place. Once our minds are healed, then our perceptions and interpretations of others will also be healed. These perceptions and interpretations shift depending on the value we place on them. The more we focus on and give value to an idea the greater part of our day and life it becomes. As it becomes a greater part of our days, it starts to become a greater part of our lives. If we desire to lessen an idea’s grip on us, then we must lessen our belief in its value. The idea can through our choice to value it hold us captive or through our choice to forgive and release it set us free. In the end no one else can hurt us. No one else can hold us captive. No one else but us through our thoughts can set us free. Your imprisonment within the ego’s mindset or freedom from it does not depend on someone or something “out there.” Your imprisonment or freedom begins and ends as thoughts within your own mind. Being all One heal and free your mind from your own misperceptions and false interpretations and you will begin to reflect this healing out onto the world. It is you who by the grace of God through free will saves or imprisons the world you see. The world you see is the world that through your thoughts you have made. If you do not like the world you see change the thoughts that color it. Then the picture of the world you see will also then begin to shift and change.

Today, let us stop blaming our brothers, sisters or the outer world for how we feel. When we make the conscious choice to stop blaming our brothers, sisters and the outer world for how we feel, we stop giving our power away to them. It is always us who, through the thoughts we think, hold the power over the world we see. Today, let us all start taking greater personal responsibility for how we are seeing, experiencing and interpreting our world. By doing so, we once again recall and reinforce that the choice to be critical and upset or to be joyful and at peace is in the end ours alone to make. True everlasting freedom from the ego’s world and mindset is always just a simple choice away. All you need to do is consciously choose to place aside the illusionary veils that stands between you and Love who is your Creator and creative power. You have free will thus it must always be your choice to decide take your power and control back from the ego’s programs and mindset. Remember today that any and every time you are upset at yourself or another it is not for the reason you have been programmed by the ego to think. It is simply because you have placed your belief and focus on the ego’s veils instead of your internal and eternal loving essence and nature. Today, let us make the conscious decision to place aside the veils that stands between us and our freedom. Let us do so and watch the barriers between us and our peace of mind and joy dissolve away. Let us do so and behold the illusionary veils between us and our Creator finally fall. It is by doing so that we are freed from who the ego has  programmed us to be begins to dissolve before our light and understanding.

Today, if you are upset with a brother or sister, choose to not judge them. Instead, recall that it is not them but your interpretation of them that is upsetting you. You are upset because you are seeing a reflection of the ego’s program and not God’s child. When you see God’s child as he or she was created to be, then you’ll realign with the Mind of God. Peace and non-judgment are signs of one who is aligned with the Mind of God. Today, learn to use moments of anger to practice taking your thoughts and thus your mind back from the ego’s grip. In moments of despair, free will invites you to choose God over the ego, love over fear, and thus peace over pain. Today, dedicate the day to seeing your brothers and sisters through Love’s lens. Do so and love, peace and non-judgment will become your eternal companions.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (2)

Thanks James . ..I hope this is all in your book because I just bought it

Thank you missn for your purchase.

All the information you are reading now will be available in future books.

Book 1, the one you bought, provides a good foundation for the material you are now reading.

Peace. JBC

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